January 2021 E-Newsletter
Hello all,

I don’t know if you all have noticed but a New Year has started. Our wish for all of you is a Happy, Healthy and Fulfilling 2021!

Sad Passing
The New Year is a time of transition. As I sat down to write this I received the sad news of the passing of Jane Savoie, an icon in the Dressage world, a wonderful person and advocate for the horse. I met Jane Savoie once, and we communicated from time to time on matters of shared interest in the horse. That shared interest became clear to me after I worked on a horse of hers named Moshe.

I knew Jane Savoie was a well-known rider, coach, and prolific author and creator of equine educational programs, but it wasn’t until I was done working on Moshe that I knew how important a person she really was. Thinking that she must not have entrusted one of her upper-level horses to me, I said to her, “I’m not really finding any issues with Moshe. What does he do for a living?”

With a laugh, she replied that he was her Grand Prix horse. My experience of upper-level dressage horses up to that point wasn’t the softness, suppleness, and balance of this horse. It’s then that I realized how important a person Jane Savoie was to the horse world. May that influence continue through the educational materials she’s left behind.
Relationship Between Horse and Human
Sometimes the interaction between horse and human can take us to places we least expect. The documentary “A Mind Like Still Water” shows how poignant a place that can be.

When it was being filmed, Mark and I thought it was just going to be about a horse event, but it led all of us somewhere we didn’t expect. It’s different and interesting, and worth seeing if you want to see what your horse can do for you.

It’s out now, to rent or to buy, on iTunes/AppleTV, Amazon, and a bunch of other downloadable places. It's $2.99 to rent on Amazon and streaming to own is $7.99. Not bad.

What we’d really like to see is the film make it to larger audiences, like Netflix… PBS… (the Oscars?). We’re told that rave reviews are what make those things happen. The more reviews are left on the video, the higher the value to those larger platforms in purchasing it. That will end up having more people see it, which means more horses will be helped, which is my end goal.

If you’ve seen or are going to see the video, and like it, you can help by taking a few minutes to leave a genuine, heart-felt, rave review on whatever site you found it.

We’re thinking of having a genuine, heart-felt, rave review contest ;). Or, just letting you watch it and say what you like. Either way, we’d like you to share it with everyone. At least watch the trailer - it’s a horse trailer, so it shouldn’t be too painful.

Hands Online Membership
Our Hands Online Membership program is off to a good start with our December and January Live with Jim and Expert Hour Zoom calls. These are archived for members to review, with more February events coming up in… February?

We have some clips from those calls below, for you to see if this is something you’d like to do. All kinds of ways to stay in touch are popping up these days, and this is one of them.

Heading Out West
Am on the road now and will be in North Scottsdale, AZ by the time you get this. If you read this before January 15, 16, and 17 and are in the Phoenix area, you can come and watch Mark Rashid and that Jim guy work with horses and riders at the Ponderosa Rebel Arena. I’ll then head over to Santa Cruz, CA to work on some horses and certify some new Masterson Method Practitioners. Again, if you’re ready to get out of the house, and are in the area, come by and watch Mark and me work with some horses and riders.

On the Road
Took somewhat of a meandering route out to Arizona and will be doing same on the way home to Iowa, and so I will add more travelogue adventures in next month’s newsletter. There’s a neat little video thing called a Pivo that automatically tracks you as you move around while video taping. I stopped and made myself learn how to use it on the drive out. Here’s a little preview:
A Short Sleigh Ride
Before leaving home we had a snow-storm and I was able to get the sleigh out. Annabelle and Jeremiah took me out for a round, and my nephew followed us with his drone camera. I’m putting together a video of that which I’ll share with you next month. In the meantime here’s a little preview:
I’ll leave you with that. Take a look at what we have going on below. I look forward to sharing what’s happening on this trip with you next month.

Until then,

Happy New Year and like me,

Enjoy your horses!

