Trivia: Fire scenes are noisy! Today, firefighters communicate via radios or cell phones. How did they communicate in the past? 

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Welcome to the Baltimore County Heritage Network!

March 15 - April 15, 2024

UPDATE - the "Warren - Rumor or Fact: A Town Under Loch Raven Reservoir" will actually be held at the Historical Society of Baltimore County (see listing below for full address). Sorry for any confusion this may have caused!

Warren- Rumor or Fact: A Town Under Loch Raven Reservoir?

March 24 @ 2 - 3:30 PM

Location: Historical Society of Baltimore County | 9811 Van Buren Ln, Cockeysville, MD 21230

Ever hear that there used to be villages where Loch Raven Reservoir is today? Come listen as Sally Riley a story recounts the history of Warren Village from its founding to its demise under the waters of Loch Raven Reservoir, while you view a slideshow of over 100 photos of the village, and newspaper ads which document the business of the Warren Mill.

Register Now

Train Day At Manor Mill

March 30 @ 12 - 5 PM

Location: Manor Mill | 2029 Monkton Rd, Monkton, MD 21111

Choo Choo! Bring the family and join us for an exciting day of train & railroad-themed events at Manor Mill! We will have 2 model trains onsite, local experts presenting on train/railroad themes, antique train/railroad items on display thanks to Stewartstown Railroad and D.E. Gettle Hobby shop, a Paint-A-Train activity, kids creative station, and more! Light refreshments will also be served during this event.

$10 Registration Fee for Adults & $5 for Kids Under 12

Register Now

NHSM Founders Day

April 5 @ 6:30 PM

Location: The Natural History Society of Maryland | 6908 Belair Rd #1122, Baltimore, MD 21206

It's our birthday. NHSM is turning 95 years young. Join us to pay homage to integral contributions from our past while celebrating our present and looking forward to our future.

This Founders' Day, on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of its founding, NHSM is honoring one of Maryland's great naturalists, NHSM member and supporter Miss Jean Worthley. As the host of the MPT program Hodgepodge Lodge in the 1970s, Miss Jean inspired a whole generation of young naturalists.

We can think of no better way to honor Miss Jean than to spend the evening sharing stories. All whose lives have been touched by Miss Jean are invited to contribute a story to the video archive.

Stories must be no longer than 5 minutes in length. Click here to share your stories via the Flip platform. If you would rather send the video or story a different way, email A select few will be invited to share these stories in person the night of the Founders' Day Reception, our birthday party; there will be cake.

For planning purposes, please RSVP. And please share with others.


Hallowed Ground Project

April 5 - 6

Location: Goucher College | 1021 Dulaney Valley Rd, Baltimore, MD 21204

The Hallowed Ground Project at Goucher University is presenting a two-day Descendant Engagement Symposium at the school on Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6, 2024. The program is co-hosted by Hampton National Historic Site, Goucher College and the Historic East Towson community.

"The Descendant Engagement Symposium will feature panel discussions highlighting the voices of Descendants in the re-interpretation of historic sites and college campus narratives. New names and stories of resilience and strength add depth to the historical record and to the legacies of the Descendant communities today. Other discussions will focus on research, the research process, student, faculty, and staff, and the challenges faced during the process, and what future steps will be taken.


The event is free but registration is required.

Register Now

CCBC at HSBC- History of the Baltimore County Almshouse and Tour

April 18 @ 1:30 - 3 PM

Location: Historical Society of Baltimore County | 9811 Van Buren Ln, Cockeysville, MD 21230

HIT 942

Explore the intriguing history of the Baltimore County Almshouse, now home to the Historical Society of Baltimore County. Absorb local stories for a unique window into Baltimore County’s past. Includes a tour of the third and final Almshouse. Instructor: Patrick Heline. (You can not register through HSBC, but class will be held in the Almshouse)


Cost: $30

CRN: 75333

Call 443-840-5830 in order to register for the class

Register Now

The National Electronics Museum

After 11 months, the tremendous undertaking of moving our museum is coming to an end. While there is still a ton to be done (check out volunteering opportunities, here), this spring, we are going to begin tours by appointment only. Then we hope to transition into full-time by our Grand Opening this fall. Be the first to enjoy our new location, which we cohabitate with the Computer Museum at System Source and Bloop Museum. This collaboration allows us to host joint events and tours, providing you with an even richer experience... and we couldn't be more excited.

The National Electronics Museum

Manor Mill

March 18 @ 7 PM

Writer's Guild Prose Night

A published author opens the evening with a reading, followed by an open mic for fellow writers to read excerpts of their work. This month's author: Richard Chizmar

March 24 @ 1 PM

Old Time Jam

A free event to connect old time style musicians to collaborate and jam!

Manor Mill

Natural History Society of Maryland

March 22 @ 10 AM

A Day with the Dead

Learn More

March 28 @ 7 PM

Tiny Travelers: Saw-whet Owls of Maryland

Learn More

April 4 @ 7 PM

Build an Island – Terns will Come

Learn More

April 7 @ 9 AM

Making Cordage

Learn More

April 11 @ 7 PM

Mammoth Mural

Learn More

April 12 @ 10 AM

Dino Hunt

Learn More

Natural History Society of Maryland

Essex Museum

April 4 @ 7 PM

April Membership Meeting

April 20 @ 12 - 2 PM

First Responders' Appreciation Day

Join us for a special First Responders' Appreciation Day! We'll have emergency vehicles out front for visitors to check out. (List of agencies and vehicles will be announced closer to the event.) Visitors can also tour the Museum. First Responders will be treated to lunch. Free. 

Essex Museum

LAST CHANCE! Marshy Point Nature Center Council's research chair is calling for all of those who love and appreciate history to make their voice heard and request Baltimore County Recreation and Parks to appoint an archaeologist and researcher on their county staff. Other counties have this benefit and we should be no different. There is a need for clear direction of how preservation and conservation will take place. Currently, there are no standardized means within this Department for protection within the parks. 

To speak your mind, our County has town hall meetings with the public to discuss the FY25 budget and what citizens feel are important to include. You can email your concerns to these Town Halls at, or to our County Executive, John A. Olszewski, Jr., at You can also include so they know this is something you care about. If you have only 5 minutes to spare, please email these addresses with the calling to, “Save our History with an Archaeologist and a Researcher on Baltimore County Recreation and Parks Staff!.” Include your contact information with your district number. Time is running out so please email ASAP!

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Who is BCHN?

The Baltimore County Heritage Network was formed in 2022, supported by a grant from the Maryland Center for History and Culture’s Miller History Fund. This collaboration of small history organizations around Baltimore County allows us to share our combined strengths. We hope to increase the sustainability and public awareness of our member organizations. More than that we hope to spread our love of our local history and its amazing stories to more people in our region.

Visit our Website

Supported By:

Miller History Fund

Answer: Speaking trumpets. Similar to megaphones, speaking trumpets amplified voices, but without the use of electronics. Today, speaking trumpets serve as ceremonial pieces. They are also used on collar devices and other parts of the uniform to help signify rank within the fire service.

Visit The Fire Museum of Maryland

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