Monthly Newsletter

March 2024

Message from the Executive Director

As we await the final budget from the 2024 Legislative Session, our staff is already working hard to assist our communities with Congressionally Directed Spending applications for fiscal year 2025.

Congressionally Directed Spending is an opportunity for non-profit entities, universities, and state, Tribal, and local governments to direct federal funding to projects that truly have an impact on the lives of New Mexicans.  Projects will need to demonstrate significant community support. Importantly, projects will also need to meet all requirements established by the federal agency for the specific grant program, including funding match requirements. See the links below for each congressional office's form and process. Please contact our Community Development Director, Felicity Fonseca at, for assistance.

Deadline March 8, 2024 to express interest to Senator Heinrich: Congressionally Directed Spending | Senator Martin Heinrich ( 

Deadline to be determined for Senator Lujan: FY25 Congressionally Directed Spending Request Form - Senator Ben Ray Luján (

Deadline to be determined for Congresswoman Leger Fernandez: Appropriations Requests | Representative Teresa Fernandez (

-Monica Abeita

NextGen 911 Transition

FREE Registration and Training Available at NM NENA Statewide Conference

The state of New Mexico is implementing an ongoing statewide transition to Next Generation 911, a more accurate system for emergency services address location.

All GIS providers and data managers are strongly encouraged to attend NextGen 911 training provided during the NM NENA statewide conference. APCO/NENA conference information and registration can be found here:


The NM 911 program will pay registration for anyone wishing to attend! Please reach out to Tyler Fossett, NM911 GIS Coordinator at to obtain a registration code and register for the conference.

Why Make the Switch to NG911?

NextGen 911 is an emergency telecommunications system. It enables voice and multimedia communications between the 911 caller, PSAP (Public Safety Answering Points), and first responder by running on secure IP (Internet Protocol), cloud-based networks. With NextGen 911, citizens in need of emergency assistance can transmit texts, photos, videos, and other existing forms of communication applications to 911 professionals in real-time. 


To successfully implement the NextGen911 system in our region, it is vital that each community has a comprehensive and up to date address system. If your community does not have the resources or technical capability to create or update street addressing, GIS Planner Neusa McWilliams is happy to provide any assistance needed. Please reach out to her anytime.

Neusa McWilliams, GIS Planner


It is Transportation Project Fund Season!

Northeast and Northern Pueblos RTPOs are working on Transportation Project Fund applications. For questions on this process, please reach out to your regional transportation planner, contact info below.

Northern Pueblos RTPO Planner Contact:

Patrick Million, NCNMEDD

North East RTPO Planner Contact:

Julie Surina, EPCOG

Patrick Million, NCNMEDD

NERDE 2.0 Webinars

The National Economic Resilience Data Explorer (NERDE) is a free online portal that helps you understand your community’s economic strengths and vulnerabilities by providing data regarding local economic distress, employment and gross domestic product, local industry clusters, climate risk and innovation. You can use this information to create economic development plans, improve resilience, and apply for economic assistance and grants.

The newly enhanced NERDE makes these tasks easier than ever – whether you are a beginner or long-time user. To ensure that users of all levels get the most out of the new NERDE, we’ve scheduled two free webinars to help. Both NERDE and the webinar are free, and you can register here for March 5 or March 18. A recording will be available for those who can’t attend.

Participants will learn to: 

  • Find the data that is most relevant to local needs. NERDE provides data for more than 3,000 counties and for every economic development district (EDD) in the U.S. In addition, some data is available at the Census Tract level. Users will learn how to locate their community-specific data and discover what types of data are available, create custom views and comparisons between communities, and use the new Area Fact Sheet to gain quick, high-level insights.
  • Incorporate new data sets into your analysis. Within NERDE, users can now access newly calculated information from Argonne’s Economic Development Capacity Index (EDCI), County Economic Performance Index (CEPI, formerly the County Economic Impact Index, CEII), and Local Government Revenue Vulnerability Index (LGRVI). Users also have access within NERDE to new climate data from the Argonne Climate Risk and Resilience Portal (ClimRR), as well as information on patent claims and Small Business Innovation Research grants.
  • Use new features to improve planning efforts: NERDE now provides “tool tips” that help explain why various metrics are important to resilience and how they can be used in analysis, planning and grant applications.


USFS Forest Landowner Support Funding for Tribes

On February 14, USDA Deputy Secretary Xochitl Torres Small announced that the Forest Service is making at least $20 million from the Inflation Reduction Act available to federally recognized tribes and Alaska Native corporations and villages to help recipients overcome barriers to accessing emerging private markets for forest resilience or climate mitigation. The application package has been published on: (Opportunity #USDA-FS-2024-IRA-FLS-02).  


