Working Together to
prevent substance misuse and promote healthy families
October 2020 E-Newsletter
Welcome to Massapequa Takes Action Coalition's e-newsletter designed to connect parents and residents to MTAC's initiatives, programs and news! Please join our coalition, visit our website or like us on Facebook page to learn more about how to be a part of the solution to prevent substance misuse!
Celebrate Healthy Living during
Red Ribbon Week!
Red Ribbon Week is our nation’s oldest drug prevention program and is dedicated to people and communities uniting to show their stand against drugs. Red Ribbon Week is scheduled from Friday, October 23rd to Saturday, October 31st. It’s theme, Be Happy. Be Brave. Be Drug Free.™ encourages students, families and community members to live happy, healthy and drug-free lives.
MTAC has several initiatives to honor this year's Red Ribbon Week theme including MTAC's Drug Take Back Event, distributing the Massapequa Elks' Drug Awareness Program coloring books and hosting a virtual community movie night (this Wednesday) to highlight the risks of underage drinking: mixing alcohol with prescription drugs.
With the generosity of our partner, the Massapequa Elks Lodge #2162, coloring books have been donated to Massapequas’ youth as part of the Elks mission to teach all children and parents about the dangers of illegal drug use and prevent the abuse of legalized and prescription drugs. In collaboration with YES Community Counseling Center and the Massapequa Elementary School Social Workers, the coloring books will be distributed to 4th and 5th grade students along with resources for parents.
The Massapequa Elks Lodge #2162 donated coloring books to Massapequa's youth as part of the Elks Drug Awareness Program. Shown left to right: Eileen Jackson, Massapequa Elks Lodge #2162 member, Larissa Singh, MTAC Project Coordinator, and Mark Wenzel, MTAC Co-Chair and Assistant Director, YES Community Counseling Ctr.
MTAC's Next VIRTUAL General Meeting on
Wednesday, October 28th at 7:00 p.m.
will present the moving documentary
"If They Had Known"
Residents, parents and students (grades 9-12 and college) are invited to attend Massapequa Takes Action Coalition’s virtual community movie night showing of “If They Had Known” on Wednesday, October 28th at 7:00 p.m. The short documentary, presented by the Clay Soper Memorial Fund, is spoken by kids to kids, and highlights the accidental death of Clay Soper, a thriving college student who attended a party and mixed alcohol with prescription drugs.
The viewing of the documentary will be followed by a panel discussion about the effects of substance use in the age of COVID-19. The panelists are Adrienne LoPresti, LCSW R, Associate Director of YES Community Counseling Center, and Joanne Waters, LCSW, Massapequa High School Social Worker.
To receive MTAC's ZOOM video conference link, email For security purposes, video participation is required.
Begins THIS Tuesday!
Positive Youth Alternatives
Massapequa Public Library
Even though Massapequas' library buildings are closed, the Massapequa Public Library continues to provide a variety of virtual youth programming (and adult!) to engage our teens and tweens during the NYS PAUSE Directive. To learn more about virtual programs resources go to their website at
More Massapequa Businesses Support Alcohol and Teens Don't Mix
Massapequa High School's SADD Club members along with their advisor and member from MTAC go out to local businesses to gain support for underage drinking campaign.
Patrizia's of Massapequa Park
The mission of Massapequa Takes Action Coalition is to prevent and reduce substance misuse and high-risk behaviors in the Massapequas. Since 1997, we have been collaborating with Massapequa Public Schools, parents, residents, law enforcement, clergy, private and non-profit agencies, businesses, and federal, state and local governments to enhance our efforts. This e-newsletter was developed under grant number 1H79SPO80744-02 from the ONDCP and SAMHSA. The views, opinions, and content of this publication are those of the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or policies of the ONDCP, SAMHSA or HHS.