MARCH 2018

Eileen's Lessons

I am often asked, "Where do you get your ideas for your newsletters?" Well, it's complicated. Yes, they are based on real life situations, but that doesn't mean that I remember to write them down when they happen, nor do I realize that it is "newsletter-worthy" at the time.

When do the ideas come to me? Generally, when I'm walking my dog in the morning or taking a shower. It would seem as though a clear head is the best time for inspiration. I don't actually know when those ideas will come to me, so I've gotten in the habit of taking my cell phone with me (or keeping it close by) and then when the idea strikes me, I write it down in my reminders section of my phone. As the idea ferments, I'll add to my notes at that time. Obviously, when I'm in the shower, they wait until I'm out, as that would not be good for my phone's warranty.

Studies have shown that when we free our mind, we have some of the best ideas and are more productive at work:
So, when you see an employee who is always working and never takes a break, consider encouraging him/her to step away from his/her desk to take a walk around the building. He or she just may come back with a great idea.

Managers as Motivators:
Five Guiding Principles

Motivation is the most powerful tool your employees bring to work.

Great managers are adept at stimulating that motivation in their team members to achieve superior workplace results. If you're in management position, you'll be happy to know that you can learn to inspire motivation in your employees. No matter what kind of work environment or culture your organization provides, your words and actions can directly affect-and enhance-your employees' level of motivation. Everyone is motivated about something in his or her life. An important part of your job as a manager is to help your staff members find the employment factors and work environment that encourages them to contribute more and perform at their highest level. Follow these five principles to build a highly motivated workforce that's driven to succeed:
  1. Help them feel meaningful    
  2. Get in tune with what drives them
  3. Show your respect by actively listening
  4. Expect the best
  5. Show your appreciation                                                                


Your Employees Care More About These Things Than Money

Money really can't buy happiness, especially when it comes to your employees. A number of studies have revealed that, while money is certainly important to employees and job seekers, it's not necessarily the most significant ingredient in the recipe to keeping them happy. As peoples' basic physiological needs are satisfied-food, shelter, clothing-social and ego needs then become the priority. The same holds true in the workplace. A recent Princeton study found that once people earn $70,000 more per year, a number of other factors begin to drive their engagement, satisfaction, and retention. So what matters most to today's employees and job candidates?

IRS Reduces HSA Limit for Family Coverage for 2018

On March 5, 2018, the IRS released Revenue Procedure 2018-18 to announce changes to certain tax limits for 2018, including a reduced HSA contribution limit for individuals with family coverage under an HDHP. Employers with HDHPs should inform employees about the reduced HSA contribution limit for family HDHP coverage. Employees may need to change their HSA elections going forward to comply with the new limit.
New Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate

Form W-4 is completed by employees and given to their employer so their employer can withhold the correct federal income tax from the employee's pay. As an employer, you'll want to let your employees know about the updated tax table for 2018, so they can plan accordingly. They should also c onsider completing a new Form W-4 each year and when your personal or financial situation changes.

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