
Run Fast, Run Clean, Have Fun

Monday March 27 2:00 pm

(Sign-in begins at 1:30pm)

GVR Canoa Ranch Social Center - Amado Room

5750 S Turquoise Canyon Drive

Guest Speaker: Kathy Williams

Kathy will speak about her 17+ years of Agility competition with her beloved dogs Zoe, 5 German Shorthaired Pointers and a Standard Poodle.

Learn about the joys of Dog Agility, the most popular performance event in the history of The American Kennel Club.

She'll share the training strategies that differ between big dogs vs. small dogs and how you can take these activities and apply them to your own dog.

Dog Agility can help puppies, young dogs, and highly active dogs gain confidence and exercise both their bodies and their minds.

Humans only please for this event


Have you Paid Your 2023 Membership Dues?

Individual Membership - $15.00

Household - $20.00


Lil' Bell

Photo by Leslie Berry

Coming Soon

April 3

Nose WorK

Details to Follow