Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

March 31, 2024

Easter Message from the Pastor


Dear Parishioners and Friends,


The Parish Staff, Fr. Gener, and I wish you a blessed Easter!


The message of Easter is fullness and newness of life. Jesus rolls away the stone of discouragement, dread, doubt, defeat, fear and death. He allows the life of joy, peace, love, and light to permeate, so that there could be new beginnings. Christ invites us to journey with him to experience the same.


During this Easter season at St Martin of Tours Parish, ten will be baptized and fully initiated. Two adults will be received into Catholic Church. Another two adults will celebrate their Confirmation. We also have 36 children celebrating their First Holy Communion. Bishop Oscar Cantu will confirm our youth on May 26. This year, we are excited to have 57 youth from our parish celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. We celebrate with them and congratulate them! Our prayer is that each of them will roll away the stone of discouragement, dread, doubt, defeat, and fear to live their life from the fountain of love.




God bless you all!


Fr Saju


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March 30 - April 5, 2024

To schedule a Mass intention, please stop by the parish office.

Easter Vigil 7:30 PM

St. Martin of Tours Parishioners


Easter Sunday 8:30 AM

St. Martin of Tours Parishioners

Easter Sunday 10:00 AM

St. Martin of Tours Parishioners


Easter Sunday 11:30 AM

St. Martin of Tours Parishioners

Monday 8:30 AM

Luz Nakano & Family

Spike Standifer†

Tuesday 8:00 AM

Charles O’Reilly

Wednesday 8:10 AM

Lucila Palmaras Alemania †



Francisca Daniel †, Daniel Selva †,

Lincoln Steffens †


Angeline Steffens †


Jeanne Zarka Brooks, Linda Hayter, Stephe HobbsAl Husted, Dedit Relojo



Linda Furtado, Ron Murphy, Annamary Keethaponkalan, Joey Segui, Esther Wald, Katie Hernandez, Egualberto Abaya, , Amy Gastelum, Paul Krill, Megan Favoli, Bekah Dominguez, Emma Firpo, Jimmy Verna, Greg Rhodes, Kathleen Lupo, Connor Vierra, Frances Pizzo, Tom Rodenfils, Marie Flemate, Rodger “OB” O’Brien, Sr. 

Please pray with us for our parishioners, family and friends.


ADA 2024

Supporting Our Mission Together

Our Parish Goal: $150,560


Please prayerfully consider pledging your support to our Diocese. Once our Parish reaches its goal, the additional funds will be returned to the Parish.  Donations can be made by completing the pledge card mailed to your home, using the QR code provided here, or online at DSJ.org/ADA. Additional pledge cards are located in the back of the Church and in the Parish Office. Thank you, St. Martin of Tours Parishioners, for your great generosity. 


# Pledges

$ Pledge

Parish Goal





$19,533 to go!

To make your pledge, please scan the QR code or click on the ADA link to help us reach our Parish goal as we all participate in 

Supporting Our Mission Together.

ADA Link


Sunday Offering 3/24/2024 Fiscal Year to Date










If you would like to donate online, please use the

QR Code provided.

Thank you for your generosity!



We congratulate our newly Baptized (Neophytes) who celebrated all three Sacraments of Initiation at Easter Vigil.


Gianna Verna             Janey Sher Chan

Zoey Chan Park Hannah Skye Park

Oliver Chan Park Isabella Mayling Stipe

Bennett Daniel Stipe Novembre De Bernardo

Trenton Anthony Madej              Kevin Koufax Madej


Whitney Todd Stipe and Millen Debesay made their Profession of Faith in the Catholic Church, were Confirmed and received their First Holy Communion at Easter Vigil. We are blessed to have them as part of the parish family and the Body of Christ.


We commend these faithful elects and candidates for diligently participating in the OCIA process of coming into the Church and receiving these Sacraments of Initiation. Our parish staff and catechist will continue to pray for them as they begin the adventure of living the life of a faithful Catholic.


We also want to acknowledge the dedicated catechists who tirelessly come each Sunday to journey with the Elects and Candidates for the duration of the OCIA process:

Stephen and Cathleen Lencioni, Jill Marie Weeks, and Martha Hoffman. Thank you very much for sharing the love of Jesus in serving in the ministry that Jesus started. We acknowledge with gratitude the hard work, dedication, and faith our Catechetical Director, Merry Kaelani in this entire process.


Please continue to keep all our new Catholics in our prayers for their continued growth and perseverance in the Faith.


To the newest members of our community, please cherish this important moment every day. Remember you were called for a mission: to worship him as One Body of Christ and to spread God’s love to others.


Fr. Saju


Dear parents and children, kindly click on the link below to download and print out catechetical activity for children for this weekend. This link is updated every week with activities that corresponds to the readings and Sunday celebrations.



Diocese of San Jose Impact Report 2022-2023

Learn about the impact of the Diocese of San José ministries over the past year that serve more than 528,000 Catholics in Santa Clara County, including 54 parishes, missions and pastoral centers, and 34 Catholic schools. Click here to read the full report. 

Stay up to date with Diocesan wide news, events, and stories as well as news from the USCCB and the Vatican. Read the Bishop’s messages, see what our children are doing in school, and learn about upcoming community events. Follow the Diocese of San Jose on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Vimeo. Social Media Posts: Facebook Instagram
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Behavioral Health Services, Santa Clara County - Flyer
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Free Meals for Kids - Second Harvest
Rental Assistance in the Community

Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County Food Distribution

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