Happy Spring Greetings!
This is an exciting time of year, filled with hope and optimism for the growing season ahead. Don't you just love the buzz of energy that comes with the returning of the light and life around us?
I am very much looking forward to joining you in your fields and at markets this summer. I am especially focused on learning new ways of how Berkshire Grown can support you.
Speaking of that, I know there have been several transitions in our office over the last few months. To alleviate any confusion, I've focused this newsletter on re-acquanting you with Who's Who at Berkshire Grown.
In this month's farmer newsletter:
- Who's Who at Berkshire Grown
- Updates from the Berkshire Grown Office
- Grant Opportunities: MDAR & USDA Grants
- Livestock Farmers Resource Guide
- Upcoming Events
Alyssa VanDurme
Program Manager, Business Members
Who's Who at Berkshire Grown?
There have been several transitions in our staff over the last few months, so we’d thought it might be helpful to have an update on who’s who!
KATE BAILEY (she/her)
We are excited to welcome back Kate Bailey to Berkshire Grown. Kate is the new Program Manager for the Berkshire Mobile Farmers Market.
Kate will also be taking over the management of our cold storage site, so if you’re making deliveries or renting freezer space, she’s your contact.
Kate may be a familiar face to some of you! She worked as the Program Manager at Berkshire Grown from 2014-2017, organizing the winter farmers markets and the winter workshops for farmers.
During her time away from Berkshire Grown, Kate worked as a Produce Safety Inspector with the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR), and as a Lead Engagement Coordinator at Multicultural BRIDGE, managing the bi-weekly food distribution. She cultivated her love of farming at Slide Ranch in Marin County, CA, growing vegetables, caring for chickens and ducks, milking goats and teaching youth about farming and gardening.
Farm to Food Access &
Communications Manager
Last fall, Martha stepped into the role of Farm-to-Food Access Manager at Berkshire Grown. She works with our network of farmers and food producers to facilitate a local food buying exchange for food access outlets across the county.
If you are interested in getting your locally-grown or made food products to food access sites, please contact Martha.
Martha is also our Communications expert – she works on our social media, writes the monthly E-Newsletter and is leading our website redevelopment project. If you have content that you would like shared through our networks, please reach out to her!
Many of you have worked with Martha over the last handful of years at our Winter Farmers Markets. After many seasons of growing our winter market to incredible event it is today, Martha is ready to pass on the torch. She has done an excellent job of creating lively and flourishing markets and leaves big shoes to fill as she steps away from this role at the end of the 2024 market season.
Program Manager for Farm and Food Business Members
& (new) Winter Market Manager
As Martha transitions fully to her new role, I will be taking over the Berkshire Grown Winter Farmers Markets for the 2024-2025 season.
As the new Program Manager for Farm and Food Business Members, I’m your point of contact for all things membership, including workshops, Technical Assistance, networking, and more.
If you are interested in scheduling a time to chat to explore how Berkshire Grown can support your farm or food business, please reach out! I hope to be able to connect with you in person and would love to plan a visit to your farm or market this season.
Membership & Office Manager
Sharon is the glue that holds us all together! She has a hand in just about everything Berkshire Grown does.
She maintains our website, helps develop the Guide to Local Food & Farms, manages household memberships, helps to coordinate the Winter Markets, and much more.
On top of that, she answers the phones, manages the buylocal@berkshiregrown.org inbox, and coordinates our finances to ensure your invoices are paid! All of our important work would not be possible without Sharon holding down the fort.
REN CONSTAS (they/them)
Livestock Working Group Coordinator
Ren works with the Local Meat Processing Support Program housed at Berkshire Ag Ventures. They coordinate the Livestock Working Group, a group of stakeholders in meat processing that helps guide the work of the Local Meat Processing Support Program.
The Working Group is jointly convened by Berkshire Grown and Berkshire Ag Ventures. Ren is the point of contact for the Livestock Resource Guide which details processors, sources for supplies, vets, regional transportation, cold storage, technical assistance, sales outlets, and much more.
They also produce The Meat Up: a list serve and e-newsletter for folks involved in meat production, processing, distribution and marketing. If you are involved in the meat processing supply chain and would like more information, please contact Ren ren@berkshiregrown.org.