Eligible applicants are federally recognized tribes, Alaska Native corporations and villages, and tribal organizations as defined in the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S. Code § 5304). Eligible applicants may each submit one proposal requesting up to $2 million. Proposals are due by August 21, 2024. For more information, visit or the Forest Landowner Support homepage. 


We encourage tribal leaders and those interested in this opportunity to attend a live webinar on March 6 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. Eastern. Advanced Registration is Required.


Tribal Drought Planning

Are you interested in learning about the process of Indigenous drought planning? 

Join us May 22-23 at the Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute in Albuquerque!

Participants are encouraged to register with teams (1-5 People) of relevant collaboration. (For example, Tribal Environmental, Natural Resource Management and Water Staff) You will work with these teams during discussion periods and be paired with other teams with similar interests for networking purposes! 

Applications are due April 10.

Contact with any questions!

FREE Tribal Drought Workshop Registration (


AmeriCorps VISTA

A lot has been happening with the NCNMEDD AmeriCorps VISTA program!

Two new VISTA members, Betty Bastai and Marcus Murrell, started on February 12, 2024. Marcus is the City of Santa Fe Poverty Alleviation Navigator. Betty is the Las Vegas New Mexico Community Foundation Hermit's Peak/Calf-Canyon Fire Recovery VISTA.

A successful NCNMEDD programs event was held at the NM State Legislature Roundhouse on February 14, Los Alamos County Day. We had many people stop by our table to learn about our programs and visit with our four VISTA members as well as Felicity Fonseca. Community Development Director, Shelby Sparks, Community Development Planner, Monica Abeita, Executive Director, and other staff.

Please Contact Nancy Kastning for any questions regarding our AmeriCorps Program:

Grant and Funding Opportunities

BOR WaterSMART: Large-Scale Water Recycling Projects, This rolling NOFO has three application submission periods with a final closing on September 30, 2024.

Provides technical assistance to local water agencies for the planning, design, and construction of water reclamation and reuse projects. Projects develop and supplement urban and irrigation water supplies through water reuse, thereby improving efficiency, providing flexibility during water shortages, and diversifying the water supply. These projects provide growing communities with new sources of clean water, which increases water management flexibility and makes our water supply more reliable. Second Application Submission Period Due Date is March 29, 2024. Third and Final Application Submission Period Due Date is September 30, 2024, 4:00 pm MT.

Department of Energy Small Innovative Projects in Solar: Concentrating Solar Power and Photovoltaics, Deadline March 6, 2024. For innovative research and development that accelerates the large-scale development of solar technologies to support an equitable transition to a decarbonized electricity system by 2035 and decarbonized energy sector by 2050.

DOI/BOR Native American Affairs Technical Assistance to Tribes for Fiscal Year 2024, Deadline March 12, 2024. Financial assistance for projects and activities that develop, manage, and protect tribal water and related resources.

CDFI Capital Magnet Fund Program, Deadline March 14, 2024.

The Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) awards Capital Magnet Fund grants to certified CDFIs and certain nonprofit organizations to finance: 1) the development, preservation, rehabilitation, or purchase of affordable housing for primarily extremely low-, very low-, and low-income families; and 2) economic development activities or community service facilities, such as day care centers, workforce development centers, and healthcare clinics, which in conjunction with affordable housing activities implement a concerted strategy to stabilize or revitalize a low-income area or underserved rural area.

DOA-RDBCP Rural Energy for America (REAP) Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) Program, Deadline March 15, 2024. These grant funds provide technical assistance to Agricultural Producers and Rural Small Businesses applying to REAP, with priority for applications that: assist Agricultural Producers and Tribal entities, provide technical assistance to projects located in a Disadvantaged Community or a Distressed Community, support projects using Underutilized Renewable Energy Technologies, and/or support grant applications of $20,000 or less.

HUD Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Competitive Grant Program, Deadline March 19, 2024. Under the program, eligible Indian Tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs) receive grants to carry out a range of affordable housing activities. Grant funds may be used to develop, maintain, and operate affordable housing in safe and healthy environments on Indian reservations and in other Indian areas and carry out other affordable housing activities.

NPS Historic Preservation Fund - Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Subgrant Program, Deadline March 19, 2024. The goal of the Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants Program is to fund subgrant programs that support the rehabilitation of historic properties to foster economic development of rural communities. These subgrant programs, managed by States, Tribes, Certified Local Governments, special district governments, and non-profits will fund preservation projects for historic properties to include architectural/engineering services and physical preservation.

USDA RD Rural Innovation Stronger Economies (RISE), Deadline April 1, 2024.

