OPICA provides comprehensive, personalized services for adults challenged with memory loss, and for their families. We thank you for sharing this news with others.
"Eventually you will reach a point
when you stop lying about your age
and start bragging about it."

~ Will Rogers
Some of the World's
Lowest Rates of Dementia
Found in Amazonian Indigenous Groups

New research adds to evidence that healthier pre-industrial lifestyles may hold clues to preventing Alzheimer’s and other dementias

March 9, 2022

As scientists around the world seek for solutions for Alzheimer's disease, a new study reveals that two indigenous groups in the Bolivian Amazon have among the lowest rates of dementia in the world.

An international team of researchers found among older Tsimane and Moseten people, only about 1% suffer from dementia. In contrast, 11% of people age 65 and older living in the United States have dementia, according to the Alzheimer's Association. See entire article here.
“Dr. Chen, Mannie’s doctor, said she has never seen him looking so good. Last time he was depressed, there was a heaviness to him and a pall in his eye. She said he looks so bright, so happy. And she attributes it, as do I, to OPICA .”
– Rose
Celebrating OPICA's Art Program
and Honoring
Anne Galbraith, Abby Fels, and Paula Stoeke
Programs Continue!

In-Person Programs Run Daily
OZ Online Programs Still Going Strong
Anne Galbraith, Clinical Director and Art Therapist at OPICA has moved to her next step in life after 24 years at OPICA. She has touched so many lives of OPICA members, caregivers, families, staff, and MFT counseling interns.

Cheryl Beck-Benjamin has been at OPICA for two years (measured by the pandemic), and through her wonderful work and service to OPICA has been promoted to Director of Programs and Counseling.
Anne Galbraith
Cheryl Beck-Benjamin
Thank You

For Your
Generous Support

Saint Patrick's Day Music

Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have used this space to travel virtually. Today on Saint Patrick's Day we will travel with our ears.

We have many Irish favorites who have entered our music world with major hits. Such as U2, Van Morrison, Sinéad O'Connor, Hozier, Sheena Easton, Susan Boyle and many more.

Today we will share some wonderful Irish performers whose music is more traditionally Irish. Enjoy!
Your copy should address 3 key questi
ons: Who am I writing
Are you looking for daily activity
for your loved one?
Is your loved one lonely
and need a place to socialize?
Would you like to add something new to your daily routine?
Join the Online Day Program at OPICA
OZ OPICA on Zoom

OZ Program Continues
We've opened our doors but our virtual program is here to stay!

Stay connected, stay engaged with OZ.
(You can even do both)

Are you looking for daily activity for your loved one?

Is your loved one lonely and need a place to socialize?

Would you like to add something new to your daily routine?

Join the Online Day Program at OPICA
OZ OPICA on Zoom
All of our groups are facilitated by Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT) and trainees

Sara Kaye 
for more information about these groups

OZ is a daily interactive program for older adults, and those experiencing memory loss, easily accessible from a single zoom link. 10:00am - 2:00pm Monday through Friday OZ engages seniors with activities including exercise, cultural adventures, cognitive activities, home art experiences, and musical engagement and performances.
If you haven't tried our OZ program and would like to join, please contact
Sara Kaye or call 410-478-0226.

Online Day Programs Continue
Join us every week for one, two or as many groups as
you want to be part of.

Mindfulness Based Art Group, Nisei Group, Spirit Builders Group,
and Art Class.

All of our groups are facilitated by Marriage and Family Therapists (MFT) and trainees

Contact Sara Kaye for more information
about these groups

11759 Missouri Ave, 
Los Angeles, CA 90025