Third Sunday of Lent

March 3, 2024

A Call to Purify Our Own Hearts


The Gospel proclaimed on the Third Sunday of Lent, bring us in Our Lord’s company from the splendor and vastness of the Temple of Jerusalem to the deepest interior of the human heart. The Gospel ends with these words “He could tell what a man had in him”.  We are led to see a connection between the dramatic episode of the cleansing of the temple from all the uproar and disorder of traders and money lenders to the Lenten call to purify our own hearts from everything which does not serve and worship God.


It is important to note that it isn’t trade, or indeed any honest human work, which does not serve God. Nor is it that we are not called to pray in the midst of our busy lives. Rather the Gospel teaches that we are called to keep our hearts free and unencumbered in order that we may encounter the living God in prayer. As a bishop of the 6th Century commented, we must desire that our souls are as clean and ordered as we would wish to find our churches. 


Saint John Henry Newman was struck by the silent attentiveness he found in the poorest backstreet chapels, where he saw the faithful focused not on themselves but on Emmanuel – ‘God with us’ – in the Mystery of the Eucharist. Today Pope Francis often speaks of our churches as places in which all humanity is called to this encounter. Yet, even in a Catholic church where Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist is its living heart, we can experience the distracting noise of chatter which takes away the quietness that allows us to be attentive to the Lord and diverts us from entering conversation with Him.  


This can be true in our own hearts if we allow the vital place of prayer and union with Him to be invaded by the uproar of noise or disordered things. The 40 days of Lent invite us to seek such a purification of heart. The means are always the same: receiving the grace of the Sacrament of Penance by sincere confession of our sins; giving greater time to prayer; and the self-denial and generosity which enables us to put aside all those things which encumber us. We journey to Easter so that “The light of Christ rising in glory (may) dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds” (Liturgy of the Easter Vigil).     


Rt. Rev. Mark Davies

Bishop of Shrewsbury  

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March 3 - March 8, 2024

To schedule a Mass intention, please stop by the parish office.

Saturday 5:00 PM

Tom & Stanley Hara †


Sunday 8:30 AM

Lucia Palmaras Alemania †


Sunday 10:00 AM

Justin Ross †, Karen Hall †


Sunday 11:30 AM

Arturo, Mario, Luigi †

Monday 8:30 AM

Girlie & Miguel Borjal †

Tuesday 8:00 AM

Mario Ilumin †


Wednesday 8:10 AM

Erique Latoza †

Maura Gravador Palmaras †

Thursday 9:00 AM

Nilda Ilumin †


Friday 8:00 AM

Rusty & Julie Gotico

Yvonne & Eva Reyes


Msgr. John Coleman, Sr. Sharon Skain, Florence Virginia Brocato, Julia Gason



Annamary Keethaponkalan, Joey Segui, Erna Prasetyo, Esther Wald, Jerry Enos, Spike Standifer, Louise Vento, Egualberto Abaya, Katie Hernandez, Amy Gastelum, Greg Rhodes, Paul Krill, Megan Favoli, Bekah Dominguez, Emma Firpo, Jimmy Verna, Kathleen Lupo, Roberta Williams, Connor Vierra, Frances Pizzo, Tom Rodenfils, Marie Flemate, Rodger “OB” O’Brien, Sr. 

Please pray with us for our parishioners, family and friends.


ADA 2024

Supporting Our Mission Together

Our Parish Goal: $150,560


               We are brought together from all walks of life through various ministries and services to do God's work of justice, mercy, outreach, and formation.  Supporting Our Mission Together, the Annual Diocesan Appeal for the Diocese of San Jose, provides the financial support of these ministries and services for all Catholics in our community.


               Please prayerfully consider pledging your support to our Diocese. Once our Parish reaches its goal, the additional funds will be returned to the Parish.  Donations can be made by completing the pledge card mailed to your home, using the QR code provided here, or online at Additional pledge cards are located in the back of the Church and in the Parish Office. Thank you, St. Martin of Tours Parishioners, for your great generosity. 


# Pledges

$ Pledge

Parish Goal





$67,259 to go!

To make your pledge, please scan the QR code or click on the ADA link to help us reach our Parish goal as we all participate in 

Supporting Our Mission Together.

ADA Link


Sunday Offering 2/18/2024 Fiscal Year to Date










If you would like to donate online, please use the

QR Code provided.

Thank you for your generosity!


St. Martin of Tours Lenten Calendar


Click Here


Personal Encounter With Jesus

That Led One to Spread Joy With Others


I have always been fascinated with the story of the "Samaritan Woman" or "Woman at the Well" (John chapter 4). That story has a deeper meaning than just Jesus meeting a person. It started when Jesus separated himself from his disciples while they were on their journey. He stopped at Jacob's well but did not bring anything with him to fetch the water. Then, a woman came with her bucket. A Samaritan woman. According to their custom, Jesus, as being Jewish, was not allowed to talk with a Samaritan, especially a woman, but Jesus asked for water from her. The woman answered, "Why is a Jew asking for water from a Samaritan?" (4:9), as they use nothing in common. Then, the conversation flowed from one topic to another: Jesus asked for a drink, which turned to him offering her "living water."; the woman talked about worshiping god, which Jesus took as an opportunity to catechize her that we should worship one God (4:24), then finally Jesus mentioned something about her personal life. Jesus knew it all. The conversation ended with the woman's amazement toward Jesus – that this Jewish person knows everything! At the end of the conversation, the woman rushed with excitement, leaving the place and discarding her water jar without filling it up to take back home. She ran into the town and told people that she saw the Messiah; she was inspired to share with others of her unusual encounter with someone at the well, "Come see a man who told me everything I have done. Could he possibly be the Messiah?" (4:29)


It's that Aha! moment that the woman experienced in that meeting. Jesus planned it all. He knew who he chose to talk to; he knew what this woman could do to help him proclaim the good news.


We are so happy that this year, Jesus chose to meet with the ten Elects in our parish. Jesus knew they would say, "Give me this water." They will receive the living water through the Baptism on Easter Vigil.


We all have encountered Jesus in many ways. During this Lent, let us pay attention more closely to our interaction with one another. We all could experience joy and excitement by experiencing our aha! moments; and each one of us can share that joy with others.


With Lenten Blessings,


Merry Kaelani

Dates to remember:

- 3/6: CCM and Sacramental Preparation Sessions at 4 PM

- 3/9: First Eucharist Family Retreat from 10 AM to 12 PM

- 3/10: OCIA – Second Scrutiny 10 AM Mass, followed by session after dismissal.


Dear parents and children, kindly click on the link below to download and print out catechetical activity for children for this weekend. This link is updated every week with activities that corresponds to the readings and Sunday celebrations.


Diocese of San Jose Impact Report 2022-2023

Learn about the impact of the Diocese of San José ministries over the past year that serve more than 528,000 Catholics in Santa Clara County, including 54 parishes, missions and pastoral centers, and 34 Catholic schools. Click here to read the full report. 

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