News & Updates
March 2023 I Volume 3
Celebrating 50 Years of Dedication to Minnesota Seniors
A Few Words from Our MASWA President
Georgene Connelly
MASWA President
Happy Social Work Month!
Happy Women’s History Month!

The quote, “Those who tell stories rule the world”, is said to be a Native American Proverb. Another quote, ‘Those who tell the stories, rule society”, is known to have been said by Plato. Although very similar in thought, both glean the same conclusion; story telling is a good thing.

In March, we have the opportunity to celebrate contributions made by many and to take the time to listen to their stories. In March, we have the opportunity to celebrate Social Work Month and Women’s History Month. The theme for Social Work Month is, “Social Work Breaks Barriers”. The theme for Women’s History Month is, “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories”. The purpose of these two distinct celebrations is to recognize what people have accomplished over the years that have contributed to the growth and development of people in our country. They have broken barriers! It is time to take a minute to position ourselves to hear the stories of social workers and women who’ve contributed so much!

Here are a few “Did You Know” facts about each celebration:

Social Work Month
  • The Social Work profession began in the late 19th century.
  • Perhaps the first social work class was held at Columbia University in 1898.
  • Many things we take for granted came from the work put forth by social workers, such as in the areas of civil rights, abuse, neglect and general social problems.
  • The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is said to be the world’s largest organization of professional social work members.
  • National Social Work Month began in 1963.

Women’s History Month
  • The first Women’s History Day was recognized in New York City in 1909.
  • Each year, the US President proclaims March as Women’s History Month.
  • Marie Curie was thought to be the first woman to be awarded two Nobel prizes.
  • Pew Research Center reported that in 2022, just over 50.7% of women made up the college-educated workforce.
  • Nearly 1/3 of all working women work in teaching, nursing and social services.

Since the beginning of time, stories have been told. Over the years, those before us have passed on many stories that led to us learning and developing the world in which we live. Stories help us understand and help us connect with each other. Story telling brings us together, helps us develop empathy for each other and can ultimately affect change in many ways, even the world. Over this month, may you enlist someone you admire and ask them to tell you their story; then celebrate their accomplishments!

See you at our next MASWA Membership Meeting, March 23rd!

Georgene Connelly