Recognizing our Members "Of the Year"

2023 Scout Youth & Adult Volunteers

Annually, the Marin Council, BSA recognizes a “Scout of the Year” in each of our program areas. These young people are selected by their respective unit leaders through a nomination process that is not based on achievements, rank advancement, or leadership positions held, but rather what constitutes being a "Good Scout." For some units, it might be a young person who embodies “A Scout is a Friend to All”, or for others perhaps “A Scout is Kind.”

Following each unit’s nomination of their Scout of the Year, all of these young people are interviewed by a panel of Council-level adult volunteers. The final result of those interviews is that a Cub Scout, BSA Scout, BSA Venturer, and Explorer of the Year are selected as Marin Council "Scouts of the Year". These awards were presented at our annual recognition dinner on Monday, April 1. If you missed the dinner, these framed recognition certificates are available for pick-up at your Council Trading Post.

The fine young people noted below represent the success and values of Scouting in Marin during 2023, and we are proud to recognize each of them, along with the many unit volunteers who support them!

Cub Scout Pack Nominations

The Cub Scout of the Year Award program provides for the nomination and recognition of outstanding youth in our youngest program. It can provide meaningful experiences for many Cub Scouts, and a higher degree of visibility for Cub Scouting in the local community. A review of those Cub Scouts being considered should be based on the following characteristics:

  • Enthusiasm and Scout Spirit
  • Genuine Interest in Cub Scouting
  • Uniform and general appearance
  • Pleasant personality
  • Politeness and ability for their age level to communicate with adult leaders.

Pack 27 --- Grace O. T.

Pack 33 --- Christopher R.

Pack 34 --- Colin C.

Pack 48 --- Sasha B.

Pack 76 --- Miles O.

Pack 85 --- Dylan U.

Pack 186 --- Jonah S.

Marin Council Cub Scout of the Year

Colin C., Pack 34

Colin has a pleasant personality and is a joy to have in the Pack! He is passionate about first aid and emergency preparedness, and enjoys fixing bikes and attending all our outdoor activities. He says he is inspired by his older brother who is part of the Marin County Search & Rescue Explorer Post.

Scouts BSA Troop Nominations

The BSA Scout of the Year Award program provides for the nomination and recognition of outstanding youth in our traditional program. It can provide meaningful experiences for many Scouts, and a higher degree of visibility for Scouting in the local community. The youth should be considered based on characteristics similar to those noted for above Cub Scouts, but appropriate to the age and maturity level of the older Scouts BSA youth including:

  • Enthusiasm and Scout Spirit
  • Genuine interest in Scouting
  • Uniform and general appearance
  • Polite personality and respectful ability to communicate with adult leaders.

Troop 1 --- Austin G.

Troop 1G --- Sofia P. de L.

Troop 15 --- Griff R.

Troop 43 --- Seth Y.

Troop 48 --- Caleb C.

Troop 59 --- Tobias F.

Troop 73 --- Jack W.

Troop 76 --- Nathan B.

Troop 101 --- Jackson B.

Troop 200 --- Ryan J.

Troop 1015 --- Ruby C.

Marin Council BSA Scout of the Year

Sofia (Pili) P. de L., Troop 1G

Pili has been a fantastic Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader; leading our troop for nearly a year in both capacities. Pili has led, developed, or participated in several crucial events this year including the Escape Room, Ice Skating, Fall Camporee, New Scout Campout, Anniversary Campout, and several others. Her planning and organization skills ensured that every single Troop meeting had skills and fun. She consistently leads a Patrol Leader's Conference every week and keeps the leadership team engaged and accountable. Our troop would not be where it is this year without her period of transformative leadership helping to boost our recruiting efforts and sustain our membership retention for genuine unit growth!

Adult Volunteer Unit Nominations

Each unit committee selects a single adult volunteer (i.e. program leader, committee member, parent, charter organization representative) who has made a significant contribution to the unit this year through their volunteer dedication. It could be someone who stepped up at a crucial moment, or who helped out for the first time and is now a regular participant. This is a great opportunity to recognize that special person from your unit!

