FOURTH OF JULY There will be just one Mass in the Cathedral on July 4, Independence Day, at 8:00am. The Cathedral will close following the morning Mass. The Parish Office will also be closed on July 4. The Cathedral Kitchen will be open and will serve dinner as usual.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL HELPS A YOUNG FAMILY A young couple with a seven year old struggled with mental health issues which resulted in their becoming homeless. A recent move to permanent housing has given them hope that they can stabilize their lives. The man has been able to get part-time work and is looking for a full-time position. While their caseworker helped facilitate their move to an apartment, the couple still owed a portion of their security deposit and the first month’s rent on their new place. They called the SVdP Helpline requesting assistance (206-767-6449). Thanks to your support, we were able to pay a major portion of their apartment deposit and rent. Thank you! Information, Jo Ann Wiesner, 206-291-4012 or
CARE FOR CREATION TIP OF THE WEEK Take steps to ensure that your home is properly insulated. This will help you to use less energy to stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, which will also reduce cooling and heating costs!
JOB OPENING: YOUTH MINISTER AND COORDINATOR OF YOUNG ADULT ACTIVITIES St. James Cathedral has an opening for a Youth Minister who will also serve as mentor to our Young Adult community. Applicant must be an active member of a Catholic parish, have excellent people skills, and relevant experience. This is a full-time position with an Archdiocesan Benefits package. Interested applicants should email resume and cover letter to Larry Brouse,
CHOIR CAMP 2022 REGISTRATION IS OPEN All children and youth with unchanged (treble) voices entering grades 1 through 8 are encouraged to register. All are welcome: parishioners and non-parishioners alike. Camp occurs daily August 8-12, Monday through Friday, 9:00am until 4:00pm. Camp concludes with all choristers returning at 9:00am, August 14, to sing for the 10:00am Sunday Mass. Campers will sing, laugh, learn, and play in a beautiful and welcoming environment and discover a variety of music spanning the Church's history, from ancient to modern. Campers share their music through outreach at a mid-week mini-concert, a concert in the Cathedral on Friday, and the Sunday 10:00am Mass. Tuition is $150 per chorister. Scholarships are available. Information, Youth Music Office,; 206-382-4876;
MINISTRY OF PRESENCE IN THE CATHEDRAL Each weekday afternoon from 1-4pm, a Cathedral parishioner sits at a welcome desk in the Cathedral to greet visitors and answer questions. It’s a chance to spend some quiet time in the Cathedral and to be a welcoming presence to all who pass through the Cathedral’s doors. Information, Caroline Okello, or 206-654-4650.
CONSIDER A LITURGICAL MINISTRY Lay ministers support liturgies at the Cathedral in a variety of ways, serving as ushers/greeters, altar servers, readers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. If you would like to support the parish in this way, or just want to find out more, contact Corinna Laughlin,
WELCOMING A UKRAINIAN FAMILY St. James has formed a Sponsor Circle to welcome a family of three who have fled Ukraine. We expect this family will arrive Seattle in July and we are looking for donations of new or gently used household items, or gift cards to purchase these items, for their apartment. Additionally, we are looking for more Refugee Support Team members to accompany this family—volunteers will walk alongside the family as they access healthcare, navigate transportation, enroll in benefits, secure employment, establish community connections and more. Volunteers commit to one shift weekly, in-person or from home, over the next six months. Information, Erica de Klerk,
ST VINCENT DE PAUL MINISTRY WITH THE UNSHELTERED St. Vincent de Paul Society has partnered with Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) to serve Seattle’s unsheltered neighbors. Several days each week this program provides sanitation and basic human services to our neighbors living in vehicles and tents throughout our community. SPU pumps out RV wastewater tanks and buckets for RV residents while Vincentian volunteers accompany SPU on their rounds to meet in-person with those we visit to provide the basic elements of a home visit: reaching out to listen to their stories, offer care, support, referrals, and some material goods. Find out if this ministry is for you. Information, Ken Goddard, 206-981-7185.
HYGIENE ITEMS FOR OUR UNSHELTERED NEIGHBORS The St Vincent de Paul Society is seeking donations of hygiene items for Seattle’s unsheltered neighbors. Donated items will be assembled into individual hygiene kits which will then be distributed in person by SVdP volunteers. Hygiene items being sought include: travel size shampoo/conditioner/lotion; bar soap; hand sanitizer; disposable razors; deodorant; lip balm; dental floss, toothbrush, travel size toothpaste; small packets of Kleengloves. The donation collection box is located in the Cathedral Bookstore. Donations can be made whenever the Bookstore is open, Monday through Friday, 11:00am-3:00pm and after each weekend Mass.
CARE FOR THE HUNGRY BY CARING FOR THE EARTH! Come join Cathedral parishioners and First Hill neighbors to tend our urban garden in creative, safe ways through the pandemic - and the results are nothing short of miraculous! The garden is beginning to burst with summer growth, and we need your help now more than ever. All the produce supports our Cathedral Kitchen dinner ministry! Information, Maria Tally, 206-264-2091 or