Membership Sneak Peek!
Take a look at what our Members see
If you haven’t heard, we launched a tiered, monthly Membership Program last month on our new Education site at www.mastersoneducation.com. New resources and live Zoom calls are added each month! This platform will continue to grow and the new "Master the Method" Advanced Home Study Course will be added this spring. Here's a sneak peek at what Members are accessing:

Hands Online Level 1 and 2 Members can watch Jim do fully bodywork sessions, ask him questions in a Live Review with Jim call every month, and connect with other members. 
Here is a short clip from the January Live Review with Jim call. Here Jim replays his demonstration video while explaining the Scapula Release technique, and answers a Member's question.
Level 1 membership is open to the general public.
In addition to the Live with Jim calls, Hands Online Level 2 Members can also learn more about specific techniques in Jim's Technique Breakdown videos (he uses slow-motion to demonstrate and clarify how precisely we achieve softness and stay under the brace), as well as expand their knowledge with our Expert Hour calls led by a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner to illuminate a bodywork-related topic each month.

Here is a short clip from the December 2020 Expert Hour Zoom call with Becky Tenges, Masterson Method® Advanced Instructor (for Level 2 Members only). In this clip, Becky is explaining the location of the Hyoid Apparatus. In the full recording, she also addresses how the Hyoid Apparatus connects directly and indirectly to the rest of the horse’s body, and how to work with it—and leverage its anatomic connections—using foundational Masterson Method® techniques.
To become a Level 2 Member, you must have attended a Weekend Seminar or Equine Specialist Course, or be enrolled in the Beyond Horse Massage Home Study Course. 

Our next Expert Hour call, New Year, New Ways to See Your Horse, will be led by Beckie Haynes, Masterson Method Instructor, on January 21, 2021 at 2:00PM Central time. Beckie will share tips for observing your horse from head to tail, and things to look for when assessing your horse’s overall health and wellbeing. She'll lightly touch on a wide breadth of topics from conformation and anatomy to biomechanics and the primary issues we address as bodyworkers (toes, teeth, and tack), preparing us for the more in-depth Expert Hour topics planned for 2021!
Valentine's Sale!
Buy Something for Your Sweetie - meaning HORSE!
Easy-to-View Wall Chart 14% off
February 1st - 14th
This Masterson Method wall chart came out of a request from readers for a visual reminder to use in the stall when practicing the techniques taught in the book and DVD Beyond Horse Massage. It is easy to read, easy to follow, a lot easier to carry into the stall than a two pound book, and less expensive to replace if stepped on, eaten – or worse.

The wall chart is 11×11 inches and printed on a 250-gram “art board” with a varnish that makes it somewhat moisture resistant. It is spiral bound and includes a brass grommet hole for easy hanging.
For the Love of Aria
A Story about Star, by Gina Kuttrus
For the Love of Aria, Inc. supports and promotes the emotional, mental, and physical health and well being of at-risk, rescue, and therapy horses, and is led by Gina Kuttrus, MMCP.

Meet Star, a horse we helped mentally and physically with the help of The Masterson Method® in collaboration with veterinarians, trainers, and her humans at The Right Step Horse Therapy in Colorado.

Star is an equine-assisted services horse who primarily did adaptive riding (formerly referred to as therapeutic riding). She injured her left lower hind and needed rehabilitation to go back into her program. There was never a definitive diagnosis for her injury. Star came to us very lame and on stall rest. It was easy to see she did not like being in a stall. In her life before adaptive riding, she had been a working ranch horse. She was already being followed by a veterinarian who said she needed to do true stall rest....
Social Media Update
How Long has it Been Since You've Been
to One of our Social Media Pages?
by Amelia Nalli, MM Social Media Specialist
Many of you follow The Masterson Method® on Facebook and Instagram but did you know that we are also on Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn? Facebook has, by far, the most followers and engagement from people new to the method and people who have been Certified Practitioners for years. By posting on these platforms we start a conversation about how we relate to horses and how to relieve tension and increase range of motion in the horse's body. Seeing posts from people who are excited about trying the Bladder Meridian on their horse for the first time is inspiring and reminds us of the first time we tried, "Search, Response, Stay, Release."

As far as scheduling goes, every Monday we post about a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner (MMCP) and with more than 300 already certified and new people certifying all the time, that might take awhile. "Why Wednesday" is posted every week with questions from the Bodywork Blog, interspersed with video clips of Jim answering questions on the Facebook Live sessions.

