When I came to work at the Marine Bureau on a part-time basis in 2011, it never occurred to me that by the end of 2013, I would be asked to take over an organization that was in the midst of an unprecedented marina rebuild, that was not fully funded, politically charged, and had lukewarm support for its completion. Nor did I expect to take on an additional two maintenance divisions in 2014.

After nine years as the City’s Marinas and Beaches Manager, it is time for me to join my husband in retirement. While I am looking forward to this next phase of life, leaving is bittersweet. Serving our community has been challenging, at times frustrating, always exhilarating, frequently exhausting and completely fulfilling. Through the years, I built relationships with many wonderful people who have enriched my professional life and brought me personal joy over the years. Our partnerships with the Marine Advisory Commission, Boat Owners Association, Peninsula Improvement Committee, Naples Garden Club, Marine Patrol, Marine Safety, Tidelands Capital Improvement Division, and many others have contributed to the beautification and activation of Long Beach’s waterfront community. I’d like to thank everyone of these organizations and you the reader for your dedication and contribution to our community.

It has been a privilege to work with an incredible management team. Cory Forrester oversees our beaches and landscaping. Our beaches have never been cleaner, his team continues to improve our storm debris collection system, and the health/care of our landscaping has never been better. Eric Woodson oversees facility and custodial maintenance along our waterfront. He has shifted our entire workforce from a reactive mode to a preventive (proactive) maintenance mode. Our marinas and facilities have never looked better, beach restroom complaints were almost nonexistent this summer, and additional facility improvements are planned for 2023. Todd Leland oversees marina and beach operations. He has streamlined our processes such as making onboarding easier for our boatowners and disposing of abandoned vessels. His efforts have also resulted in providing new and exciting recreational opportunities along our waterfront.

Together these gentlemen have assembled the finest and most talented staff in the industry. Because of Marine Bureau’s incredible leaders and staff, I can sail into the sunset knowing that you are in good hands and knowing that things will only get better as time passes. My last day on the job will be November 11, 2022. Thank you for your support over the years and hope to see you on the water.

Elvira Hallinan
Manager, Marinas and Beaches
Marina Offices are open and accepting new vessel permit applications. To keep you and our staff safe from COVID-19 we are continuing window service at ABM and Shoreline offices. Note – Many requests can be readily handled by phone or email.

On April 20, 2022, new fire extinguisher regulations went into effect. All disposable fire extinguishers will now be required to have a manufacturer-stamped 12-year expiration date. If you have a disposable fire extinguisher on board older than twelve years remove the extinguisher from service. When purchasing a new extinguisher look for the MARINE TYPE – USCG APPROVED label.

Thanksgiving & Christmas Holiday REMINDERS - Operating a boat under the influence of alcohol (BUI) is illegal. The legal limit for operating a boat is .08% blood alcohol level, the same as the limit for driving under the influence (DUI). In many cases, you’re considered legally drunk even if you only feel “buzzed.” You could reach .08% level with less drinks if you’ve taken certain medications, haven’t eaten, are dehydrated or have a metabolism that doesn’t process alcohol efficiently. Penalties for boating under the influence can include large fines; jail time; loss of operating privileges for your boat, car or both; financial restitution for damages or injuries; felony conviction; and completion of an alcohol program or boating safety course.

Dock Carts have been and still are high value theft targets. Our Marine Patrol has begun focused efforts to locate and retrieve dock carts that have been removed from our Marina footprints unlawfully. As a permittee you can help maintain our cart inventory – PLEASE return carts to the head of the gangway after every use. Leaving dock carts in the parking lots leave them exposed to easy theft. 

Unauthorized commercial activity is ILLEGAL IN LONG BEACH – Please do not engage in unauthorized commercial activity at, on or near Long Beach Marinas property. Violators can and will be cited and punished to the full extent of applicable law. Reminder – Unauthorized Commercial activity will put your slip permit in jeopardy of cancellation.
All Saints Day is a festival held on November 1 that celebrates the lives of all saints, known and unknown. The Day of the Dead (Dia de Los Muertos), also celebrated November 1, is a time for families to remember and honor loved ones who have passed away. December 6th is Saint Nicholas Day. St. Nicholas (Santa Claus), the patron saint of children, inspires traditions around the world from hunts for presents to stockings or shoes filled with sweets.
In early September the remnants of Hurricane Kay moved up along the western coasts of Mexico and the United States. While a marginal amount of rain was deposited upon Long Beach because of the tropical storm system it brought storm surge and high wave conditions to our local beaches.

This elevated wave action combined with higher tides between September 9 and September 13 put our Beach Maintenance group into emergency management mode. Led by Superintendent Cory Forrester and his Beach Maintenance Supervisor team of Kelly Armstrong and Casey Edelman this group of seasoned Equipment Operators and Maintenance Assistants worked 24-hours per day to build, maintain and then rebuild, maintain the Peninsula Sand Berm for five days straight.

While storm waters did break the berm on several occasions throughout the event efforts engaged by the 24-hour crews prevented widespread flooding of the Long Beach Peninsula residential area. This saved Peninsula homeowners and the City of Long Beach millions of dollars in potential private home and City infrastructure repair costs.

The task of building and maintaining the Peninsula Berm during normal weather conditions and tides is a six-day-a-week undertaking. Faced with storm surge from a hurricane during a period of higher tides Beach Maintenance leadership knew it needed to call in City-wide support. Equipment Operators and their earthmoving vehicles were brought in from Public Works and the Water Department to bolster the Beach Maintenance crews and help hold back the raging ocean waters.

