Mask Mandates and Updated CDC Guidelines
Governor Pritzker has announced a handful of new measures that are being put in place to further help protect Illinois residents against the COVID-19 Delta variant in alignment with updated CDC guidance.

These measures include:
  • Masks will be required in all Illinois State Buildings, regardless of vaccination status. You can read the press release for this announcement here.
  • Masks will be universally required in all P-12 schools and day cares regardless of vaccination status. The State will also continue to provide public schools with masks and COVID testing supplies.
  • Vaccinations will be required starting October 4 for all state employees working at congregate facilities. This includes veteran homes, correctional facilities, and long term care facilities.
  • Masks will be universally required in all long-term care facilities, private facilities included.

The City of Chicago guidelines have not changed yet, but masks are recommended indoors for those over 2 years old although not required. These guidelines are subject to change as COVID case numbers continue to be monitored and as the Delta variant continues to spread. They City has also added a few new states to its travel advisory list as of July 27th. You can see the new travel advisory information here.

Internal CDC documents suggest that the Delta variant of COVID-19 is very contagious for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people alike. If you are fully vaccinated, you are at a lower risk of contracting the Delta variant but you can still spread it. The CDC is now recommending fully vaccinated people continue to wear a mask in public indoor settings in areas of substantial or high community transmission of COVID-19. An interactive heat map of community transmission can be found here with a sample view seen below.
The CDC recommends fully vaccinated people get tested within 3-5 days if they have had known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 and wear a mask in indoor settings for 14 days or until they receive a negative test results. The CDC also recommends universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to schools, regardless of vaccination status.

Closer to home, it is highly recommended that anyone who participated in any Lollapalooza related activities including just being stuck on a crowded CTA platform/train/bus with attendees get tested Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. You can get tested for free at Heartland Health Center on Devon, at the Walgreens on Clark and Rogers, or by scheduling with your health care provider. Please help stop community spread and get tested if you or someone in your household falls into this category.

We want to continue to keep Illinois safe, so we encourage residents to continue to get vaccinated and adhere to these masking recommendations and upkeep social distancing practices. You can find more information by visiting the CDC website and in the graphic below provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health.
Eviction Moratorium Update
In 2020, Governor Pritzker issued an executive order working to prevent those who were financially impacted by the pandemic from being evicted. This has been referred to as the eviction moratorium. The eviction moratorium has been extended several times along with rounds of rental assistance programs. Both the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) and the City of Chicago have launched these type of programs throughout the time of the pandemic.

If you submitted an application for the City's Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), applications are now closed and being processed. There is a 4th round of applications for ERAP funds that will open later this year. You can find more information on ERAP here. You can also seek out housing stability case management through the Community Service Centers listed here.

Applications for the State's Rental Payment Program are now closed and those initiated by tenants before July 19 remain accessible to landlords and may be completed before August 16. Tenant led applications are not complete and will not be reviewed until the landlord has completed their portion. If landlords are refusing to cooperate IHDA will send the tenant a follow up email on next steps after the August 16th cut off. To check the status of your application visit here.

The Illinois Housing Rental Assistance Program will be announcing a new round of rental and mortgage assistance programs in the fall. We will be sure keep you updated on all these programs as they become available.

For those that did not apply for ERAP or ILRPP through the city or state, the Illinois Human Services Department does have a bucket of funds available for housing assistance as well. Those applications are open and details can be found here.

For now, the Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) of Chicago is offering a Mortgage Assistance Program to provide assistance to low to moderate-income homeowners who have suffered an economic impact due to the pandemic and are having difficulty paying their mortgage. The maximum amount of assistance available is $3,300. 

To be eligible for this assistance, you must: 
  • Be a resident of the City of Chicago. 
  • Live in the home (single family up to 4 units) for which you are applying for assistance. It must be your primary place of residence.
  • Demonstrate your total household income was 120% or below the Area Median Income (AMI) prior to March 1, 2020. 
  • Have a mortgage on your home that was current as of 3/1/2020 and is now delinquent. You may be on a forbearance plan.
  • Have experienced a change in your financial status after 3/1/2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Be 18 years of age or over, or be a financially independent minor.

Grant applications will close in October of 2021, or until funds are exhausted. You can visit the NHS Emergency Housing Assistance page to apply.

The Cook County Legal Aid for Housing and Debt Program also offers mediation in order for landlords and tenants to avoid eviction. The program also offers free counseling, case management, and connections to resources for housing and debt issues. Landlords and tenants alike can apply for up to $25,000 per case for unpaid rent.

You can take advantage of these services if:
  • You are a renter and your landlord is trying to evict you
  • You are a landlord who is not represented by a lawyer
  • You are a homeowner who has fallen behind on your mortgage payments or property taxes
  • You were sued by someone who wants to collect an unpaid debt (for example a credit card company trying to collect unpaid charges)
  • You need to sue someone who owes you money and do not have a lawyer.

For more information and to apply visit here or call 866-454-3571.

