'A Way We Grow'
Martha's Vineyard Garden Club
June 2024
From our President...

I hope you all got a chance to peruse the beautiful historical placards that were displayed at the May meeting. There are 5 separate panels each depicting an aspect of the history of our club. In celebration of our Centennial year, these panels were organized and created by a few of our members. The archives committee, made up of Irene Ziebarth and me, gathered a timeline of events and some photos. Susan Hobart carefully and meticulously put the amazing amount of information into logical order that could be displayed and understood by all, including verifying the facts and gathering pertinent images. Stephen Chapman did the very professional graphic design. Susie Wallo made sure the placards were printed and delivered here for all to see. So as you can tell, several people helped to make these a success. Be sure to take a look at them as they will be on display at several garden club events throughout the summer.

Being the first official conservation organization on Martha's Vineyard, the garden club holds a special position in amongst the myriad other environmental associations on the island. We're practically royalty! No place was it more apparent than during the recent climate events held on island for educating the public about the environment. The first was Earth Day, celebrated at the MV Museum on April 27. The second was the Climate Action Fair, run by the Martha's Vineyard Commission at the Agricultural Hall in West Tisbury on May 19. For both of these events, our club's conservation committee staffed a table with interesting and informative handouts about soil health, composting, native plantings, and natural pesticides. We were able to show off a tub of worms from
Laurissa Rich's garden to interested children, too!

The walkabouts are beginning! Nancy Weaver's and Bernice McIntyre's in Vineyard Haven, and Fred Hancock's “Iris Garden” in OB were showcased in the last weeks of May. I hope you had a chance to stop by and get inspired.

And lastly, on May 22, the Garden Club hosted an “Opening Night” at the MV Museum. A stunning exhibition of the club's history was displayed in the upstairs hallway of the museum, and will stay hung throughout the summer and into the fall. About thirty members came to the opening and enjoyed a glass of wine and some nibbles. If you didn't have a chance to come on that special evening, please make sure to stop by the museum to see the exhibit. - Ty Johnston, President

Ty is pictured above with the floral design she created for Blooming Art, 2023

Welcome to these NEW Club members for May, 2024!

Theresa Centrulo
Virginia Stone

Carol Koser
Alexandra Lundgren

Oak Bluffs
Vivian Pohl
Susan Thompson
Annice Wooden

Vineyard Haven
Marilyn Wortman

West Tisbury
Joan Chaput
Ted Desrosiers
Annie Fisher
Susan Kurker

The Club's Plant Sale,
Pollinator Habitat Program and
Historic Story Boards
at our May Meeting!

The May meeting was a triple bonus... the Members Plant Sale, our educational program, 'Creating Pollinator Habitat Anywhere' and the unveiling of a very special project facilitated by some Garden Club members made it an all around great day. The plant sale kicked off the afternoon and was hosted by Greenhouse Committee members who since earlier this year, they lovingly cared for and cultivated all of the Island grown plants which were available for purchase.

Master Gardener, Denise Guerin, presented, 'Creating Pollinator Habitat Anywhere'. Her program was both entertaining and informative as Denise shared with us how she turned her urban 'hell strip' into an active pollinator habitat. She inspired us with plant and pollinator information and offered handouts with a few guides on creating our very own pollinator habitat no matter how much space one has. Denise impressed upon us the way to begin to make a difference is to act locally, and shared with us Doug Tallamy's 'Homegrown National Park' website, https://homegrownnationalpark.org/, and if biodiversity is your thing, this website is definitely worth a look! ('Homegrown National Park' raises awareness and urgently inspires everyone to address the biodiversity crisis by adding native plants and removing invasive ones where we live, work, learn, pray, and play.' ...words taken from their website)
Our May program and meeting hosted over 50 club members with several guests who are not Club members in attendance. The refreshments and light snacks provided by our Aquinnah and Chilmark Club members were enjoyed by all.

The final highlight was the display of five story boards, which recount the Club's 100-year history of contributions to the Island's beautification and our ongoing dedication to conservation. The sun was shining inside and outside that day as many members shared feelings of how proud they are to be a part of a Club which has been so dedicated to preserving the Island’s natural beauty and conservation for the past 100 years. Some photos from the day are below...Enjoy!
– submitted by Donna Arold, Communications
Floral Design Update...
Spreading Happiness and Joy through Flowers!!

