Welcome to Massapequa Takes Action Coalition's e-newsletter designed to connect parents and residents to MTAC's initiatives, programs and news! Please join our coalition, visit our website or like us on Facebook page to learn more about how to be a part of the solution to prevent substance misuse!
MTAC and MHS Youth Attend CADCA Training
Massapequa High School’s Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club Members and Massapequa Takes Action Coalition (MTAC) recently joined over 500 youth and nearly 2,000 substance use prevention and treatment specialists from around the nation for CADCA’s (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) 2020 Virtual Mid-Year Training Institute (MYTI).

The Virtual MYTI offered interactive training sessions for youth and coalition members to learn about substance abuse prevention public policy, advocacy, media strategies and marketing to reduce youth substance use. The MTAC representatives heard from several federal leaders during CADCA’s youth training sessions and were able to hear young voices from around the nation and share experiences regarding substance use prevention. 
Shown left to right: Christina Karras, MTAC Volunteer, recent MHS 2020 graduate and SADD Member; Santhi Karras, SADD; Kathryn Castoria, SADD; Paige Margiotta, SADD and Larissa Singh, LMSW, YES Community Counseling Center.
Massapequa Biz Support MTAC's Campaign!
With the help of MTAC volunteers, many Massapequa and Massapequa Park businesses are participating in MTAC’s Sticker Shock Campaign which highlights the importance of parents serving as healthy role models and not providing alcohol (social hosting) to teens. The MTAC prevention campaign, Alcohol and Teens Don’t Mix: Be Their Guide. Don’t Provide offers resources to help parents talk with their youth about the consequences and prevention of underage drinking and how it affects their brain, health and safety.

Saverio's Authentic Pizza Napoletana supports MTAC's Sticker Shock Prevention Campaign by highlighting our prevention message on their pizza boxes. Call Saverio's at
516-799-0091 or go to saveriospizza.com.

Town Bagel of Massapequa promotes MTAC’s Alcohol and Teens Don't Mix. Be Their Guide. Don't Provide. Prevention Campaign.

To order from the family owned and operated store, call (516) 541-4341 or go to townbagel.com. Shown left to right: Larissa Singh, LMSW, YES Community Counseling Center; Rosa, Manager of Town Bagel; Christina Karras, MTAC Volunteer.
Interested in being part of the solution to prevent underage drinking? Contact MTAC at 516-799-3000x 131. To learn more about the dangers underage drinking, go to mtacoalition.com or like/follow Massapequa Takes Action Coalition on Facebook!
MTAC Meets with Local Pediatricians
to Prevent Underage Drinking and
Youth Substance Misuse
In response to struggles with COVID-19 and increases in overdoses across Nassau County, Massapequa Public Schools has recommended parents ask their child's pediatrician for a Screening and Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Screening.

In the Massapequas, youth report having their first drink of alcohol before the age of fourteen. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), alcohol and drug use at an early age is an important predictor of the development of a substance use disorder later on in life. Massapequa youth also drink alcohol at alarming rates with many binge drinking and experiencing alcohol poisoning and blackouts. In addition, 10% of our youth (11th/12th grade) report driving after drinking alcohol (2018 Partnership for Success PRIDE Survey Massapequa Public Schools).

MTAC's Healthcare Sector Representative, Dr. Mary Koslap-Petraco is currently making outreach to local pediatricians as they are in a unique position to influence and educate youth regarding the dangers of underage drinking and substance misuse.

There is still time to register for Active Parenting of Teens! The six week virtual program presents effective ways to talk with our teens, open up lines of communications, defuse power struggles and prevent future problems with drugs, alcohol and sex. Click here for our Flyer!
Positive Youth Alternatives
Massapequa Public Library

Even though Massapequas' library buildings are closed, the Massapequa Public Library continues to provide a variety of virtual youth programming (and adult!) to engage our teens and tweens during the NYS PAUSE Directive. To learn more about virtual programs resources go to their website at massapequalibrary.org
Teen Video Programs
The Massapequa Public Library has several teen video programs that can be watched at any time. Just look for the video programs listed on Saturdays at:
Register, and you'll be emailed the link to the video and additional materials and instructions. Projects can be completed at any time, and some of them offer community service hours.
Massapequa PAL

Massapequa Police Activity League (PAL) supports Massapequa Takes Action Coalition's mission to prevent and reduce youth substance misuse to promote a healthy Massapequa! To learn more about Massapequa PAL's sports and fun activities, go to http://massapequa.website.sportssignup.com/
Take 5 and Let Us Know What You Think?
Please take five minutes to complete our community survey! The survey is part of a regional collaboration with YES Community Counseling Center’s PACT Project (Partnering in Action and Change for Tomorrow) to prevent underage drinking and substance misuse in our region. PACT also collaborates with Farmingdale ADAPT (Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Team) and the Levittown Community Action Coalition (LCAC) to prevent underage drinking and substance misuse in our communities.
Working together, we seek to understand patterns of substance misuse to better address this challenge through targeted prevention, education and outreach. Take the survey now!
MTAC's Next General Meeting is Wednesday, September 16th at 7:00 p.m. via ZOOM video conferencing. To receive MTAC's ZOOM video conference link,email info@mtacoalition.com. For security purposes, video participation is required.

About MTAC
The mission of Massapequa Takes Action Coalition is to prevent and reduce substance misuse and high-risk behaviors in the Massapequas. Since 1997, we have been collaborating with Massapequa Public Schools, parents, residents, law enforcement, clergy, private and non-profit agencies, businesses, and federal, state and local governments to enhance our efforts. This e-newsletter was developed under grant number 1H79SPO80744-02 from the ONDCP and SAMHSA. The views, opinions, and content of this publication are those of the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or policies of the ONDCP, SAMHSA or HHS.