It’s March: “in like a lion, out like a lamb” is a familiar refrain about this time of year, especially if you hail from somewhere other than Florida. We’ve had an unseasonably warm winter here (which apparently most Floridians love!) so it’s more like “what will March bring”?
One thing we do know is this is good time to start preparing for the warmest months and storm season and for general “tuning up” because once the temps stay consistently high, be prepared for very little to happen as fast as preferred.
First up; smoke detectors. During inspections these are always checked and serviced. If you ever find an indication they are not working, report immediately.
Second; If your HVAC system has not seen a lot of “action” this winter, now is the time to make sure that drain line is being kept clear and that the filters are being changed diligently. This is one of the most basic actions that can be taken to possibly prevent functionality disruptions.
Thirdly, think about what you learned from last hurricane season (including what you witnessed further south) and begin to work on your “plan”. Do you know your flood zone? Evacuation route? Do you have appropriate insurance in place? If in an area that could be evacuated can you quickly pull together what you need to take with you? If you evacuate, where would you plan to go?
Oh, and the dreaded tax season—still time to get it together. And don’t forget to VOTE!
But most importantly, how about getting out and enjoying the still (we hope) temperate weather this month? Don’t forget the Shrimp are back next month!
Is there something else we can help with? Email marketing and let us know!
The Team at FPM Properties