"Seattle needs this book. Part memoir, part history, it tells the remarkable story of the activists who pierced the veil of complacency in the early 1960s and forced the city to begin dismantling its systems of segregation."
- James N. Gregory, author of  The Southern Diaspora: How the Great Migrations of Black and White Southerners Transformed America

The July reading recommendation,  Seattle in Black and White  by Joan Singler and others, will be the focus of a virtual book discussion on Tuesday, August 11, 7pm-8:30pm via Zoom. Sr. Judy Ryan will host this in-depth examination of Seattle's own racialized history. This is a story that must be continually told.

Register by August 1 by emailing Sister Judy at jryansnjm@gmail.com or call (206) 218-8122.
Copies (ebook, paperback, or hardcover) can be ordered through  Amazon. Or through your local independent bookseller.