Financial assistance in support of innovation centers and job accelerator programs that improve the ability of distressed rural communities to create high wage jobs, accelerate the formation of new businesses, and help rural communities identify and maximize local assets.

BOR WaterSMART Planning and Project Design Grants for FY23 & FY24,

Deadline April 2, 2024.

Provides funding for collaborative planning and design projects to support water management improvements. This includes funding for: (1) Water Strategy Grants to conduct planning activities to improve water supplies (e.g., water supplies to disadvantaged communities that do not have reliable access to water, water marketing, water conservation, drought resilience, and ecological resilience); (2) Project Design Grants to conduct project-specific design for projects to improve water management; and (3) comprehensive Drought Contingency Plans. 

USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program, Deadline April 4, 2024. Supports the delivery of education, outreach, and technical assistance for beginning farmers and ranchers in the United States and its territories that are entering, establishing, building, and managing successful farm and ranch enterprises.

NPS Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program, Deadline April 19, 2024.

In recognition of the significance of Route 66 to America's heritage, Congress passed an act in 1999 to create the Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program. Administered by the NPS, the program is dedicated to preserving the special places and stories of the historic highway.

DOE Clean Energy Technology Deployment on Tribal Lands 2024, Deadline May 30, 2024. Under this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the DOE Office of Indian Energy is soliciting applications from Indian Tribes, which include Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Village Corporations, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations to: (1) Install clean energy generating system(s) and/or energy efficiency measure(s) for Tribal building(s) (Topic Area 1); or, (2) Deploy community-scale clean energy generating system(s) or community energy storage on Tribal lands (Topic Area 2); or, (3) Install integrated energy system(s) for autonomous operation (independent of the traditional centralized electric power grid) to power a single or multiple essential Tribal buildings during emergency situations or for tribal community resilience (Topic Area 3); or, (4) Provide electric power to Tribal Building(s), which otherwise would be unelectrified (Topic Area 4). 

NPS Historic Preservation Fund Annual Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO) Grants, Deadline May 30, 2024. Grants to THPOs for the identification, evaluation, and protection of historic properties as outlined in the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) by such means as: survey, planning, technical assistance, physical preservation, review of Federal undertakings, education, listing in the in National Register of Historic Places and Tribal Registers.

HUD Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program, Deadline June 20, 2024.

The Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly program provides Capital Advance funding for the development of supportive rental housing for Very-Low-Income persons aged 62 years or older and project rental subsidies in the form of a Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC) to maintain ongoing affordability. This program provides elderly persons with the opportunity to live independently, but with important voluntary support services such as nutritional, transportation, continuing education, and/or health-related services. In addition, this year’s NOFO includes funding to support the development of intergenerational housing for elderly caregivers raising children.

DOI Slip-On Tanker Units, Deadline June 4, 2024. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), is bringing much-needed support to communities across the country to increase the resilience of lands facing the threat of wildland fires and to better support federal wildland firefighters. The BIL provides funding and authorizes the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) to develop and implement a pilot program to provide local governments with financial assistance to acquire slip-on tanker units to establish fleets of vehicles that can be quickly converted to be operated as fire engines.

Fish and Wildlife Service FY24 Tribal Wildlife Grant (TWG) Program, Deadline June 21, 2024. The TWG Program provides opportunities for federally recognized Tribes to engage in fish and wildlife conservation efforts on Tribal lands. Many of the TWG Program-funded project activities increase fish and wildlife populations, allowing for hunting and fishing opportunities on and off Tribal lands. Additionally, the TWG Program funds project activities that align and assist with Endangered Species Act (ESA) conservation activities supporting species down-listing (threatened to endangered), delisting (removal from the list due to species recovery), and preventing new species listings under the ESA.

USDA RUS Calendar Year 2022 Disaster Water Grants, Until funds are exhausted.

Grants to qualified entities for expenses related to water infrastructure systems in designated areas that were impacted by events that occurred during calendar year 2022 and were recognized through Presidentially Declared Disasters.

USDA Community Facilities Program Disaster Repair Grants, Until funds are exhausted.

To eligible public bodies, non-profits, and federally recognized Tribes. Grants may cover up to

75% of total project cost. There is no minimum or maximum award amount.

EDA FY23 Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs, Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until the publication of a new PWEAA NOFO.

To meet the full range of communities' and regions' economic need from planning and technical assistance to construction of infrastructure.

Planning Ahead

DOT Safe Streets and Roads for All Funding (SS4A), Deadline August 29, 2024.

Funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 SS4A grant program are to be awarded on a competitive basis to support planning and demonstration activities, as well as projects and strategies to prevent death and serious injury on roads and streets involving all roadway users, including pedestrians; bicyclists; public transportation, personal conveyance, and micro-mobility users; motorists; and commercial vehicle operators.

