At this time more than ever, we are hoping you and your loved ones stay healthy and we will do whatever we can to assist in getting needed services due to the many changes we are all experiencing. We have been receiving support and guidance from the Division of Developmental Disabilities on how to help our families. If there are services you would like changed or added, please contact your support coordinator. We are all here to help. You can call any of our main numbers and listen to the prompts or email us at and we will route it to the correct Support Coordinator. Our corporate office number is: (973) 530-4155 and calls throughout the state can be routed to the correct Support Coordinator by calling this number.

Early information on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) suggests that older adults and people with health conditions have a heightened risk of getting very sick. An important step in preventing the spread of COVID-19 is to eliminate large groups of people coming together and to minimize the number of people congregating in close settings. As a result, on Friday, March 13, 2020, the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (Division) made the difficult decision to close all Division-funded, facility-based day program settings. Operators of these programs were directed to close the sites no later than Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Additionally, the Division directed that community outings facilitated by any Division provider should be discontinued immediately, apart from trips necessary for the health and safety of an individual. You can read this directive at the following link: COVID-19 Directive

Questions & Answers for Individuals and Their Families

If I live in a group home or supervised apartment, what are my options when my day program closes?
Your residential provider will arrange for in-home activities appropriate to your needs and interests. As with the day program setting requirements, providers may not transport or gather individuals from multiple residences to a single location for community outings, regardless of the services delivered at that location. Residential providers, however, may continue to plan home and community activities for individuals who live together, much as other households are doing during this time. These activities must be consistent with the advice of public health authorities to avoid large gatherings or areas where groups of people congregate. Please keep in mind that public health authorities may be restricting certain activities.

For more information about the impact of COVID-19 on the DDD service system go to: DDD COVID-19 . As always, we are here to help. 

Emergency Preparedness Guide
An emergency is defined as any sudden danger which requires a person to take immediate action.

TYPES OF EMERGENCIES INCLUDE: Floods, Ice Storms, Hurricanes, Fire, Pandemic Illnesses (Illnesses that can make many people sick in a short period of time).

To request emergency profile cards or other emergency preparedness materials or resources, contact the NJCDD at:

To be prepared for when emergencies occur, it is important to MAKE A PLAN.
The NJCDD has prepared an emergency preparedness guide which outlines important information that people with developmental disabilities need to know in order to be prepared for emergencies. Emergency Prep

Understanding Medicaid
There are several types of Medicaid. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is highly recommended for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities who turn 18 years of age and expect to pursue DDD services.

·The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program pays a monthly benefit to adults with disabilities, age 18 and older, who have limited income and resources

·The federal Social Security Administration (SSA) no longer counts parental income and resources when determining SSI eligibility for an individual who is age 18 or older

·New Jersey residents who receive SSI will  automatically  receive New Jersey Medicaid.

·Having SSI protects Medicaid eligibility for the future

To assist individuals, families and providers in better understanding Medicaid and the different types of Medicaid as it relates to DDD services, a webinar has been developed by the DDD,  Medicaid 101 for Individuals, Families and Providers .

Resources for Families

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Also, you can visit our website to learn more about us and read interesting stories about those we help: Spectrum CMC Website
Email Validation:
Many of you have seen email validations emails come across your email. It is important to validate your email account so that the DDD, as well as Spectrum, has the correct contact information to reach you.

Please see below for an example :