Volume 6 | March 2019
Independence and Achievement though Technology
Helping Scouts Become More Aware
On January 8 th TechACCESS, along with other agencies, presented Assistive Technology to Cub Scout Pack 3 of Greenville, RI.   With the purpose of broadening the scouts’ disability awareness, the RI NFB President, East Bay Collaborative, ATEL and TechACCESS set up activities to simulate certain physical and developmental disabilities and demonstrated the types of Assistive Technology (AT) that can be used in aiding individuals with these disabilities.  Scouts of all ages along with their parents, were able to experience situations from the perspective of someone with a disability and use the appropriate AT. The scouts had a lot of questions for the presenters and learned a lot about how technology can level the playing field for their peers with disabilities. Some of the scouts participating used this experience toward earning their Disability Awareness Badge.   
Peer to Peer AT Support
TechACCESS is thrilled to be working with the A-Tech Monkeys! The A-Tech Monkeys is a group of 5 guys dedicated to providing peer to peer support on Assistive Technology. These five guys: Aaron, Barry, Josh, Jordan, and Stephen are employed by The Arc of Bristol C ounty through a grant to provide these AT services. With the help of their mentor Chantel Freitas, Assistive Technology Specialist at The Arc, they have begun creating video tutorials on You Tube to engage with all audiences. Through these videos they are able to provide simple solutions to everyday barriers. They meet once a week to collaborate on new ideas and record their videos at their Rhode Island office , ProAbility.
2019 Assistive Technology
Conference of New England
Featuring AT Maker-Palooza!
November 14th & 15th, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Warwick RI
We are now accepting presentation submissions for 2019 ATCNE!

Submit your ideas for full day sessions, 75 minute sessions, poster presentations and/or AT Maker-Palooza demonstration.
Maker-Palooza Logo
TechACCESS Workshops
2019 Workshop Schedule

  • March 12th: Creating Successful AT/Implementation Plans
  • March 20th: Let's Get Talking:Using AAC in the Classroom
  • March 26th: Using Eyegaze Effectively: What you Need to Know
  • April 2nd: Executive Functioning Supports in the Classroom and Beyond
  • April 9th: GO Talk Now!
AT Spotlights
3D Printing AT!
With more and more individuals using laptops, there has been an increase in those using the trackpad. A trackpad or touch pad is a device for pointing (controlling input positioning) on a computer display screen. It is an alternative to the mouse. A touchpad can be a very useful alternative to the standard mouse, but it is usually located right under your hands when you are typing. This will result in accidental touches by your palm or wrist moving the cursor to another place then where you intended!
This can be particularly frustrating for those with motor coordination difficulties and can result in increased time to complete work and decrease independence. Although many laptops and Chromebooks have settings to decrease the sensitivity of the touchpad, some individuals continue to struggle with using a touchpad without producing accidental movements of the cursor.
A client we recently worked with who had multiple motor difficulties and was unable to use an external mouse found the touchpad helpful when using his Chromebook. However, because he was unable to lift his wrist off the touchpad while accessing some of the letters on the keyboard, he made several mistakes resulting in frustration and increased time to complete his school work. This sparked an idea: could we design a trackpad guard with Tinkercad and then 3D print it? So…we did! This tool acted as a guard/support for his wrist and he was able to then use his finger to utilize the trackpad in a functional way! Just another way we can use 3D printing as AT! Check out Tinkercad here .
AAC-Voice Output
GoTalk WOW-A Voice Output App for the Apple Watch
GoTalk WOW is a new voice output app for the Apple watch. This simple, but useful app allows you to produce voice output from your wrist. Features include:
  • 15 pre-programmed messages
  • The ability to create your own messages including custom photos, recorded voice output, or computer generated voiced output
  • Messages are displayed one at a time
  • Navigation is accomplished through scrolling the watch crown
  • All programming can be done on the watch itself
  • The app needs to be downloaded through a paired iPhone. The use of custom photographs also requires the use of an iPhone.
While the technology has been available for years in other forms, GoTalk WOW introduces a new level of functionality and unobtrusive design to wearable voice output. 
Tactile Graphics
Graphics in books and textbooks provide a wealth of information and assist students in understanding concepts. But what if your students can't see them? Tactile graphic images can be created and used by individuals with visual impairments to allow them to obtain information that sighted people get from looking at pictures. Students learning geography, for example, would be lost without maps of regions being studied. Tactile graphics allow them to feel the image to enhance their understanding of the image and the concepts represented. The Materials Access Center at TechACCESS uses the Swell Form Graphics Machine to creating tactile maps, diagrams, text and graphics. This machine has allowed us to provide materials to RI students who require tactile graphics to enhance their understanding of concepts being presented in class .
14th Annual College Planning Forum
The 14th Annual College Planning Forum is for students with disabilities, 504 plans and other challenges, as well as their parents and school personnel. This informative, no cost event, provides first-hand experiences along with tips to better prepare for a successful college transition. Light lunch will be served, registration is required.

Sponsored by: The Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies: Providence College; RI Regional Transition Centers; RI Department of Education Office of Student, Community and Academic Support; RI Parent Information Network; RI Office of Rehabilitation Services.

March 9th, 8 am- 2 pm Providence College, Center For Humanities Building
On-line Resource
GCF learn free.org program is an on-line resource that provides 100% free learning programs designed to fit individual needs. They recognize that all people do not learn the same and provide supports for those with different learning styles. Lessons are offered through video, audio, text, games and interactive activities. There are over one thousand lessons to choose from spanning eighty five topics. Some examples of topics that are offered are basic computer skills, the internet, on-line safety, Microsoft word, career planning, resume writing and much more. https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/
Looking for more resources?

Remember to check out TechACCESS-RI.org and Project AT.org
TechNews and Tech Tips are posted weekly!
Mention of any product, service or event in this newsletter does not constitute any endorsement or recommendation by TechACCESS.
TechACCESS of RI | 401-463-0202| techaccess-ri.org