Tutor Engagement
REMINDER: Goal and Achievement Forms!
After every student post-test, we are required by our funders to collect goal and achievement information on each student who has received instruction.
The post-test is only one measure of progress and certainly does not tell how the student is using and applying the language skills that they are developing. The data collected with the Goal and Achievement Form illustrates the usage and current changes in your student’s language skills. Our funders are not only interested in test score changes, but more importantly, they want to know what language skills have been developed and in which situations.
Please help us collect this important information related to your student by completing the Goal and Achievement Form at each post-test. Laurie Hoffman, our Program Manager, is available to answer any questions that you may have regarding the form.
Libraries and Laptops/Tablets
Did you know that most libraries check out laptops and/or tablets for in-house use with your student during a tutoring session there? Check with your library for its policy and procedure.