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Market Update

Jul 24 Corn close 4.57


Dec 24 Corn close 4.8175


Jul 24 Soybean close 12.1625


Nov 24 Soybean close 11.99


Jul 24 SRW close 6.6325


Jul 25 SRW close 7.2275


June CAD .7348


Closing Chatham elevator bids

Today corn and wheat closed lower, and soybeans were mixed with the spot July futures up a couple cents, and new crop months down a cent or two. Little fresh fundamental news today, much of the same that has be reported this week. Russian weather continues to be a focus when it comes to the wheat market, and US weather and planting progress for corn and soys. Weekly US exports sales report showed 29.22 mil bu of old crop sales, this was within trade estimates but on the lower end. Soybeans were reported at 9.76 mil bu, this was below trade estimates, and wheat sales were 2.88 mil bu, the high end of estimates. Weekly averages needed to hit the current USDA targets, for corn 15.37 mil bu, soybeans 8.42, and wheat 12.48.

Have a good night.

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