Your Floral Design team continues to be busy with all things floral for spring!

success! Thanks to Nancy and all of you who attended this fun new event for our club.

Here is a summary from Nancy:
Just a few observations about the foraging expedition. I was joined by 26 MVGC
members for a walk in the State Forest. For many in the group, it was the first time that they had ever walked there. While not the most picturesque part of the island, all agreed that there was much of interest to see. We hiked through pine forest, hardwood areas, and open fields, observing many signs of spring. While most of the vegetation was in a decidedly transitory state between winter and summer, and therefore not necessarily useful looking ahead to Blooming Art, all agreed that there is much beauty to be found in the State Forest. All participants were reminded of how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful place, and the importance of keeping our eyes open wherever we are on our lovely island.
(Nancy is pictured above with her floral interpretation for Blooming Art, 2022)

Floral Arrangement from Irene Ziebarth:
Thanks to Irene Ziebarth for the lovely arrangement that she brought to the May
Membership meeting for us to enjoy. Irene’s arrangement was also on display at the Club’s Centennial Celebration at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum.

Blooming Art Floral Design
From Debbie Barrett, Jayne Isford and Fern Vaughan
Planning is well underway with our Floral Designers for Blooming Art 2024. We have 36 club members who have volunteered to be floral designers this year. We want to thank each and every one of them for their time, talent, dedication and enthusiasm. There is no “Blooming” in Blooming Art without them.
We have three workshops planned to assist our designers. Heartfelt thanks to Martha Fanelli, Wiet Bacheller and Nancy Cabot for their excellent support, education and patience. See photos from Martha’s workshop held on May 17 th below. Thanks to Mariko Kawaguci and her staff from Donaroma’s for providing the incredible flowers for this workshop.

When you come to Blooming Art this year, please look for a floral design on the registration table that is an interpretation of the lovely Blooming Art poster designed by Stephen Chapman!

“Harvard research shows that fresh cut flowers at home significantly lower
anxiety, ease worry and enhance happiness. Embrace nature’s remedy with the
power of flowers.”
Source: Etcoff, N. (2006). Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School

It is the hope of your 2024 Blooming Art Floral Designers, that our designs
bring you joy and happiness. - submitted by Jayne Isford, Floral Design Co-Chair
Irene Ziebarth with one of her floral designs for Blooming Art, 2022.
Deb Barrett (right) with her floral design and artist, Kanta (left) in 2023 for Blooming Art.
Fern Vaughan with the floral design she created for Blooming Art 2023.
The six images above are from Floral Design Workshops that took place
to support our Floral Designers for Blooming Art.
Another workshop focused on helping designers choose the proper vessel for their arrangements.
Thanks to our Floral Design Committee and the Blooming Art Floral Design Team for giving so much support to our members for this very special event!

These workshops are another perk of belonging to the MVGC!
To see images from Nancy's Foraging Field Trip and other Floral Design Events and Workshop photos,
 CLICK HERE to get to the Floral Design section of our website.
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Garden Stroll 2024 Events:

100th Anniversary Display at The Carnegie - July 14-28
Still taking any vintage garden tools, garden books, blue and white vases or Chinese ceramic vases, 5x7” or 4x6” frames or old Garden Club items for display in the front room bookshelves. Emily Post history and sailor’s valentines will also be on display with our items.

Cristin Gaell Floral Demonstration July 24th at 10am at The Carnegie front lawn
Cristin is kindly creating a large baroque style arrangement to celebrate the 100 years of the MV Garden Club it will be on display in the foyer of The Carnegie on the day of the Stroll.

Garden Stroll Thursday, July 25th 10-3pm
In co-operation with Vineyard Preservation Trust, this year’s Stroll will
have brochure pickup at the Carnegie and the tour private gardens will be
centered in the North Water area of historic Edgartown. Angela Eggerton
has created a beautiful watercolor of the Emily Post dahlia garden for this
year’s poster and that garden will be on the tour. The tour will end at the
newly designed 1690’s kitchen garden of the Vincent House behind the
Daniel Fisher House. Last year’s MVGC speaker, John Forti, helped with
this re-design along with a VPT committee.

