Tuesday, January 18th at 12:00pm
Two Trustees, Bryce Benson and Doug Woodward, requested that literacy be included on the agenda for the HPISD Education Services Work Session this Tuesday at noon.
At the meeting, district administrators will likely make a presentation and trustees will have the opportunity to publicly engage in a conversation about literacy. It's not easy to have an item added to a board meeting agenda, so don't miss this chance to hear from district officials on this very important topic!
Some trustees still believe that only a small group of parents are concerned with how HPISD's reading instruction has changed in recent years. However, we are confident the concern is widespread among parents of all types of students and we want Tuesday's audience to reflect that.
If you would like the board to look further into literacy instruction in HPISD, we need your support at Tuesday's meeting.
The meeting is open to the public and all you have to do is show up. No RSVP is required, you don't need to speak publicly, and there isn't even a sign-in sheet at the door - just come listen and learn.
We will send the meeting's location once it is confirmed, but please mark your calendars now for this Tuesday, January 18th at noon.