2022 Scouting for Food Community Service
Happy Thanksgiving to All!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
-Margaret Mead
Ten days ago, two Cub Scouts walked through their neighborhood. The week before they had hung door hangers and now they returned to see what they could collect. At first it seemed disappointing, less than one in ten houses had any food out. However, by the end of their route, their Den Leader’s car was full of bags of canned food – twenty, maybe thirty bags. 
After those two Cub Scouts finished their route, they meet the rest of the Pack. The other Scouts had been doing the same thing – working in groups of two’s or four’s, filling the back seat of a leader’s or parent’s car that would return to a school parking lot where all the bags would be combined. 
The small teams of Cub Scouts now gathered as a Pack, nearly thirty Scouts that day. The bags from the back seats and trunks of leader’s cars were transferred to beds of three pick-up trucks. The twenty bags each Scout collected now combined to tally nearly 700 pounds of food.
This story was repeated across Marin as Scouts traveled on foot in nearly every neighborhood in our County all to help those less fortunate. Packs, Troops, and Crews filled pick-up trucks, minivans, and SUV’s with hundreds of pounds that would work their way to San Rafael for the next stage in the journey, unloading at the Food Bank.

At the Food Bank, another set of hands went to work. Twenty-five older Scouts with their leaders from the Talako Lodge directed traffic and unloaded bag upon bag of the recently collected food. Just a few years before, these older Scouts had been Cubs or younger Scouts themselves, walking their neighborhood wondering if the bag they collected from only every tenth house would make a difference – now these Scouts were unloading thousands of pounds of food, the combined effort of hundreds of Scouts collecting.  It was clear that yes, this day would make a difference as the count reached over 31,000 pounds of food collected this year for the SF / Marin Food Bank. All food that will support the less fortunate in Marin.
We should treasure the significant impact of our efforts. We should also remember this collective act of service begins with the simple good deed of two Scouts picking up just a couple dozen bags of canned goods.
This Thanksgiving Holiday, we wish you the best and we give thanks for being part of a Marin Scouting family that truly does change the world.
From the Executive Board and staff of the Marin Council –
Happy Thanksgiving
To help underwrite the costs associated with conducting Scouting for Food please visit: Give - Boy Scouts of America (scouting.org)
The Mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.

The Marin Council, BSA is pleased to recognize the many volunteer adult leaders who have invested countless hours of unselfish service in support of our Scouting youth, as well as the exceptional young men and women in Marin Scouting who are the direct result of that influence.
Marin Council, BSA