Pack 27 --- Brooke Stage

Pack 33 --- Sarah Halterman

Pack 34 --- Cory Sturtevant

Pack 48 --- Rama Ranganath

Pack 59 --- Roger Dickerson

Pack 76 --- Craig Stewart

Pack 85 --- Julie Buckley

Pack 186 --- Judy Yan

Troop 1 --- Tanya Steinhofer

Troop 1G --- Son-Hyu Lee

Troop 15 --- Theresa Mar-Elia

Troop 48 --- James Arce

Troop 59 --- Matt Murawski

Troop 73 --- Kathleen Diringer

Troop 76 --- Michael McCarthy

Troop 84 --- Rebecca Crosby

Troop 101 --- Srijana Dhakhwa

Troop 200 --- Amy Wang

Troop 1015 --- Mary Beth Wentzell

Council President's Silver Acorn Award

This special award is unique to Marin Council, and is presented to those volunteers who demonstrate exceptional service to the Council and the youth and families we serve. The symbolism of the acorn – a tiny seed that grows into a mighty oak tree represents many of our volunteer efforts:  single acts that compound and grow and develop into a profound and life changing experience for the youth whose lives we impact for generations. The honorees are personally selected by our Council President to recognize adult Scouters for their unique service or dedication to their unit's success or enthusiastic support for Scouting in Marin. The Marin Council President’s Silver Acorn Award recipients this year are made up of four outstanding volunteers:

Jennifer Hartung

Jennifer is a dedicated Scouter who serves our programs on both the unit and Council level, most recently and successfully as the Troop 48 Committee Chair. She also supports many other Council events always bringing capable, organized, and friendly leadership that best represents our program.

Robert Lariviere

Robert is an involved and supportive parent at the Pack level, and a dedicated Assistant Scoutmaster with Troops 15 and 1015.  His leadership also shines on the Council level with service to the Talako Lodge Order of the Arrow, Council Executive Board, Council Executive Committee.

Natalie Lee

Natalie began her volunteer Scouting at the Pack level and then serving in Troops 1 and 1G as Assistant Scoutmaster and Merit Badge Counselor.  Supporting both sons and a daughter through the program, she is also active with the Talako Lodge Order of the Arrow and assists whenever called upon.

Theodore (Ted) Lee

Ted, an Eagle Scout, has served on both Pack and Troop levels in leadership positions ranging over the years from Den Leader, Cubmaster, Pack Committee, and Assistant Scoutmaster. He continually sets a great example and also supports fellow volunteers as part of a team to help everyone be successful.

Council Award of Merit

The Award of Merit, also known as the District Award of Merit, recognizes outstanding volunteers who show dedication to the local Scouting program on a Unit and Council level. Recipients demonstrate sustained and continuous leadership that grows the Scouting program, supports volunteerism and provides exceptional service to the youth we serve. We are proud to recognize three Marin Council Scouters as Award of Merit recipients this year:

Janet Chiu

Janet began her volunteer involvement as a Cub Scout parent, followed by years of service to Troop 73 on the Committee and as Committee Chair. She was invited to join the Council Executive Board last year where she exhibits a special interest in training leaders and assisting others to better help neurodivers youth. Janet served on the International Staff Team for the 2023 World Jamboree in South Korea, and is active in the Talako Lodge Order of the Arrow. She is a Silver Acorn recipient last year and a James E. West Fellow.

William (Bill) Millar

Bill's Scouting trail spans several generations. He is an Eagle Scout with more than two decades as a volunteer starting with his sons in Tiger Cubs, then leading them as Cubmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster as they rose through the program. He has returned to Pack 27 as Cubmaster for another generation with his grandchild. Bill is a past Silver Acorn recipient and is active with the Council Shooting Sports Committee volunteering for many events including Rifle Rangemaster at Camp Marin-Sierra.

Walter Pritchard

Walter is also an Eagle Scout who has served Scouting in Marin for over 15 years at the unit level in almost every position including Den Leader, Pack Committee Chair, and Cubmaster, followed by Troop Committee Chair and Scoutmaster. He serves on the Council Training Committee giving leadership to BALOO as Course Director, and is active on the Camping Committee supporting our annual Webelos Woods at Marin-Sierra including adapting it to a virtual program in 2020 to maintain continuity during the pandemic. Walter is also a past Silver Acorn recipient.

The Silver Beaver Award

The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Upon nomination by their peers, submission by the local Scout council, and with the approval of the National Court of Honor, recipients of this award are registered adult Scouters who have made a significant impact on the lives of youth through volunteer service and leadership given at the local Council level. The Silver Beaver is an award bestowed on those who implement the Scouting program consistently and perform valuable community service through hard work, self-sacrifice, and dedication over many years.

