Mobile Action: New Trends in Advocacy
The use of social media by youth in the Middle East has prompted a new look at the power of mobile technology in advocacy. This Wednesday, March 9th, a panel of mobile advocacy experts will explore new uses of the mobile Internet, smart phones and new mobile technologies by nonprofits, NGOs and upstart social innovators in cause advocacy -- from Cairo to Chicago to Haiti, as well as places in-between.
The confirmed panelists are:
Andrew Zolli, curator of the vaunted Pop!Tech conferences and Founder, Z + Partners; Christopher Fabian, Co-Lead, UNICEF's Tech4Dev Unit; Nadim Mahmud, co-founder of Medic Mobile; Courtney Radsch, Senior Program Officer, Global Freedom of Expression Project at Freedom House; Jon Gosier of Ushahidi, and Liz Ngonzi, a mobile tech consultant and a fundraising instructor at the Heyman Center.
Series Curator Marcia Stepanek, the Heyman Center's New Media Advisor, will moderate. Stepanek is the author of the forthcoming book, Swarms, about the rise of organized, online networks and their power to alter the status quo worldwide.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 9th, from NOON-1:30
WHERE: King Juan Carlos Auditorium, 57 Washington Square South
$25; NYU Faculty and Master's students may attend free of charge by emailing
To REGISTER, please go to the Events page HERE.
(Photo: Courtesy NPR; scene from street protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square February 3, 2011)