Welcome to SMCR's Monthly Newsletter
A Note from Our Executive Director, Bonnie Elward
Dear Friends,
I hope this finds you enjoying sunshine and warmer weather! With the days getting longer, we head into April with a sense of excitement for many engaging upcoming events. On May 4th, we celebrate with a Star Wars themed dance for all of our Calvert and St. Mary's members, their families, and friends. Please see below for more information on this fun, family event.
Our Dragon Boat Festival is less than five months away! We are hard at work planning for a day filled with friendly competition and community spirit. We are still in need of committee volunteers. If you would like to be a part of the behind the scenes fun, please let us know. We are also accepting team registrations, so gather your friends and sign up for this unique opportunity to have a great time while supporting our members!
Finally, thank you to all who helped to make our Countdown to Spring Fashion Show a success and to those who participated in our Papa John's Pizza fundraiser this month. We are grateful for your support!
In Gratitude,
A few months ago, we asked members and providers to complete a survey as to what types of programs they would like SMCR to offer. One of the most popular responses was that our members love to dance and would love to see more dances in addition to our annual Winter Gathering and Joy Prom.
On Friday, May 4th, we will have our "May the Fourth Be With You" Star Wars themed dance at Jesus the Divine Word in Huntingtown. Like all of our programs, this dance will be inclusive, family-friendly, and fun!
There will be no movie night in St. Mary's that Friday.
We hope to see all of our St. Mary's and Calvert County members at this free event. There will be dancing, crafts, and lite refreshments from 6-8pm. If you happen to have a Star Wars costume, feel free to dress up!
Upcoming Programs-Mark Your Calendar!
St. Mary's County Programs
April 6th-Movie Night
at Knights of Columbus Hall, Leonardtown 6:00-8:00pm-Free
April 20th-Bowling
at Esparanza Lanes-Lexington Park 6:00-8:00pm $12.00 for 2 games and shoe rental
April 27th-Game Night
at Patuxent Presbyterian Church, California 6:00-8:00pm-Free
Calvert County Programs
April 6th-Game Night
at Jesus the Divine Word Catholic Church, Huntingtown 6:00-8:00pm-Free
April 21st-Bowling
at Lord Calvert Bowl-Huntingtown 6:00-8:00pm $7.00 for 2 games and shoe rental
April 28th-Movie Night
at St. John Vianney Family Life Center, Prince Frederick 6:30-8:30pm (Movie starts at 7:00pm) Lite dinner available for $5.00
May 4th
"May the Fourth" - Star Wars themed dance
at Jesus the Divine Word Catholic Church from 6:00-8:00pm-Free
Fashion + Food + Fun = Success!
A huge thank you to all of those who helped to make our fashion show a success! The food and fashions were second to none.
Those in attendance were treated to a complimentary mimosa and a delicious lunch of fresh bread, chicken salad with fruit, cookies and chocolate covered strawberries. Halo Hair Care Studio provided gift bags for all filled with hair products and gift cards as raffle prizes. Stunning fashions and jewelry were available for purchase before and after.
Thank you to Elements, Halo Hair Care Studio, Explore Couture, Dress Barn, and all of our wonderful models and volunteers.
Thank You for You Support!
Board member Bonnie Gateau, of Gateau Health and Wellness, has been busy planning fundraisers for SMCR. Thank you to all who supported SMCR by ordering from Papa John's Pizza this month.
Be sure to save the date for Zumbathon on June 30th. Get ready to move to the music with this festive workout! We look forward to seeing many friendly faces at these events as we raise funds to provide valuable programs and events for our members.
Member Spotlight
Melanie Shannon
Thank you to Susan Shannon for contributing this piece.
Melanie and her brother Brad
Melanie Shannon is a frequent and enthusiastic participant at all of the activities provided by SMCR! Melanie has the schedules for each activity committed to memory, plus flyers in her room and on the refrigerator! She loves seeing folks she knows from The Center for Life Enrichment and others that she knew in high school each Friday evening!
Melanie is 24 years old and lives in Leonardtown. She went to Leonardtown High School, Leonardtown Middle School and Piney Point Elementary School. Currently, she is a client of The Center for Life Enrichment and is busy each day doing a variety of volunteer work in the county.
Melanie is also an entrepreneur! She has a free shopping and delivery service called
Melanie’s Pick Me Up Snacks
. She shops for snacks and drinks for the break rooms of about 20 local businesses in St. Mary’s County. Her very first customer was Barry Friedman, former president of SMCR Board of Directors and owner of Primary Residential Mortgage. When you get a chance, please check out
Melanie’s Pick Me Up Snacks
Facebook page!
Last summer, Barry invited Melanie to be on the Primary Residential Mortgage’s boat for the Dragon Boat races in Solomon’s. She was so thrilled to be included on that very fun day of socializing and rowing! She even got to “dot the eye” of the dragon in the ceremony that got the races started! She is looking forward to August when she gets to be part of the Dragon Boat races again and help raise some funds to keep all the SMCR activities going!
The Shannon Family-Brad, Susan, Melanie, and Dan
We are so honored to have Melanie and her family participating in our programs! If you happen to bump into them at one of our events, please let them know how grateful we are to have them as a part of our SMCR team!
Would you like to be a volunteer and have fun alongside SMCR members like Melanie?
We have many different types of volunteer roles available, but our greatest area of need is to have volunteers join us
in participating in our inclusive programs, socializing, and having fun,
right alongside our members.
Please contact Caryn Fossile at 410-610-0375 for more information.
If you are on Facebook, please be sure to like our page. You can find us by searching for Southern Maryland Community Resources, or clicking on the link below.
Are you an Amazon shopper? If so, be sure to go to Amazon Smile and designate Southern Maryland Community Resources as your charity of choice. You'll still get the same great Amazon experience and we'll get a donation based on your purchases! Visit smile.amazon.com to sign up.
Dragon Boat Festival 2018
It's not too early to register a team or get in on the planning for this fun day! Our 3rd Annual Solomons Island Dragon Boat Festival will be held on August 17th and 18th.
Cedar Point Federal Credit Union is once again our generous event sponsor. Stay tuned to future newsletters for more details.
Visit our Dragon Boat website by clicking below or call Caryn at 410-610-0375 to volunteer.
Thank you for reading our March newsletter. We always value your input, so please contact us with suggestions and ideas!
SMCR, Inc.| 240-434-9757 | SocialMedia@somdcr.org | www.somdcr.org