A slow roll out out of the end of the eviction moratorium started on August 1. This means that landlords are now able to file eviction proceedings. However the State will not begin enforcing those filings until August 30. Landlords are also required to wait for a seven-day "cooling off" period in addition to the regular five-day notice period for tenants who have had COVID-related hardships. During this "cooling-off" period, landlords must show the courts they have engaged in good faith efforts to reach a reasonable alternative to eviction, such as mediation and providing tenants with the option of a payment plan.

It was also announced that there will be a moratorium extension as directed by the federal government. This is meant to be for counties with substantial of high levels of COVID community transmission levels, so we will keep you updated on what this means for us locally. The state is continuing to review this new federal directive.

For more information and resources, visit the "Know Your Rights" page of the City of Chicago Department of Housing.

The moratorium may be ending, but residents are still feeling the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is why my colleagues and I are putting pressure on the Governor to extend the moratorium again, especially with the resurgence of the Delta variant.

In case there is no extension, community activists in the 49th Ward have put together an extensive resource document for your use. For information on the lift of the eviction moratorium, what to do if you get an eviction notice, and more you can use the 49th Ward Eviction Defense Resource Document. You can find the document at

Other resources available for housing legal aid/advocacy include:

The Rentervention Hotline
Tel: 312.347.7600
Text "hi" to 866-7RENTER (866-773-6837) to start a conversation with Renny, Rentervention's bot.

Chicago tenants who need help with housing issues such as lockouts or evictions can contact Rentervention, a program of the Lawyers' Committee for Better Housing. Rentervention is free and confidential.

Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing
33 N LaSalle, Suite 900
Chicago IL 60602
Tel: 312.347.7600

Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing provides free legal and supportive services to improve housing stability for lower income renters while advocating for the rights of all renters until everyone in Chicago has a safe, decent, and affordable place to call home.

Services include: 
  • Any house related issue
  • Tenants in Foreclosure Helpline (312) 784-3507 
  • 24/7 Online Assistance with Rentervention

Illinois Legal Aid Online

Illinois Legal Aid Online does not provide legal advice, but they do have free legal forms and information that help people resolve legal issues. Their site also hosts Get Legal Help. By following that ‘Get Legal Help’ link, you can find out if you qualify for free legal assistance, and if there is a legal aid program in your area. If you do not qualify for free legal aid, you will be referred to a local service that may be able to connect you with a lawyer that you will have to pay.

People with legal problems may also wish to ask a volunteer lawyer a question about your legal problem through the Legal Answers website.

Metropolitan Tenants Organization
1727 S Indiana Ave G3
Chicago IL 60616
Tel: 773.292.4988
Email: Contact here.

MTO provides tenants information, tools, and resources about tenant-landlord rights and responsibilities and how to enact those rights to secure their housing and/or preserve (by improving) affordable housing conditions (i.e. preventing evictions and mass lease terminations, addressing health-home hazardous, support tenants experiencing illegal evictions, unlawful landlord-entry, repair, special accommodation requests for the differently-abled, lease issues, return of security deposit). They also organize and advocate, help renters form tenant associations/resident councils and coalitions to advance racial equity and housing justice through campaigns and movements.

If a Chicago renter calls 3-1-1 they will more than likely be transferred to MTO for rental housing counseling. Their Tenants Rights Hotline is 773-292-4988 Monday through Fridays from 1pm-5pm. 

Services include:
  • Tenants’ Rights Hotline
  • Tenant Stabilization
  • Building Organizing
  • Tenant Advocacy Board

Illinois 2-1-1
Tel: 2-1-1

Every hour of every day, someone in Illinois needs help locating and connecting with essential community services. On February 11, 2009, 2-1-1 made its debut in 13 counties to help residents find fast, free and confidential help for health and human services. The 2-1-1 call specialists are available to help individuals locate health and human service assistance, on everything from mortgage assistance, EITC tax help and food and shelter, to job counseling services and health resources. 
Sealing Eviction Records Assistance
The passing of House Bill 2877 makes sealing old eviction records less difficult for tenants statewide. The Lawyers’ Committee for Better Housing is offering assistance on helping tenants seal their records and also offering training to those who wish to help these tenants through the process. See the flyer below for more information. 
Legislative Updates
House Bill 2621

On Thursday, July 29, Governor Pritzker signed House Bill 2621 into law. This piece of legislation expands affordable housing funding and incentives. This bill directs the IHDA to create a COVID-19 Affordable Housing Grant Program to support the building of affordable housing in areas that were heavily impacted by COVID. It also extends the Illinois Affordable Housing Tax Credit through the year 2026 to encourage donations to affordable housing developments. It also creates two new tax incentives to support preserving affordable housing. This bill is effective immediately and passed both the House and the Senate with unanimous bipartisan support.

Senate Bill 265

Governor Pritzker also signed Senate Bill 265 into law, which gives priority access of the state's Low-Income Heating and Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to families with children under the age of 6. It also expands LIHEAP access to undocumented families. This bill takes effect January 1, 2022.