BOR WaterSMART Cooperative Watershed Management Program Phase I for FY23, Deadline September 3, 2024. States, Indian Tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, local governmental entities, non-profit organizations, existing watershed groups, and local and special districts (e.g., irrigation and water districts, conservation districts, natural resource districts) may submit proposals for Phase I activities to develop a watershed group, complete watershed restoration planning activities, and design watershed management projects.

EPA Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program, Deadline November 21, 2024.  Funds community-driven projects that address climate challenges and reduce pollution while strengthening communities through thoughtful implementation.

To sign up for the Weekly Grants Advisory from New Mexico's Federal Delegation,

please contact Greg Knadle at:

Work with NCNMEDD! See our

Contract and Employment Opportunities.

Workforce Integration Network (WIN) Mobile Training Unit (MTU)

The WIN Mobile Training Unit (MTU) will bring skilled trades training to remote areas of Northern New Mexico with a focus on apprenticeship readiness and full-time employment via its three-week training programs in rural and tribal communities.

To schedule a MTU visit to your community, click HERE or scan the QR code.

The MTU is in partnership with and operated by the Local Union 412.

To learn more the WIN program, please visit Northern New Mexico Workforce Integration Network (WIN) | Get A Good Job (

Featured Community of the Month!

Sometimes the best journey starts when you slow down. Sometimes you hear more in a quiet place. Have a high point in your life down in the valleys. Reach down deep inside yourself up on the ridge tops.

Pecos is for people who want to explore the simpler, purer path. It isn't a park and it doesn't have a theme. It's a village tucked into a river valley, with a horizon that scans mountains, meadows, mesas and plains.

Pecos is for people who want to hear the beat of a bird's wings and the wind in the high mountain forest. A place to feel the joy of leaving no tracks. A place to remember what it's like to be civilized in the wilderness. Pecos is a place to hike, fish, horseback ride and meditate.

Pecos is a western saga, situated near an all-weather pass where the west was lost and won time and time again. First came Pueblo and Plains Indians, then Spanish settlers, then traders on the Santa Fe Trail, and then Confederate and Union soldiers.

Pecos is an ancient place with modern amenities, a village of small, family-owned lodges, restaurants, shops and guiding services. Pecos is a place of senses for people who value their sense of place.

Source: Pecos, NM | New Mexico True


Congress designated more than 168,000 acres as the Pecos Wilderness in 1964. An additional 55,000 acres were added in 1980, bringing the total to 223,333 acres across two forests: 198,597 acres on the Santa Fe National Forest and 24,736 acres on the Carson National Forest.

Deep and narrow canyons, broad ridges, forested slopes and rugged peaks characterize the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of the Pecos Wilderness at the southern end of the Rocky Mountain chain.

On the west front, steep canyons drain toward the Rio Grande. In contrast, the eastern side of the Sangres is characterized by the broad mesas and grassy meadows of the upper Pecos River Valley, including the 20.5 miles of the Pecos River that received National Wild and Scenic River designation in 1990.

High-country elevations range from 8,400 feet to 13,103 feet at the top of Truchas Peak, the state’s second highest summit (behind Wheeler Peak at 13,159 feet). The landscape features everything from 100-foot waterfalls and crumbled talus slopes to dramatic rock cliffs, towering peaks and wildflower meadows. Engelmann spruce, corkbark fir, ponderosa pine, Douglas fir, white fir, limber pine, bristlecone pine and aspen are the predominant tree species.

Wildlife is equally diverse, including elk, deer, bear, turkey and one of America’s healthiest herds of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. Fifteen lakes and 150-plus miles of sparkling streams offer first-rate fishing, including rainbow trout, brown trout and the Rio Grande cutthroat trout, New Mexico’s state fish.

In case you missed it!

USDA Grants Help People Repair Homes Damaged in 2022 Forest Fires

Rural Disaster Home Repair Grant Program. Residents in Mora, San Miguel, and Colfax Counties may be eligible for funding of up to $40,675 to repair their homes.

For more information, visit: USDA PROGRAMS

Tribal/Local Public Agency (T/LPA) Certification Program Trainings:

T/LPA Certification is required for Tribal or local public agencies who use federal transportation funds. Entities must have one full-time employee of the agency who is certified to be in responsible charge, and this person does not have to be an engineer. 

Two-day trainings are being held around the state:

Espanola: March 20-21

All trainings are free and will be held from 8:30 am – 4:00 pm on both days. Bring your copy of the T/LPA handbook, which is available from NMDOT’s website. Contact Frank Lozano, at to reserve a seat at one of the trainings.