Director of Development
Stepanie’s work as Director of Development is critical to achieving the funding we need to facilitate and sustain our programming. She brings true passion and talent to her work.
Stephanie believes strongly in the transformative power of philanthropy—not just for organizations, but for donors as well. You may hear from Stephanie as she works to tell the story of Berkshire Grown and the work of you, our local farmers and food producers.
Executive Director
Our fearless leader, Margaret is at the helm of the Berkshire Grown ship, steering us all as we work to advance our mission to “Keep Farmers Farming”.
Margaret brings the strategic vision that has allowed us to adapt and evolve in these rapidly changing times. She goes above and beyond just overseeing our programs - you can find her at every Winter Market and touring farms in the summer. She is often behind the scenes facilitating connections and securing essential funding.
Updates from the Berkshire Grown Office
Farmer Year End Survey
Complete our Farmer Year End Survey by March 31st and your name will be automatically entered into our raffle to receive one of two $50 Gift Certificates to Guido's or Wild Oats Market ( your preference!).
Your feedback is essential!
Update your Listing for the
2024 Guide to Local Food & Farms
You should have received an email from BuyLocal@BerkshireGrown.org with a form for you to complete or update your business listing.
Please submit your listing ASAP!
Did You Know?
Berkshire Grown has a local and regional events calendar that lists various events, workshops, webinars, and the like? We try to keep tabs and share information about any farming and food related happenings that could be of interest to our farmer members.
Farmers are also welcome to submit an event to us to have it listed on the calendar. It is visited also by non-farmer members looking for food and agriculture-related happenings.
1:1 Technical Assistance for Farmers and Food Producers
Are you looking for guidance or technical assistance in a particular area of your business?
Our Technical Assistance program facilitates farmer-to-farmer consultation in areas such as marketing, business planning, financial analysis, food safety requirements, sustainable practices, diversification, and/or value-added production.
We’re here to help facilitate a relationship between you and other farmers who may have navigated similar situations and can offer assistance. Funding for this program is available through 2024.
Grant Opportunities
MDAR Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) Grant
The RFSI will fund projects that expand capacity, aggregation, processing, manufacturing, storing, transporting, wholesaling, and distribution of locally and regionally produced food products, including specialty crops, dairy, grains for human consumption, aquaculture, and other food products, excluding meat and poultry.
MDAR plans to award grants to support infrastructure in the middle-of-the-supply-chain for domestic food and farm businesses and other eligible entities.
MDAR will accept one of two types of proposals from applicants for this grant funding:
- Infrastructure Grants - large-scale grants up to $500,000 that will enhance resilience in the middle-of-the-supply-chain and strengthen local and regional food systems by creating new revenue streams for producers, and
- Simplified Equipment-Only Grants - equipment-only fixed-price grants between $10,000 and $100,000.
To download the RFR and for more information, please visit the RFSI Webpage.
The deadline to submit an application is Friday, March 29, 2024 by 4:00pm.
MDAR Viability Grant Programs
MDAR is accepting applications from Massachusetts farmers who wish to participate in one of the Viability Grant Programs.
Viability Grants Webinar: Tuesday, March 19 @4:00pm - register here to attend to learn more about these three programs.
Farm Viability Enhancement Program (FVEP)
For established farms: This program provides business planning and technical assistance to develop or update a business plan for established commercial farms that own and operate unrestricted farmland. In return for a short-term covenant to keep the land in agricultural use, operators may be eligible for grants to implement capital projects on the farm that have been identified in the business plan completed through the program. Grant levels have increased: up to $100,000, $150,000, or $200,000, depending on the size of the farm and acreage protected, in return for a 10 or 15-year term covenant. Uses of funds will vary depending on the needs of the farm – examples include, but are not limited to, new or improved livestock barns or farm stores; purchasing delivery vehicles, tractors, or haying equipment; constructing food processing or storage facilities.