On the first and third Friday of the month we post about new Blog posts on the Masterson Method website and the other Fridays we share an interesting story from a student or practitioner working with a horse. The other days of the week, we post about things like a podcast that Jim was on or other items of interest.  We also share stories on Instagram, Facebook, and the new ‘fleet’ from Twitter. On Twitter, stories last for 24 hours and are a lot of fun to catch up with people and see them working with horses using The Masterson Method® Techniques. By the way, please use #mastersonmethod when posting about Masterson Method so we can find you and share your story too.
Larry's Masterson Method Bodyworker
Leslie Kennedy, MMCP
By Louise Spilsbury
Louise Spilsbury wrote about Leslie Kennedy, MMCP, in her blog, The Horse Lover.

Larry started his career under saddle as a two-year-old race horse. Now fifteen, he has spent many years carrying a rider on his back. It’s no surprise that he has suffered his share of injuries and discomfort as a result. In the four years that I’ve owned him, I’ve learned that many of his performance and behaviour issues – nipping at me in cross-ties, girthiness (fussing and pinning his ears when the girth is being tightened), leaning into the bit, stumbling under saddle, refusing to go forward or running away – are actually symptoms of underlying pain. What great luck for me – and Larry – that my riding coach, Leslie Kennedy (Dynamic Bodywurks Canada), became a Masterson Method® Certified Practitioner....
Newly Certified Practitioners
To find a Certified Practitioner near you
Melanie Fauske
Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK

Melanie has been involved with horses all her life. She trained and rode horses in endurance riding competitions at the international level, was ranked the top British Endurance rider, and placed 8th in the European trophy. She became British Endurance champion riding her own horse, Schenkers Samurai and also took the coveted "‘Best Condition’ award" for the same 160km race.

Since retiring from competitive riding, Melanie has focused on the relationship between horse and human, which led to studying natural horsemanship. At the same time, she began looking into bare hoof trimming in which, after graduating the school of Barehoof Strategy, she became a professional hoof trimmer. Melanie also works with a professional dancer and together they have established a unique dance company: Barehoof Performance.

This focuses on a creative and sensitive relationship between rider, horse, and performer, where each respond to the others’ movement. Melanie was drawn to equine bodywork to be able to keep her performance horses in top condition and also to assist with her hoof trimming work on clients’ horses. The Masterson Method® fits well with her ethos of working with the horse using natural methods to connect and communicate.

Phone: 07804 017929
Daniela Halbfas
Bremen, Germany

Working more than 20 years as a riding therapist for children, I always tried to make the life of the kind and hardworking therapy horses as comfortable as possible. In addition to a lot of other changes, I qualified in osteopathy, craniosacral therapy and acupuncture for horses and got a coaching license in a special form of lunging. With these qualifications I started my own business as a horse bodyworker and trainer.

Every now and then I met horses who badly needed bodywork, but were too much in pain and therefore afraid to be touched. When I came across the Masterson Method®, it was like a breakthrough for those special cases. When the horses realize that their mimic and body language signals are understood and their limitations respected, most of them are willing to open up and cooperate.

Due to The Masterson Method®, not only my bodywork, but also my whole interaction with horses has become more subtle and refined. When practicing Masterson, I’m always glad to experience the trust and mutual understanding which is developing between horse and human.

I practice in and around Bremen. For a group of interested horse owners, I would travel within Northern Germany.

Bruno Ryffel
Schwyz, Switzerland

Bruno grew up in the city of Zurich where he began working with horses at the early age of 6. His first experience came from leading a scrap iron collector’s draft horses. Over the years, his duties grew to include harnessing, unharnessing, feeding, and grooming until, as a teenager, he began riding the draft horses as well. Since Bruno could not afford formal riding training at the time, Horst Stern’s 1961 book titled "So verdient man sich die Sporen" (This is How You Earn the Spurs), became his guide to "self-taught" riding training. During this period, he rode mainly on extensive rides in the Swiss Jura and occasionally on vacations.

At around the age of 25, priorities changed and many years followed in which family, children, and work took priority. Thus, riding and handling horses remained on the to-do list until, towards the end of his professional career, Bruno took his first riding lesson. It was the first time he had been in an arena with such strange letters he didn’t understand. Many riding lessons later, however, he now has an understanding of voltes, circles, second hoofbeats, left hand and the like. Since he only started his actual riding training at retirement age, there is still a lot of room for improvement and thus the motivation to keep advancing.

