If you have been involved in any program activities or participated in events for families in early intervention, we'd love to know about it! Contact us at
877-353-4757 or eiplp@live.com
Did you know...
you will be receiving your MEIC Conference registration packets
soon? If you would like to attend, fill out the registration form and blue coupons, and send them back to us ASAP. Workshops fill up VERY quickly, so the sooner we get your choices, the better. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have by calling 877-353-4757 or emailing
Did you know...
March is a NCSEAM Family Survey distribution month? If you have been receiving EI services for more than six months and did not get a survey during the October distribution, you may receive one this month. Your feedback helps the Department of Public Health know how your program is providing information in key areas. There's more information, including video support and FAQs, on the EIPLP website under the Family Survey Resources tab.
Did you know...
you can keep up with the EIPLP on your favorite social media platform? Find us on Facebook under EIPLP or follow us on Twitter @EIPLP. There is also a private Facebook group specifically for Parent Contacts that you can find on Facebook here.
Did you know...?
Routines-Based Intervention includes strategies that support activities which occur within the course of a child's and family's everyday life experiences.
We love that you are here!
Parent Contacts are an important part of the Massachusetts Early Intervention System. Parent Contacts are parents and guardians of children currently receiving EI services who volunteer to receive information from the EIPLP and share it with other families. If your child is no longer receiving services, or you no longer wish to be the Parent Contact for your EI program, please let us know by calling
1-877-353-4757 or emailingeiplp@live.com so that we can identify another family from your program.