Applications Due: 4:00 PM on Thursday, April 18, 2024
APR Improvement Program (AIP)
For APR farms: This program helps sustain active commercial farming on land that has already been protected through the state’s Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) Program. AIP provides business planning and technical assistance to farmers selected to participate in the program and grants may be available to implement identified capital improvements on the farm to increase productivity and profitability. Grant levels are up to $90,000; $125,000; or $150,000 depending on the size of the farm and acreage under APR, available on a cost reimbursement basis with a required 10% match contribution. AIP funds are used primarily for capital improvements to farm infrastructure such as new or improved buildings for equipment, hay storage, livestock housing, farm stores or processing facilities; or resource improvements for agricultural use, such as orchard renovations or perimeter fencing.
Applications Due: 4:00 PM on Thursday, April 18, 2024
Matching Enterprise Grants Program (MEGA)
For beginning farmers: This program provides business planning and technical assistance, and grant funds may be available on a one-to-one matching cash reimbursement basis. Funds may be used for equipment, infrastructure, or other capital improvements identified through the business planning process that will have a positive impact on the farm’s viability. Common uses of MEGA grant funds include, but are not limited to, greenhouses, barn renovations, tractor implements, chicken coops, farmstands, and refrigerated trucks.
Expanded eligibility and grant levels continue – MEGA now assists beginning farmers who have been in business at least one (1) and no more than ten (10) years and are developing their farms into commercially viable operations. Grant levels are up to $10,000, $20,000,or $30,000, based on the number of years the farm has been in business, minimum gross income, and whether the farm has received a prior MEGA award. Prior MEGA participants may be eligible to apply for a second award - see the Request for Response (RFR) for details.
Applications Due: 4:00 PM on Thursday, April 18, 2024
MDAR Food Access Programs
Urban Agriculture Program
MDAR seeks proposals for funding projects to support commercial urban food production and community-based food production in the Commonwealth. MDAR’s Urban Agriculture Program is seeking to award grants statewide to promote strategies addressing food insecurity, to expand and create new economic opportunities and to increase access to fresh, local produce in urban neighborhoods.
Applications Due: 4:00 PM on Monday, May 6, 2024
Food Ventures Program
MDAR seeks proposals for funding projects that will advance the Massachusetts Food Ventures Program (“MFVP”), help to implement the objectives of the Massachusetts Local Food Action Plan and provide economic opportunities that promote job creation enterprises or new businesses. MDAR is seeking to award grants statewide, primarily in communities of low or moderate income, to individuals or entities with experience developing and supporting food businesses.
Applications Due: 4:00 PM on Monday, May 6, 2024
Food Security Infrastructure Grant (FSIG)
The FSIG Program seeks to ensure that farmers, commercial fishermen, and other local food producers are better engaged with a strong, resilient food system to help mitigate food supply and distribution disruptions, as well as to ensure that individuals and families throughout the Commonwealth have equitable access to food, with a focus on food that is produced locally. Participants selected for funding are provided with reimbursement grants up to $500,000.
Applications Due: 4:00 PM on Thursday, May 2, 2024
MDAR Additional Grants
Stewardship Assistance and Restoration on APRs (SARA)
For APR Owners - This grant helps improve the status and condition of farmland that has been protected by an MDAR Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR). The goal of SARA is to restore the overall utilization of APR land resources for commercial agriculture. Grant funds of up to $35,000 are available on a cost reimbursement basis with a 15% match of total project costs required by the farm participant.
SARA provides funding to help address stewardship issues and restore active commercial farming on APR land. Funds must be used for projects to restore inactive farmland back into active commercial agricultural use or to restore resources for increased agricultural production on existing APR farmland. Responder must not have been the original owner of the property when the land was placed under the APR unless the proposed restoration is in response to damage caused by a natural disaster or third party. Leasing farmers (including future heirs with leases) are also eligible. Details about eligibility of participants and projects is contained in the RFR linked below.
Applications Due: 2:00 PM on Thursday, April 18, 2024
Sky High Farm Grants
Sky High Farm Grants was established in 2022 as an annual program of micro-grants. The program is committed to building equity in our extended agricultural circle by supporting a range of projects helmed by farmers and food justice advocates whose work is rooted in their communities and our shared values.
Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, migrant, refugee and other groups excluded from traditional funding opportunities experience profound barriers in access to land, acquiring essential farming tools and equipment, experiential and formal education around sustainable farming practices, and wages from farming that support stable housing and basic human needs.
USDA Grants
Farmers Market Promotion Program
The Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) funds projects that develop, coordinate and expand direct producer-to-consumer markets to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products by developing, coordinating, expanding, and providing outreach, training, and technical assistance to domestic farmers markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture programs, agritourism activities, online sales or other direct producer-to-consumer (including direct producer-to-retail, direct producer-to-restaurant and direct producer-to-institutional marketing) market opportunities. FMPP is part of the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP).
Applications Due : May 14, 2024
Local Food Promotion Program
The Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) funds projects that develop, coordinate, and expand local and regional food business enterprises that engage as intermediaries in indirect producer to consumer marketing to help increase access to and availability of locally and regionally produced agricultural products.
Applications Due : May 14, 2024
Regional Food Systems Partnership
The Regional Food System Partnerships (RFSP) program supports partnerships that connect public and private resources to plan and develop local or regional food systems. The program focuses on building and strengthening the viability and resilience of
local or regional food economies through collaboration and coordination. RFSP supports public-private partnerships that plan and develop relationships between local and regional producers, processors, intermediaries, and institutional markets or institutional
food service operations through local and regional producers and local and regional food systems.
Applications Due : May 14, 2024
Value Added Producers Grant
The Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) program helps agricultural producers enter value-added activities to generate new products, create and expand marketing opportunities, and increase producer income.
You may receive priority if you are:
- Beginning farmer or rancher
- Socially-disadvantaged farmer or rancher
- Small or medium-sized farm
- Ranch structured as a family farm
- Farmer or rancher cooperative
- Proposing a mid-tier value chain
Applications Due : April 11, 2024
Livestock Farmers’ Resource Guide
Attention Livestock farmers!
Inside the guide, you can find details o processors, regional transportation, cold storage, and sales options.
This resource will continue to expand, so check back again if you find it useful - and let us know, at localmeatprocessingsp@gmail.com if there are other tabs or entries you'd like to see in this guide!
If you offer relevant services, or know of someone that does, and would like to be included in our resource lists, please fill out this entry form.
MDAR’s First Annual Agricultural Resource Fair
Friday, April 12th, 2024
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Mass Wildlife Field Headquarters, Westborough.
For more details on location and directions, click here.
Non-profit agricultural stakeholders and service providers including our Federal-State Partners will be offering the Massachusetts agricultural farming community up-to-date timely resource information. The material presented will include material on services, funding information, and technical assistance programs to provide a ‘One-Stop Shopping’ resource opportunity for those that attend.
The Fair’s goal is to assist in making the agricultural industries in Massachusetts sustainable and viable. There is no fee to participate and locally sourced snacks will be provided throughout the day.
Let MDAR know you are coming by filling out this form. Registration is not required, but would be greatly appreciated to get an accurate count of attendees.
FACT (Farm Animals Concern Trust)
Farm Property Insurance Basics (Webinar)
Mar 26, 2024 12:00 PM ET
Running a farm or ranch business often depends on buildings, equipment, vehicles, and supplies for day-to-day success. If these valuable resources are lost or damaged, it can be devastating to profitability. Different types of property insurance can help address this risk, but only if the farmer clearly understands how these products work. Does your operation have the coverage it needs? Get clear on what items on your operation you want covered from the perils that are of top concern to you with this webinar.
NAACP APRIL MEMBERSHIP MEETING & Presentation: An Advocate for All Despite Your Legal Status
Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 6 pm via Zoom
This presentation hopes to connect the people in Berkshire County to the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office making sure they are aware of the trainings, grants, and many other opportunities the office has to offer.
What We're Listening To
Featuring Kat and Kolin of Starry Ridge Farm in Petersburg, NY
They dig deep into successfully carving beds into the side of rocky hills, building a farm business with family, plans for their new farm store,and marketing a diverse selection of local products to the community.
Berkshire Grown's mission is to Keep Farmers Farming!
We support and promote local agriculture as a vital part of the Berkshire community by networking farmers and food buyers, promoting locally-grown food, and increasing community access to local food.