In parallel to his riding training, Bruno has completed various other horse training courses in recent years. This includes extensive training in groundwork and horsemanship, courses in dual activation and equikinetics, seminars in horse assessment, bits and bridles, as well as seminars on Tellington TTouch. Along the way, he came across The Masterson Method®, which fascinated him from the start. Bruno’s experience and lessons over the past few years have given him the skills to maintain a respectful yet goal-oriented approach to horses and the ability to deal with difficult horses*. Horse related further education and training has not yet been completed, for there are still many topics he would like to explore.

Bruno works with a wide variety of horses not only in Switzerland, but also in Spain, where he spends several weeks every year on a horse ranch.

**As is well known, the problem is often at the other end of the reins. This is where Bruno benefits from his many years of professional experience and training in various management functions including management responsibility for small and large teams.

Phone: 41 79 3409111
Pascale Ossevoort

As a child I wanted to be a millionaire, an astronaut or doing something with animals. Sometimes I had a dream that I was riding a horse from school to my house. But that was unthinkable: horses were unreachable. We didn’t have the money, we didn’t know anyone with horses and my mother was afraid of horses. So I fulfilled the dream of my parents to study well, becoming a manager and earning a good lot of money. I lived my life – thinking I was a happy person because I had a good job and health. Until 7 years ago; I lost my job in a large reorganization and didn’t find another well paid job.

With all the free time I had, I started to study horse nutrition (because every rider should know what to feed his horses), horse massage and shiatsu for horses. With still no job, my husband supported me to start my own little company in helping horses. I could do a lot for them with the things I knew but there were also a lot of ‘simple’ problems I couldn’t help them with.

There was a little pony with health issues because she couldn’t eat very well. The dentist came every 6 months but "there was nothing else" to do for her. I found a video on the internet of Jim Masterson on the TMJ release. I tried it and she could eat a lot more than before. Her health was improving through this simple exercise. I went to Equitana in Germany to see a demonstration by Jim. It touched me deeply, not only because of what I learned but also the connection he had with the horse during the demonstration. Afterwards I spoke to Vicky Devlin about the pony and she showed me another exercise I could do on the pony and gave me the advice: never give up.

And so, I started my Masterson journey, with a weekend in the Netherlands with Chaja Voest-Kolthoff, five days in Oxfordshire with Jim himself and Vicky Devlin, a lot of horses and coaches in the fieldwork and finally – after four times changing of the final dates through the virus – I could do my certification with Walter Saxe in Germany.

I like The Masterson Method® because I like to work softly with horses and still have huge improvements. For me it is giving Passion and Performance back to horses.

I’m living in the Netherlands, at about 4 miles away from the Belgium border. I have 80% customers in Belgium and 20% in the Netherlands. The Netherlands: Provinces Zeeland, Noord-Brabant, Limburg en Zuid-Holland.

Phone: 31 6 5779 4223
Weekend Seminar-Workshop Schedule
* If the course you had your heart set on is sold out, please email jo@mastersonmethod.com to be added to the waiting list, or if you'd like to
host your own weekend (and earn a free spot) please email malia@mastersonmethod.com.
USA Seminars

Jan 23 - 34, Wickenburg, AZ

Feb 20 - 21, Milton, FL

March 6 - 7, Bandera, TX

March 20 - 21, Stockton, NJ

March 20 - 21, Aiken, SC

March 27 - 28, DeWitt, MI

April 10 - 11, New Cambria, KS

April 10 - 11, Gaston, OR

April 24 - 25, Culpeper, VA

April 24 - 25, Watsonville, CA

April 24 - 25, Wickenburg, AZ

May 1 - 2, Indianola, IA

May 8 - 9, Boscawen, NH

May 22 - 23, Coatesville, IN

May 29 - 30, Kalispell, MT

June 12 - 13, Yakima, WA

June 19 - 20, Sharon, VT

July 24 - 25, Winston Salem, NC

Aug 7 - 8, Ocean Shores, WA

August 21 - 22, Coatesville, IN

August 21 - 22, Portola Valley, CA

Aug 28 - 29, Augusta, ME

Oct 2 - 3, Kalispell, MT

Oct 9 - 10, Olympia, WA

Oct 30 - 31, Coatesville, IN

Canada Seminars

April 24 - 25 Granby, QC
(taught in French)

May 15 - 16 Campbellcroft, ON

May 29 - 30 Ponoka, AB

June 12 - 13 Roberts Creek, BC

June 12 - 13 Saint-Nicolas, QC
(taught in French)

