Starting Today!

My Friend Tom McCarthy and associates are offering a series of FREE interviews with a variety of healers.

I am in one of the videos. Below is the link to sign up.

Interviews - Click Here To Sign Up

A Note From Raymon

Howdy Folks 
Here are some interesting stories from my friend Alice in Malaysia. There is a difference in the way we write and have only put a few words in for clarity.
If some of you have interesting stories, send them to me and maybe we can use them for future newsletters to inspire the readers.
If you feel the newsletters are worthwhile, feel free to share with friends. 
Will have some local classes this year, so check the schedule at
Wishing you a Happy Spring or Fall~~depending on which half of the earth you live on.

Alice's Story

You always mention that fear and worry do not help , do something and improve our life .

1   When Zayleen [baby] was about 8 months , doctor said baby’s head should be moving down prepared to born,
    doctor tried to move the head downward without success, needing to operate for the the baby to be born.
    I talked to the baby, welcomed to the family , visualized daughter in front of me and used my hand moving slowly  the baby head downward. ( done it few times) That night, I was sending an e-mail to you wishing you a happy birthday then continue talking and joking  to the baby, " Hi ! would you like to have same birthday with my teacher Raymon.” (energy follow thought ).
Baby due date was on 15 January but immediately after 12 midnight on 29th   
    daughter started having pain , the pain became stronger.  Admitted to hospital around 2am ,  Zayleen was born naturally and healthy about 5am on 29th December, interesting .
    Cleaned up the hospital and raised up the energy of the staffs and doctors involved (you taught us in class )  
2  When Zayden about 8 months , doctor advised daughter have to eat less and moved more otherwise baby will difficult to come out if too big.
   Zayden was 4kg when he was born. The nurse told that this was a super baby , if for other patient ,usually doctor will operate if the baby was big but 
   Zayden was born naturally and healthy. You taught us that the mind sensing picture rather than words, I imagined putting some oil on the head of baby and visualized him born quickly and healthy. 

3 I went for an event and I saw a beautiful purple rocks in the meeting room, it was not for sale only for lucky draw after the event finished.
   I bought 5 tickets at $2 per ticket. Many people bought as many tickets as they could. hopefully to get the rock.
   I imagined a magnet on all my tickets and put a magnet too on the hand of the person who picking up the tickets and I got the rock , interesting.

4 A man working for wild life protecting company was lost in the forest when doing research .
   Daughter told me this and he has wife and 2 very young kids at home.
   I said to myself I wanted to help, my feeling was he was in another dimension and still alive. I talked to the nature spirits there and the king of the forest. 
   I sending love and gratitude to them, requested them to released the man because the young kids need father to taking care.
   I also putting a light on his head , so it's easy to let the rescue team to see him. The rescue team met him after 8 days and he was sitting at the river side and not 
   going any where but the rescue team passing by here many times and not seeing him. He didn't know that he has lost contact already 8 days , 
   to him was just a while and he didn't eat anything. 

THANK YOU SO MUCH I have the knowledge to accomplished things,
I like to learn from you , you are the person I like to follow.
Yours Friend
Son-in-law , JOEL was cutting a tree in the back yard , very near to the house . The tree was stroked by thunder and lighting and it dried off quite some time.
He said the tree may fall and hit the house. He was alone using the chain saw to cut it and the tree about 50 to 60 feet tall , was thinking how can I helped him.
You have mentioned that if cutting a tree " imagined where did you want the tree to fall and create the picture " .
 I talked to the nature spirits and land spirit , removed the spirit of danger create the picture falling to a right place for not damaged anything.
Ha ! Ha ! It works.
I remembered your words
Your Friend
Raymon's Website

Class Schedule

  • April 22-23 - Winston Salem, NC
  • May 6-7 - Abingdon, VA
  • June 24-25 - Abingdon, VA

Email to register.

Comments From Our Friends Around The World

  • Thank you because I am really feeling the benefits of your daily clearing subscription. Things are on a more even keel where before we used to have great lows and the energy felt awful. I used to have to go and hide at it's worst and not felt the need to do that since I signed up!  ~~H~~ from UK

  • Clearings changing my life for the better, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.  Autoimmune, thyroid big issue, colon, liver, spleen pancreas, lungs, heart, gut, etc. Releasing childhood fear, lies, anger suppressed, hurt, codependency crap, more grounding, healthier boundaries more than before clearings began. Appreciative of support. Blessings always. J
Raymon Grace Foundation