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3/16/2021 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
SBA eligibility for Federal set-asides for Women-Owned Business changed in 2020. We will review the current eligibility rules and certification process.

Online Meeting (Live)
3/16/2021 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Join the Small Business Administration's Mentor-Protege Program Kick-off Community of Practice introduction to the SBA Mentor-Protege Program. The SBA has consolidated the 8(a) Mentor-protege program and the All-Small-Mentor Protege Program (ASMPP) and will share what all that means.    

PTAC/SBDC Business Roundtable                            
3/18/2021 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM  
Washington PTAC/SBDC Business Roundtable is an open forum discussion where you can learn from PTAC about government contracting and SBDC Business Advisors about growing your business.

Pre-Award: Technical Proposal Preparation                       
Online Meeting (Live)
3/18/2021 8:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Hear about the fine details you should pay attention to. Learn from folks who have read countless proposals - what needs to be there and what doesn't.

Online Meeting (Live)
3/25/2021 12:00 PM-1:00 PM     
Weekly 1-hour sessions from 12 PM – 1 PM help walk you through how to do business with Washington State. Real procurements to pilot DES Master Contract for Business Professional Services and DES’s agency training procurements.

Laying the Groundwork: Basics of Government Contracting                        
Online Meeting (Live)
3/26/2021 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
This class is for small business owners who are brand new to government procurement. This class will lay the groundwork for you to decide if government contracting should be in your future.

Business Operations: Bonding, Insurance & Financials                    
Online Meeting (Live)
3/30/2021 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM   
This session focuses on the following: What surety bonds are and the various types of surety bonds, how to begin the process of obtaining a bond, the role of the agent/producer and underwriter, the prequalification process, the 3 “C’s” – capital, capacity and character, the costs of bonding, how to develop a surety bond relationship and more.

Wednesday with the Deputy's (for small business) NUWC and PSNS/IMF                            
Online Meeting (Live)
3/31/2021 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM  
Wednesday with the Deputy for Small Business is an opportunity for industry partners to meet with the Deputy for Small Business from the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), Keyport Division, and the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility (PSNS/IMF). Learn more about the types of supplies and service contract opportunities, set-aside opportunities, and how to do business with NUWC Keyport and PSNS/IMF.