Sept 19 - 20 Cobourg, ON*
(*Note: Sun-Mon course)
European Seminars

Feb 27 - 28, Vierhöfen, DE

March 6 - 7, Uddel, NL

March 20 - 21, Graz, AT

March 27 - 28, Aßlar, DE

March 27 - 28, Cornwall, UK

March 27 - 28, Wesepe, NL

April 24 - 25, Uddel, NL (taught in Dutch)

April 24 - 25, Jübar, DE
(taught in German)

May 15 - 16, Oxfordshire, UK

May 22 - 23, Brockenhurst, UK

May 29 - 30, Landquart, CH
(taught in German)

August 7 - 8, Meerbusch, DE
(taught in German)

August 7 - 8, Studen, CH
(taught in German)

Oct 2 - 3, Pfaffenhofen, DE
(taught in German)

Oct 23 - 24, Quakenbrück, DE
(taught in German)

Australia & New Zealand Seminars

Feb 6 - 7, Napier, NZ

March 20 - 21, Nelson, NZ

Sept 11 - 12, Te Awamutu, NZ

South Africa

(Nothing scheduled at this time. Please check our Weekend Seminars page or next month's newsletter for updates)
Advanced 5-Day Course Schedule

USA Advanced Courses

Feb 15 - 19, Watsonville, CA with Sandy Vreeburg

March 22 - 26, Wickenburg, AZ with Coralie Hughes

June 21 - 25, Watsonville, CA with Sandy Vreeburg

July 19 - 23, Coatesville, IN with Coralie Hughes

Sept 27 - Oct 1, Watsonville, CA with Sandy Vreeburg

Oct 11 - 15, Coatesville, IN with Coralie Hughes

European Advanced Courses

March 5 - 9, Egestorf, DE taught in German with Walter Saxe
(*Note: Fri-Tues course)

March 13-17, 2021 Aßlar, DE taught in German with Walter Saxe
(*Note: Sat-Wed course)

May 17 - 21, Oxfordshire UK with Jim Masterson

May 24 - 28, New Forest, UK with Jim Masterson

Aug 30 - Sept 3, Dillenburg, DE taught in German with Walter Saxe

Oct 27 - 31, Egestorf, DE taught in German with Walter Saxe
(*Note: Wed-Sun course)

Canada Advanced Courses

April 28 - May 2, Sherbrooke, QC taught in English with Lori Hoppe
(*Note: Wed-Sun course)

May 10 - 14, Cobourg, ON with Lori Hoppe

May 31 - June 4, Calgary, AB with Lori Hoppe

Aug 30 - Sept 3, Calgary, AB with Lori Hoppe

Sept 13 - 17, Sherbrook, QC taught in English with Lori Hoppe

Sept 27 - Oct 1, Cobourg, ON with Lori Hoppe

Australia & New Zealand

Feb 13 - 17, Waikato, NZ with Nadine Vollmerg
(*Note: Sat-Wed course)
Certification Completion Course Schedule

USA Courses

Jan 18 - 19, Phoenix, AZ

Jan 21 - 22, Watsonville, CA

April 27 - 28, Tucson, AZ

July 11 - 12, Littleton, CO

Tentative: Sept (TBD), Fairfield, IA

European Courses

May 29 - 31, New Forest, UK
Masterson Method Equine Specialist Courses

USA Courses

April 16 - 18, Tully, NY

April 30 - May 2, Midland, TX
Masterson Method Collaborative Clinics

USA Clinics

Jan 15 - 17, Phoenix, AZ
Collaborative Clinic with Jim Masterson and Mark Rashid

July 14 - 16, Littleton, CO
Collaborative Clinic with Jim Masterson and Mark Rashid
Your Horse's Brain, Collaborative Clinic
USA Clinics

July 17 - 18, Littleton, CO
Collaborative clinic with Dr. Peters, Mark Rashid, and Jim Masterson
Expos and Demos
USA Expos & Demos
(Check back for upcoming demos)
Absorbine Proud Partners
"Absorbine’s relationship with The Masterson Method® is a natural fit. Jim’s breakthrough but simple concepts are all focused on helping the horse to relieve tension, feel more comfortable and improve their relationships with owners and handlers.” 

~ Amy Cairy, Director of Marketing,
W. F. Young, manufacturers of Absorbine products
