March Primary Election Results
Texas voters had their say in the March 2022 Primary Election. While more than 25% of those registered to vote cast ballots in the 2020 Presidential Primary, only 17.3% of registered voters cast ballots in this Midterm Primary. That’s up just slightly from the 17.2% of voters who took the time to vote in the comparative election from 2018, and up significantly from the 13.9% that voted in March 2014. 

All that is to say that even though voter turnout is low, at least it is improving. What is also telling is how that vote is divided between the two parties. Over 800,000 more Texas voters cast ballots in the Republican Primary Election than the Democratic equivalent this election cycle. 

The run-off election for any races that require one will take place on Tuesday, May 24, with early voting from May 16-20.
Texas Commission on Virtual Education
The Texas Commission on Virtual Education met for the first time last week. You can find more information about this Commission on their website, including the Commission's membership, recordings of their meetings, and the handouts used in those meetings. The Commission's next meeting will take place on March 30.
Talking points on school funding
We've recently detected a trend of people trying to downplay the impact of recapture on schools and taxpayers by saying the State and the federal government have already made sizable investments to help our schools. In response to that, we've developed these talking points to provide some important context and facts. Feel free to use these in conversation, in writing, or however you see fit. And even better, please take it a step further and add details and context from the circumstances in your district.
Mark your calendar now for our Legislative Planning Workshop coming up June 8-9 in Dallas. We'll assess the current state of affairs, make some projections about what to expect, and work to make plans and establish priorities. We hope you will make plans to join us! More details to come.
Thank you to our annual sponsors!
601 Camp Craft Road
Austin, Texas 78746