Looks DO Matter: Choose Your Images Wisely!

We’ve all heard the sayings: “Looks don’t matter.” “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” That might be true for books, but when it comes to all other forms of marketing, your images tell half the story. And you’re only going to get audiences to listen to that story with eye-catching artwork.

In an ideal world, you’ll always be able to have custom photography or creative design for your campaigns. But in the REAL world, we know that you’ll often have to choose from existing images to supplement your print and digital assets.

Here are a few tips about how to choose images that really stand out:

1) Choose candid photos. Some marketers gravitate toward staged images every time, trying to exert control over their message and audience. We can assure you that the viewer often prefers the opposite. Candid scenes convey a feeling of looking in on a scene, along with a level of honesty, transparency, and trust. Those are exactly the things we’re always working so hard to build with our audiences. 

2) Find images that evoke emotion. Pretty art is wonderful, but if people don’t feel something in response to what they’re looking at, they’ll forget it as soon as their eyes lock on something else. Emotion is closely tied to memory and helps convey a story.

3) Representation matters. Of course you’ll want to spend time choosing art that best captures your brand and the message of each unique marketing campaign. But don’t forget your customer; consider what they want to see. Typically, they’ll respond best to art that reflects their values. The people in your images should represent a mix of your current consumer base and your ideal target audience, if it’s different. And don’t forget to consider diversity in representation—race, gender, age, and so forth (as appropriate for your products and services). 

For more insights about how to pick images for your campaigns, visit our blog. Or, connect with us directly about getting custom creative direction for your marketing collateral.
Mad 4 Our Clients
We are excited to announce that Las Olas Boulevard just got even better with the addition of Guy Harvey's new retail location! On February 11, 2022, the official ribbon cutting and grand opening took place. People came in droves to see beautiful artwork, clothing, cool merchandise, and Dr. Harvey himself. Come to 816 E. Las Olas Boulevard to experience it for yourself!
Mad 4 Our Team
Left to right: Vice President of Mad 4 Marketing, Laura Pierson, and Director of Premiere Stoneworks, Gary Arkin
Left to right: City of Fort Lauderdale Mayor, Dean Trantalis, President of Las Olas Company, Michael Weymouth, and President of Mad 4 Marketing, Christine Madsen
Chris and Laura were in attendance at the 61st Annual Executives' Association of Fort Lauderdale Economic Forecast Breakfast on February 8th with over 500 attendees. Great presentations by David Koh and Execs' very own Walter Duke.
In Our Blog
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