

March 2023

Women’s History Month Celebration

Please join us for a Women’s History Month Celebration on Tuesday, March 28th at the Gloucester Stage Company in Gloucester, MA. Doors open at 5:15 pm, the program will be from 6-8 pm. The event features an exhibit, “Tower of Strength: Black Women of the Suffrage Movement” presented by North Shore Juneteenth Association. We will also screen Suffrage100MA’s film, “The Fight for Women’s Suffrage: Looking Back, Marching Forward.” A panel discussion will follow the film. Panelists are Cheryl Clyburn Crawford, MassVOTE; Sasha Goodfriend, MassNOW; Fredie Kay, Suffrage100MA; and Nicole McClain, North Shore Juneteenth Association. Pattye Comfort, LWVMA will moderate. A reception with light refreshments will conclude the event.

Read more.


Click here to view our full calendar

Making Local Government Meetings More Accessible: Monday, March 13 at 6:00pm.

LWVMA DEI Peer Discussion Group Featuring a Presentation About the Stolen Beam Series: Wednesday, March 15 at 7:00pm.

“Democracy and Women's Rights in America: The Fight over the E.R.A.": Wednesday, March 15 at 7:00pm.

LWVMA Town Hall Part 1: How the Legislature Works: Tuesday, March 21 at 7:00pm.

Common Start Lobby Day: Wednesday, March 22 at 11:00am.

LWVMA Town Hall Part 2: LWVMA Supported Legislation 2023 & 2024: Wednesday, March 29 at 7:00pm.

Town Hall Series: The Massachusetts Legislature

How do bills actually get passed? How does LWVMA select their supported and priority bills? Bring your questions and curiosity to our next LWVMA Town Hall Series: The Massachusetts Legislature. We will break this topic into two sessions. Part 1, How the MA Legislature Works featuring State Senator Liz Miranda, will take place on Tuesday, March 21 at 7:00 PM via Zoom. Register HERE. Part 2, LWVMA Supported Legislation 2023-24, will take place on Wednesday, March 29 at 7:00 PM via Zoom. Register HERE. Submit questions ahead of time via email to specialists@lwvma.org.


Save the Date: LWVMA Convention is June 10, 2023

More details coming by March 10.

Now Is the Time: State Program Planning 2023

Time is running out for local Leagues, Units, and Members-at-Large to participate in planning what LWVMA will focus on in 2023-2025. Program recommendations from local Leagues are due Friday, March 10.

Every other year, the LWVMA Board, with the help of the Legislative Action Committee, proposes 4 or 5 main areas of action and advocacy. Local Leagues are asked both to approve or suggest changes to the proposed action priorities and goals. All members should have received a list of the proposed priorities and goals this month; the full Guide to Program Planning was sent to League and Unit leaders and Members-at-Large (MALs). All materials are now available on the LWVMA Program Planning page here. Read More.

Calling all Voter Education Projects

The Lotte E. Scharfman Memorial Fund (“Scharfman”) grant program can help you cover costs for voter education programs. It’s local election time and a Scharfman grant can help with events around elections including Candidate Forums, Voters Guides, Issues Meetings, and Meet and Greets with Legislators. Successful Scharfman grants have funded art exhibits, Know Your Town programs, Town Meeting informational handbooks as well as technical infrastructure including Zoom. Need some ideas? Check out a list of previous grants. Read more.

2022 Local League Activity Report

Thank you to all the local Leagues that submitted data on their 2022 activities. Please find the report HERE.


The 2023 form and user guide are ready to go and can be found HERE.


The data will be used to quantify the collective impact of LWV throughout Massachusetts. This information will be used to help recruit new members and partner organizations, it will be shared with current members, legislators, potential funders (to secure funding for both state-wide programs as well as local/regional programs) and other LWVMA stakeholders. Read more.

Next LWVMA DEI Peer Discussion Group: Stolen Beam Series Presentation

Please join our next quarterly meeting on Wednesday, March 15, from 7-8:30 p.m. on Zoom. Newcomers are always welcome! Register HERE.

Jeffrey Gold and Devorah Jacobson of Amherst will make a presentation about a course on Reparations, the Stolen Beam series, which they have developed. (Jeffrey is a member of the Amherst League and its Racial Justice Committee.) Please come with your questions, comments, and/or reflections.

It is important to note that the League has not taken a position on reparations, either at the state or national level. We are at the stage of educating ourselves and the public on the pros and cons.

Impact on Issues 2022-24

The latest version of Impact on Issues, the LWVUS cornerstone policy positions document, is now available online. Leagues can begin using the positions in Impact on Issues right away, and a paperback version will be available through Amazon in the coming months. LWVMA bases much of its legislative work on those positions, as well as our state positions in Where We Stand. A recording of the Impact on Issues webinar can be found here.

Dr. Turner’s 2023 State of the League Address

Read Dr. Turner’s 2023 State of the League address on the current moment in American democracy, the League's impact, and the League's transformation journey. Or watch the video.

Technology: Friend or Foe of Free, Fair, and Accessible Elections? 

March 15, 2pm ET. Join the LWV UN Observers on March 15, 2pm ET. for this discussion of information and communications technologies in the electoral process. LEARN MORE and Register HERE.


Calling All Nominees For the LWVMA Board

Interested in finding out more about serving on the LWVMA Board of Directors? Please consider nominating yourself or someone else who may be interested. There are seven openings for the term that runs from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025. Click HERE for information and the nominating form. Please make your nominations by March 10, 2023. Questions? Contact LWVMA Nominating Committee Chair, Sharyn Roberts at nominating@lwvma.org. Directors will be elected at the June 10 convention.


Webinar on Hybrid Public Meetings

As part of its Community Action Works webinar series, MASSPIRG is offering a webinar on Making Local Government Meetings Accessible, discussing the legislation to require meetings subject to the open meeting law be offered in a hybrid format with both in-person and remote access and participation available. The webinar is Monday, March 13, 6:00-6:45 PM. RSVP here. Read more.

Common Start Lobby Day March 22

The Common Start Coalition, of which LWVMA is a member, invites you to their lobby day on Wednesday, March 22, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM in Room 511B of the State House. This is a great opportunity to speak with legislators about Common Start and why they should support and cosponsor HD.2794 and SD.667 to help advance the Common Start vision. Read more.

​​Recruiting Legislative Specialists and Envoys for the New Session

Impact state policy on mission-critical issues by serving as a legislative specialist. We have opportunities on the Legislative Action Committee to work on criminal justice reform and higher education. As a specialist, you would collaborate on identifying priority bills, plan and conduct educational events/webinars, become familiar with the legislative process, provide written and oral testimony for legislative hearings, work with advocacy coalitions and develop relationships with legislators. Read more.

Represent LWVMA at MassCare

Are you willing to work for equitable health care for Massachusetts? The Legislative Action Committee needs a member to step forward and assume the LWVMA Board seat on the MassCare Coalition. You would attend, participate, and give input for MassCare Board meetings held every other month as well as monthly LWVMA Legislative Action Committee meetings. For more information contact healthcare specialists Janice Goodell and Val Pasquantonio at specialists@lwvma.org.

Interested in Housing Advocacy?

Sign up to receive updates on housing bills from legislative specialist Lori Stewart. Contact Lori via email at specialists@lwvma.org.

The Mass Action Newsletter is distributed to all LWVMA members. Anyone can request the Action Newsletter by clicking here. Please review this Newsletter for articles of interest to your League and include them in your local Bulletin.

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