Newsletter: April 2021
MassHire Holyoke Services are Available Remotely
There are individuals seeking career and job support services who continue to come to the MHH offices at 850 High Street. To more clearly indicate how to access all remote MHH programs and services the following large posters have been installed in windows facing High Street. Please be aware that each poster also has a QR code that can be photographed to directly access the MHH website. 

It is easy to become a member of MassHire Holyoke. There are three primary access points to receive services. 
The first icon provides access for Unemployment Insurance Claimants to register for the RESEA Career Center seminar. The second icon provides the opportunity to become a career center member, and the third provides access to remote services available. 
MASS INTERNET CONNECT (MIC) – Job Seeker Support a Success
Many of the folks MHH serves have told us that this opportunity to access the Internet has transformed their ability to prepare for the job search, as well as other parts of their lives. We are proud that MHH leads all the State career centers in MIC enrollments.
Some of you attended the recent Department of Career Services Town hall MIC presentation. To summarize again, the Mass Internet Connect (MIC) program is designed to assist Massachusetts’ unemployed job seekers looking for work to gain internet access and equipment through the state’s network of Career CentersThe goal of MIC is to “Support internet connectivity across the Commonwealth to facilitate remote work and learning.”
MIC assists eligible unemployed job seekers who lack Internet connectivity, lack devices to connect to the Internet, or lack digital literacy.
Depending on location and individual circumstances, unemployed job seekers might be eligible to receive subsidized internet connectivity from Comcast, Spectrum, or Verizon, and either a refurbished laptop or Chromebook. To participate, unemployed job seekers first must be members of a career center and then speak with a staff member to learn about program requirements.
To register for a Career Center Orientation, please call 413-532-4900, or visit the MHH website Current members of the career center are invited to call 413-532-4900, contact a staff member directly, or attend a no-appointment needed career counseling session as described below. 


We’re delighted to report that Rodney Evans recently began as the new Veterans Services Specialist stationed at MHH. Rodney was a Staff Sergeant in the Army and has been assisting veterans and others after leaving active duty. If you are a Veteran, or know Veterans who need job readiness support, please have them contact Rodney at

Soon you will be receiving detailed information about how employers - both private and not-for-profit – can support the Summer 2021 Youth Jobs programs. This is a very important initiative that provides young people with career exploration and work experience, whether on-site or virtually. Stay tuned!

Please recall that MHH offers no appointment career counseling services, and that one does not need to be a current member of the career center to talk with a counselor. Do you have questions similar to these?
No appointment career counseling is available: Tuesday’s, 9 AM to 10 AM, and Thursdays, 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. To meet with a counselor please go to the MHH website,, or directly to
You will be briefly in a waiting room until a career counselor is available. Counseling sessions average 15 minutes. Please also know that a DTA Representative is available on Tuesday’s to answer questions.


This is a great opportunity to get the no-cost training needed to obtain long-term, well-paying jobs in precision manufacturing, an exciting, major growth industry. Participants must be unemployed as a result of COVID 19, with, but necessarily, some prior manufacturing experience. The first series of classes start in February and cover topics, such as, Careers in Manufacturing, Basic Manufacturing Standards, Manufacturing Processes, Basic Blue Print Reading, Quality Control, and Team building.

Requirements for participation include a High School Diploma, unemployed because of COVID, Internet connectivity and streaming capability, and an internet device for training, such as a laptop, chrome book, or tablet. To learn more about this opportunity, please contact Kate Smith at, or 413-322-7162. Click here to download a flyer.

MHH was delighted to donate $1487 to both the Food Bank and the Toys for Tots Programs. Special thanks to Cindy Gagnon, Creative Design Specialist for this idea. The money came from employer registration fees at a recent job fair. MHH also received a Certification of Appreciation for the support several staff members provided a weekly food distribution program in Holyoke. And another special thanks to Ivie Cordero, MHH Talent Acquisition Specialist, for coordinating and promoting the program internally.