Carl Lippenberger

Carl joined Scouting after elementary school, becoming a member of a troop in Cincinnati, Ohio. He remembers weekly troop meetings in the gym where he and his fellow Scouts would talk at length about backpacking treks at Philmont. They dreamed of a great adventure, but that would never come to be… at least not while he was a Scout. Carl dropped out of Scouting during high school when his family moved to Iowa.

Carl remained in Iowa for college earning a degree in Chemical Engineering which he utilized in his work as a research engineer for Chevron. He left that position to return to school and continue his education in San Francisco at University of California, College of Law where he earned his J.D. As an attorney, Carl has enjoyed a robust practice that has included civil litigation, general counsel services, trust and estate services, real estate, employment and intellectual property law. He has worked as a member and then partner in law firms as well as his own solo practice.

Carl and his wife Ginger established their family in Mill Valley with two sons, Jason and Kyle. When the boys reached Scout-age they each joined Troop 1. Carl came along for the ride and joined the troop as well where he would serve as Advancement Chair. It was finally now as a volunteer leader when Carl was able to embark on the adventure he had always wanted to as a Scout. He helped lead two Philmont Treks, one with each son. He also joined the Troop at the Florida Seabase and on a fifty-mile backpacking trip.

Carl’s leadership and commitment to community service was recognized by the Council Nominating Committee and he was recruited to the Marin Council Executive Board. He has served on the Board for over twenty years assisting in a number of initiatives, the most critical of which has been helping the Council navigate through the BSA bankruptcy process. He has also served in leadership positions with Big Brothers, Big Sisters of the North Bay and Mill Valley Rotary. He is a member of the American Bar Association, San Francisco Bar Association, and Association of Business Trail Lawyers.

Carl has been recognized previously with the Marin Council Silver Acorn and Award of Merit. He is also a James E. West Fellow.

Kenn Moynihan

Kenn was born in San Francisco but was raised San Rafael. A Scouting path was probably a foregone conclusion for him as his father was an Eagle Scout, an active Camp Royaneh supporter, and the first President of the Knights of Dunamis which would later evolve into the National Eagle Scout Association. Sure enough, Kenn joined Pack 18 and later Troop 18. He enjoyed his Scouting activities and credits them to this day with his ability to work cooperatively with others and solve problems. Kenn was not enamored with advancement like his father and did not attain the rank of Eagle. In fact it is very likely that Kenn might have dropped out of Scouting were it not for his induction into the Order of the Arrow, Talako Lodge which instilled in him a lifelong love of the great outdoors.

Following graduation from the Branson School, Kenn went to UC San Diego where he graduated with a degree in Communications and Visual Arts. He returned to the Bay Area and began a career in film and video services. As a projectionist with stage management experience, he supported touring artists such as Paul McCartney, Guns ‘N Roses, Jackson Brown, and the Eagles with their concerts before starting his career with Industrial Light & Magic. He built a family with his late wife Bayley raising two sons in Marin. Through a happenstance meeting at ILM’s childcare center, they were recruited into Pack 53 where Dylan and Ryan were Cub Scouts and Bayley volunteered. When the boys transferred into Troop 38, Kenn decided it was his turn to get involved as a volunteer and became an Assistant Scoutmaster.

Following this short term with the troop, Kenn stepped back into Talako Lodge when Dylan was inducted to the OA. It was here that Kenn reunited with Lodge Advisor Bob Tong who was also a Talako member with Kenn in their youth. Working with Talako Lodge, Kenn was struck at the profound impact that he saw Scouting giving young people as they each found a place “to fit” no matter how different their backgrounds. Kenn would later also serve as Lodge Advisor for nearly seven years providing valuable continuity during times of change in Scouting. Following his passing of the reigns of Talako Advisor, he was recruited to the OA Section leadership where he supports councils across Northern California. Kenn has been previously recognized as a Marin Council Silver Acorn and Award of Merit recipient. He is a Vigil Member of the Order of the Arrow and has received the Talako Arrowman of the Year award and OA Founders Award.

The Mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people

to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes

by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.

Over the past century, the Marin Council is pleased to have recognized the many outstanding volunteer adult leaders who have invested countless hours of unselfish service and dedication in support of our local youth, as well as the exceptional young men and women in Marin Scouting who are the successful results of those efforts.

Marin Council, BSA



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