On October 4 the Long Beach City Council led by Councilwoman Suzie Price of the Third District publicly recognized members of the Long Beach Fire Department, Long Beach Police Department, LB Water Department, Long Beach Public Works and our PRM Marine Bureau Beach Maintenance Division for their collective storm response efforts and unwavering dedication to the protection of community property.
On October 28 the Marine Bureau saw the end of an era… The Kimarie Vestre Era. With her retirement on the horizon Kimarie’s last day in the office was Friday, October 28. In her time with Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Kimarie has seen and done it all.

She started her career with the City in July 1984 in a part-time role as an Admissions Attendant. Her trademark work ethic and dedication was recognized immediately when, six months later, she transitioned to a role as a Marina Security Officer I with the Marine Department in February 1985. She quickly made a name for herself in the Marine Department providing her, stellar to this day, brand of customer service.

To no one’s surprise Kimarie quickly promoted through the Security Officer ratings culminating with her appointment to Security Officer II in August 1987. She requested and received a transition from Marine Patrol to Marine Operations in 1988. Since then she has served the community at every destination in our Downtown Marinas and Alamitos Bay Marina. Kimarie has lived through and led many transitions over the years. From Marine Department to Marine Bureau, Security Officer to Marina Agent, wood docks to concrete and so many more.

Kimarie truly made a name for herself across our City overseeing special events and filming within the Marine Bureau. In the 2000s Marina Management recognized the need to organize special events and filming in the marinas. Kimarie was tabbed as the right person to take on the considerable task. In 2008 she was named Events Coordinator II and flourished in the role. To this day anybody that wants to hold a special event or book a filming on Long Beach waters or beaches knows Kimarie is the person to speak to for information.

In August 2014 Kimarie was appointed to the position she currently holds – Alamitos Bay Marina Supervisor. The work ethic, dedication and everyday joy she displayed in 1984 remains in place to this day 38 years later. Evidence of this consistency can be seen in her being named the Parks, Recreation and Marine Employee of the Month for September 2022. This accolade as voted on by her professional peers could not be any more deserving. She received this September 2022 EOTM award a mere 30 years, 9 months after she was nominated and awarded her first EOTM in January 1992.

Kimarie, you have had a tremendous impact on Marina Operations and an even greater personal impact on the people you have worked with and for. The Marine Bureau wishes you well in retirement and thanks you for so much more than your 38 years of community service. We thank you for being the amazing individual you are and for bringing your poise, professionalism and unwavering generosity to work every day.
At the Colorado Lagoon along Appian Way there is a parking lot that can flood during heavy rains, and this flooding erodes the natural planted areas that surround the Lagoon. This causes significant damage to plants and natural habitat and requires significant application of resources to replant and sometimes replace fencing. In May 2022 Eagle Scout Candidate Ben Pruitt approached The Friends of the Colorado Lagoon and the Marine Bureau to propose an Eagle Scout Project meant to not only replace the sand in the West arm that was washed away during a big storm four years ago, but also to help prevent further erosion with placement natural rock barriers along the affected area.

In Early October Pruitt and his Boy Scout Troop were able to take his Eagle Scout Project from concept to reality. Pruitt first coordinated with FOCL to re-plant the correct native plants in the flood damaged area. The Scouts then started the arduous process of spreading out three large dump truck loads of sand provided by Beach Maintenance. After that Pruitt and his team replaced old fenceposts and installed new barrier snow-fencing. In doing this Pruitt and his crew of volunteers created a two-foot wide area for natural rocks to be laid as an erosion barrier.

Eagle Scout Candidate Ben Pruitt, his Scout Troop volunteers and members of FOCL were the big community stars in this effort. Beach Maintenance supervisors Jeff King, Casey Edelman and their crews also played an integral role in completing Mr. Pruitt’s Eagle Scout Project.

Congratulation to Ben Pruitt on completing his Eagle Scout Project and thank you to all the community volunteers and City staff that lent a helping hand. This had needed to be done for quite a while. We are grateful for the community service of Ben Pruitt and his civil leadership in blazing a path to get it done. Kudos everyone!
Every three months the Marine Maintenance group votes in an Employee of the Quarter. Neither the Maintenance Superintendent nor the Maintenance Supervisors have a vote. The Employee of the Quarter is selected strictly by a vote of their peers in Marine Maintenance. At the end of each quarter Eric Woodson, Marine Maintenance Superintendent announces the winner at a potluck celebration event.

This quarter Anthony Vasquez was voted top employee in Marine Maintenance. Over the past several years Anthony has become a trusted and relied upon maintenance employee. Provided a strong mentoring pathway and opportunities to grow his skills, he has become confident, and his leadership skills are developing more and more. Anthony has been promoted twice in recent years and is eager to share new ideas on how to improve Marine Maintenance operations and the marina experience for our customers. Congratulations Anthony!
Dock Carts, the elusive unicorns of provision loading convenience. Yes, they exist, and yes, they are admittedly difficult to locate at times but that does not have to be the case. Over the past month, Marine Patrol officers have responded to several calls for service to retrieve dock carts from outside the marinas to include three that were recovered from the recent clean-up conducted at the wetlands adjacent to Alamitos Bay. Obviously, these carts do not roll away on their own, but they become easy targets of opportunity for passersby if left in the parking lots. When not in use, dock carts should be stored at the foot of the gangway on either side of the ramp. Not under the ramps as the ebb and flow of the tides have been known to create dock cart pancakes. Properly storing the carts in this manner after use puts a gate and a ramp’s worth of effort between someone wanting to claim a cart as their own personal street wagon. With a collective effort, we can ensure our carts are there when we need them.