Master Gardener Monthly Newsletter

June 2023

Become A Master Gardener

The next training program to become a San Francisco/San Mateo County Master Gardener begins January 2024. Do you love to garden, are interested in plant anatomy/physiology and care, enjoy sharing your knowledge with others, believe in volunteering within your community, and have enough time to complete the required volunteer service? If you answered yes, then the Master Gardener Volunteer Program could be for you. We are seeking people who will make a long-term commitment to the our program. Attend one of our scheduled "Information Sessions for Prospective Applicants" to learn more about the Master Gardener program and to see if it is right for you. We are offering four Information Sessions (three in-person and one virtual via Zoom). Only Information Session attendees will be invited to complete an application for the 2024 training program. View our website for the location and times of the Information Sessions. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to seeing you at one of the Information Sessions.

Upcoming Events

Spring in Your Garden

June/July/August Checklists

UC Master Gardeners

Find information for the current season, or view other seasonal checklists using the left panel of our main website.

San Mateo County Fair

1346 Saratoga Drive

San Mateo, CA 94403

June 3-11, 2023, 11:00am-10:00pm

The Master Gardeners will be hosting an Information Table from 10:00am-3:00pm on June 3, 4, 8, 9 and 11 at the Expo Hall. Come join them as they “Love our Bugs” and celebrate the world of beneficials, butterflies, pollinators and the plants that support them. They will also provide children’s activities and free California Poppy seeds (while supplies last). Read more.

Plant Clinic at the San Mateo Arboretum

UC Master Gardeners

San Mateo Arboretum in Central Park

101 9th Avenue

San Mateo, CA 94401

June 4, 2023, 12:00pm-3:00pm

Master Gardeners will be available to answer your questions from general information to advice about specific problems. Bring samples of your problem plants in clear plastics bags for better diagnosis. If you suspect insect damage, try to include some of the insects so they can be correctly identified. No registration required.

Native Plants

UC Master Gardeners

In-person and Zoom

San Mateo Arboretum Society, Kohl Pump House

101 9th Avenue

San Mateo, CA 94402

June 4, 2023, 1:00pm-2:30pm

UC Master Gardener Leslie Muennemann focused on matching her southernmost San Mateo County flora by planting a mostly native garden over 12 years ago. She will share the design decision process and what she has learned about the needs of various native plants. Registration required.

Tompkins Stairway Garden

(Above the Alemany Farmers Market/Flea Market).

200 Putnam Street at Nevada Street

San Francisco, CA 94110

Once a trash-covered hillside, San Francisco’s Tompkins Stairway Garden is now a safe and welcoming street park, featuring a drought-tolerant garden in year-round bloom and a colorful tiled stairway. Dedicated attention from surrounding neighbors has transformed the site into a community greenspace and pedestrian corridor serving the Alemany Farmers’ Market and nearby schools and shopping districts. Read more.

Vegetable Gardening in Raised Beds

UC Master Gardeners

Flowercraft Garden Center

550 Bayshore Boulevard

San Francisco, CA 94124

June 10, 2023, 10:00am-11:00am

City living often means creating raised beds to safely grow food for your family. Learn the ABCs of vegetable gardening. Topics to be discussed will be basic gardening skills, soil preparation, tools and techniques. No registration required.

Intro to Climate Change, Climate Science, and Climate Crisis

UC Master Gardeners/Lyngso Garden Materials, Inc.

Via Zoom

June 14, 2023, 1:00pm-3:00pm

This presentation is an introduction to climate science, the impacts of rapid climate change, and actions necessary to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis. Registration required.

San Mateo and San Francisco Counties Master Gardener Endowment Fund

Be among the first to donate to our new Endowment Fund which has been created to ensure the long-term financial stability of our chapter. Your gift will truly keep on giving because contributions to the fund create dividends that flow back to our operating budget year after year and ensures that we can continue providing the public with great science-based gardening resources for years to come. Thank you so much for your past support, and we look forward to seeing you in the garden! Donate now!

Our Mission Statement

To extend research-based knowledge and information on home horticulture, pest management, and sustainable landscape practices to the residents of California and be guided by our core values and strategic initiatives." Follow us on our WebsiteFacebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, or YouTube channels.

Gardening Resources


Choose the affected plant from photos displayed, click on the photo, remove any selections that do not apply, click on the plant names, and continue to filter selections to view the results for a possible diagnoses. Learn more.


Select links to access gardening resources, California Backyard Orchard, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), publications, and finding a local Master Gardener program.  Learn more.


Do you need help picking plants for your sustainable home garden? Selecting from the “Arboretum All-Stars” list is an easy way to start making “green” choices for your great looking garden. Arboretum All-Stars are top plants recommended by the horticultural staff of the UC Davis Arboretum. They thrive in California’s Mediterranean climate and have qualities that make them great choices for sustainable home gardens. Use searchable plant database to pick the perfect All-Star for your garden conditions. For more information, view their website.


Looking for plants native to California that are not only pretty but are pollinators and drought resistant? A few resources are: Xerces SocietyCalifornia Native Plant Society, and Calflora, Or try a native plant database for plants within your zip code. This website will help you find the best native plants specifically for your area that attract butterflies and moths and the birds that feed on their caterpillars, based on the scientific research of Dr. Douglas Tallamy and Research Assistant Kimberley Shropshire.


Browse the website to see all plants on the California Invasive Plant Council inventory, including both invasive plants and “watch” species. Clicking on the scientific name will take you to the Plant Profile where you will find links to more information on the plant.

Ask a Master Gardener

 UC Master Gardener volunteers are ready help you and your garden. Have a question about gardening? Have a pest problem? Curious about what will grow well in your region? Submit your inquiry online.

Or visit the Master Gardener Helpline by phone, email, on the web, or in person. For more information visit our website.

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