House Bill 562

On Monday, August 2, the Governor signed House Bill 562 into law. This bill expands background checks on all gun sales in Illinois starting in 2024. Governor Pritzker symbolically signed this bill in Aurora, Illinois, the sight of 2019 mass shooting. You can see a list of other measures the bill takes to promote gun safety below.
Recent Events
Thank you to everyone that has attended my most recent town hall events whether that be in person or online. It has been refreshing to see my neighbors again and have a dialogue on the issues that matter most to you. Below is a recap on a few of our most recent ones.
My first coffee chat this summer was held at Swedish American Museum. This was my first in person event since 2019. We had yummy Swedish treats with coffee and tea. Make sure to stop in and check out their bakery items located in their giftshop Thursday-Sunday.
Edgewater Monday Market

I had a great time at the Edgewater Market located at the Broadway Armory parking lot in Edgewater. Thank you to the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce for inviting me. Be sure to check out some of these great vendors listed below, for a complete list of vendors, visit the Edgewater Farmer’s Market website.
Anticonquista Cafe
As most of you know I love coffee and was moved by the story behind this local coffee business. Anticonquista Cafe is a local coffee roaster selling their family’s coffee beans that are grown in Guatemala. They were sold out of their famous horchata cold brew but I can't wait to try it next time!
Jewelry by Carlotta
I absolutely loved stopping by Carlotta's Jewelry Shop, she is a professional welder and makes her own pieces. I found the most beautiful turquoise ring and haven't taken it off since!
Sips N' Sessions
On August 26th I held Sips N' Sessions at Moody's Pub in Edgewater. It was great to have a drink with constituents and talk about the past legislative session. Make sure to stop in to Moody's for one of their amazing burgers or Sloppy Joes! A recording of this can be found on my facebook page here.
Ombudsman Roundtable Event
At this virtual roundtable event Alderwoman Maria Hadden and I led a discussion about the importance of Chicago’s public Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program especially during this uncertain time for residents and workers in these facilities. This was an educational roundtable, elected officials and members of the community were invited to learn about the program. Residents spoke of their experiences in the facilities, ombuds spoke of their role and advocates discussed next steps to strengthen the ombudsman program and protect residents and staff.

For those of you who couldn't attend, here is a link to the Facebook Live recording.

You can learn more about the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program on the Department on Aging’s website or by contacting the Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program in your area. There is also a hotline number, 1-800-252-8966, which nursing home residents can use to get help with locating services and filing a complaint with their ombudsman. 

Our meeting was in partnership with the Institutional Rescue & Recovery Coalition (IRRC), which is a collection of organizations dedicated to supporting effective emergency response policies for Illinoisans in institutions. To learn more about the IRRC, please visit their Facebook page here. To contact the coalition directly, send an email to
Upcoming Coffee Chat Event
Please join me for a Coffee & Conversation event on Saturday August 7th at 10am! We will be discussing the past legislative session, and you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you.

Please RSVP for the event here — livestreaming will be conducted via facebook live for those who prefer a virtual option. We will be gathering outside and will be masking. If you aren’t vaccinated or prefer not to wear a mask, please stay home and follow the Facebook Live stream. Someone will be monitoring the comments if you want to ask a question.
Glenwood Avenue Arts Fest
I am excited to be a sponsor of the annual Glenwood Avenue Arts Fest in Rogers Park. Stop by our booth on Friday, August 20 through Sunday, August 22 to chat with me and my staff. To learn more visit their website here.
Edgewater Arts Festival
I am also excited to again sponsor the annual Edgewater Arts Festival where we can celebrate local artists and businesses. Stop by our booth on Saturday, August 28 or Sunday, August 29. To learn more about the festival visit their website here.
Property Tax Assessment Workshop
Public Benefits Fair
The Hamdard Health Alliance is celebrating National Health Center Week, raising awareness about the mission and accomplishments of America's health centers. To celebrate this week, they will be hosting a Public Benefits Fair at Rogers Park Public Library on Thursday, August 5th between 11am-5pm. For more information, see the attached flyer below. 
Illinois Job Link
Black Business Month
Throughout the month of August, the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is celebrating National Black Business month. Throughout the month they will be hosting a series of events and initiatives to raise awareness, share resources and honor the contributions of Illinois’ 132,000+ Black-owned businesses.

DCEO plans to collaborate with community leaders, organizations, and business enterprises, as well as invite Illinoisans to “Shop Black-owned Business Saturdays.” They will also be discussing opportunities to access the upcoming “Back to Business” recovery assistance program.

You can find more information on DCEO's website here.
Free Rabies Vaccine and Microchip Pet Event
Visit Evanston Animal Shelter for a Free Rabies Vaccine and Microchip event for cats and dogs. For more information visit here and see the attached flyer below.

Kelly Cassidy
State Representative, 14th District

Office of State Representative Kelly Cassidy

5533 N Broadway

Chicago IL 60640