February 2024


Happy Winter!

Winter has arrived, and after 2 years without it, we got snow here in virginia. Of course, then we got warm weather again, and now everyone is feeling upper respiratory symptoms. I am seeing bacteria, as well as viruses. If you are not sure what you may need to feel better, reach out for a mini-test.

Schedule Update: I will be heading south for the first 2 weeks of March - from March 4th to March 19th, 2024, and will be conducting only virtual appointments during that time. Mostly only Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday mornings. If you prefer in-person, I will be back in the office on Wednesday, March 20th. I will be available for Mini-tests during that time, but it may take longer than usual for me to reply back to you.

Dr. Lisa

Schedule An Appointment

Updating Virtual Appointments

I will begin offering an option for Virtual Appointments between Phone or Zoom call.

The way I have been doing virtual appointments is through a phone call. I would have you email me an update on how you are feeling, and any areas that you might want me to focus my testing on. I would then complete your testing, using your signature or photo, and email you the excel file with your new protocol. Then, at your appointment time, we would meet over the phone, review the results and your new protocol. Most phone calls last less than 20-minutes.

This “phone appointment” will still remain an option.

I will now start offering a zoom version. This type of appointment will take place, via zoom (face-to-face) at your appointment time, and I will share my screen and complete your testing in real time, just like an in-person visit. I will not do any testing prior to the appointment time. This type of call will typically last 45-60 minutes, just as it would in my office. At the conclusion of the Zoom call, I will email a copy of your new protocol.

When scheduling a virtual appointment, you will be asked to choose between phone and zoom.

What is MELT

MELT Classes

Resume in January!

30 minute classes

every other Wednesday*

at 7:00 pm

Register Now!

*Class for Wednesday February 14th will take place on Thursday, Feb 15th at 7:00 pm instead!

See Schedule Online for class themes.

The MELT Method is a simple self-treatment method that you can do at home to remain active, healthy, and pain-free for life!

  • Gentle Self-care
  • Reduct inflammation and chronic pain
  • Enhance Mobility, Stability, Performance
  • Ease chronic neck and low back strain
  • Improve body alignment
  • Restore overall wellbeing

MELT uses specialized soft rollers and therapy balls to stimulate the results of manual therapy.  Learn to eliminate stuck stress before it accumulates, causing chronic aches, pains and unwanted signs of aging. 

To purchase MELT Equipment - Click Here 


Not all Multi-Grain Breads are Healthy!

In these health-conscious times, many people are giving the side eye to white bread, which is often highly processed. Cue the rise in popularity of multigrain bread, which is often touted as a healthier alternative. But how healthy are multigrain breads, really? As it turns out, the healthfulness of multigrain breads you find on your grocery shelves varies widely.

Whether a multigrain bread is healthy or not mostly boils down to what ingredients it contains. "Healthier breads include whole grain wheat or flour as the first ingredient on the ingredient list," Amy Davis, a registered dietitian told Real Simple. "In less healthy brands of bread you will likely see longer ingredient lists overall, which may include several emulsifiers and preservatives," Davis added.

In this article, we take a closer look at 13 multigrain breads that include excessive levels of ingredients like sodium and sugar, low levels of beneficial substances like fiber and whole grains, and the addition of artificial additives that you might want to live without.

See Full List Here!

A Better Way to Fitness & Wellness, LLC
100 Dry Mill Rd, Suite 102, Leesburg, VA 20175