NEED 36 Docents!
Shifts are 9:30-12:30pm
Need 18 docents per shift! Docents receive a free ticket to the Stroll. ($50

ONE MORE THING... GARDEN BOOKS, VINTAGE GARDEN TOOLS, FLOWER FROGS ETC NEEDED FOR THE CARNEGIE 100th ANNIVERSARY DISPLAY. July 14-28th! Contact Anne or Deb (emails are above) if you can lend something!
- submitted by Anne Kushwaha, Edgartown Garden Stroll, 2024 Co-Chair

Anne is pictured above with the floral design she created for Blooming Art, 2022
Martha's Vineyard Museum Exhibit running from
May 23 - September 20, 2024! 

What a feeling of pride and a beautiful 'Opening Night' it was! 

On May 22, 2024, the Martha's Vineyard Garden Club was invited to preview the exhibit at the MV Museum, honoring the many contributions of the MV Garden Club to the Island, over the past 100 years. Do visit the MV Museum and see it in person if you can...​the exhibit runs until September 20, 2024! CLICK HERE to see the page on our website that recaps the evening!
Plant Sale Success!

Greenhouse Chair, Anne Kushwaha's goal of raising $5,000.00 for the Club, through this sale was met! Kudo's to all the members who worked together to make it happen. Teamwork does make the DREAM work!
Here are the names of our dedicated Greenhouse Committee volunteers: Anne Kushwaha (Chair), Debbie Barrett, Franny Werthwein, Deb Boyle, Linda Pashman, Sarah Murphy, Joan Eville, Al Eville, Penny Nemzer, Linda Shaw, Sandy Turner, Caroline Taylor, Brynna Ross,
Gay Smith. Helpers: Susie Wallo, Susan Hobart, Joan Cavazuti.
Here are some images from the Greenhouse Committee's Plant Sale to the Public over the Saturday & Sunday of
Memorial Day Weekend.
Thanks so much to Greenhouse Chair, Anne and the entire Greenhouse Committee for their dedication to the Greenhouse and the Plant Sale! And a huge thank you to our Vineyard Community for their support in helping to make this plant sale and our Club's efforts worthwhile!
- submitted by Donna Arold, Communications
Upcoming Special Lecture at PHA!

On June 20, the MV Garden Club in collaboration with Polly Hill Arboretum, will be sponsoring a lecture by Adam Wheeler, Production and Horticulture Manager at Broken Arrow Nursery in Hamden, CT. Adam will speak on “Native Plants with a Twist: Unexpected Excitement from our Native Flora.”

This lecture will be held in the Far Barn at Polly Hill Arboretum beginning at 5:00 p.m. Registration is required @ $5.00 for MVGC members. This is the registration link via Polly Hill's website: https://form.jotform.com/240526018970152
-Submitted by Programs Committee Chair, Kathie Skinner
We were busy in May!
Thanks to the MV Film Center for allowing us to display a bit
of the Club's history and to offer our Island plant guide to festival
attendees at the Environmental Film Festival that took place over
Memorial Day weekend.
-above info submitted by Donna Arold, Communications

-info & image to the right submitted by Joan Cavazuti, Special Projects
The Old Mill cleanup took place on May 29. A handful of Garden Club members planted five window boxes, along with some decorative pots that are placed near the driveway and the Old Mill entrance. Finally, sunflower seeds were planted in the side yard area...so we're hoping that they take... Thank you to the dedicated members who did the work!
Iris at Fred Hancock’s in Oak Bluffs

Fred is an iris expert! If you have a chance drive by and see what is there, do it! Most of the iris are labeled and divided into sections in the garden. These are predominately historic iris, meaning they have been around for 20-30 years or so; they are not the recent hybrids of which 10’s are produced every year. In other words, these have longevity and will last in your garden.

Here is a link to a recent article about Fred from MV Magazine:

-submitted by Joan Cavazuti, Special Projects
-photos by Joan Cavazuti, Ty Johnston, Joan Eville
Its the MV Garden Club's Centennial Year!
Be sure to renew your membership so you don't miss out on any of our
upcoming Garden Club events!

If you are not already a MV Garden Club member, DO consider joining the Club so you can share in all that we have planned!
Be sure to join us for Booming Art
June 14, 15 & 16!