March 29, 2023

Click here to view the April Newsletter

Holy Week and Easter Information

Holy Week and Easter are central to our lives together as followers of Christ. On Palm Sunday we celebrate his triumphant entry into Jerusalem; on Maundy Thursday we recall his washing of the disciples' feet and institution of Holy Communion; on Good Friday we hold a tenebrae service (service of light and darkness) as we commemorate his crucifixion. Finally on Easter Sunday we celebrate with unbounded joy his victory over death.


Palm Sunday: April 2, 8:30 & 11:00am

Maundy Thursday: April 6, 6:30pm

Ecumenical Stations of the Cross:

April 7, 12:30pm @ St. Mary's

Good Friday: April 7, 8:00pm

Easter Sunday: April 9, 8:30 & 11:00am 

*Please note: the Palm Sunday celebration begins with a procession, meeting in the covered drive/welcome center. The service is a bit different this year, and does not include a reading of the passion narrative — be sure to attend the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services!

* The Church office will be Closed April 7-April 10.


Learn our song for Palm Sunday with Pastor Matt, Deacon Katie, and Cantor David. Tambourines, pipes, lyres, drums, and all the instruments of music are welcome!

Easter Breakfast -

April 9th @ 9:45am

Join us for a special time of fellowship on Easter Sunday at 9:45! Please bring a breakfast dish, fruit, or baked good to share for this potluck breakfast, and place it on the tables in the Welcome Center by 9:30am. Coffee, tea, and juice will be provided.  Contact Deacon Katie to set up, clean up and decorate for Easter Breakfast?  

Easter Egg Hunt -

April 9th @ 10am

Children are invited to participate in an Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday at 10am on the playground! Children may bring a basket to collect eggs, or one will be provided for them. 

Sweet Request!

Easter Egg Hunt candy needed! Willing to donate individually wrapped candy for our annual Easter Egg Hunt? Please place candy in the basket outside of Deacon Katie's office no later than Thursday, April 6. 

Shower Ministry Collection for Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, the church has the tradition of foot washing in remembrance of the command Jesus gave his disciples the night he was arrested. This act of great humility and service showed what it means to be a disciple, and share Christ’s love with others.

This Maundy Thursday, we invite you to participate in a similar act of love and washing as we collect items needed to support the Shower Ministry of The Dwelling in Winston-Salem. Below is a list of needed items!

 Essential Shower Kit Supplies

  •  Shampoo (travel size)
  • Conditioner (travel size)
  • Soap/body wash (travel size or small bar)   
  • Razor (2+ blade)
  •  Toothbrush and paste (travel or full size)  
  • Deodorant (full size)
  • Comb   
  • Washcloth
  • Lotion (travel size)

Bonus items to include

  • Chapstick                                   
  • Q-tips
  • Nail clippers
  • Band aids                                    
  • Neosporin (single use packs)

Please bring your item on Maundy Thursday or you are welcome to bring donations items to church any time before Easter Sunday. Collection baskets are in the Commons. 

Church Announcements


April 2nd from 9:45am-10:45am 

New to St. Mark's? Want to get to know the people here? Interested in getting involved with what God is doing in this place? LandMARKS is a monthly meeting with Pastor Matt and/or Deacon Katie that helps visitors and new members learn about the ministries of St. Mark's, get to know the staff and members, and ask questions about our community. Meet us at the bottom of the main staircase at 9:45am to join!

Faith and Fellowship - CANCELLED for April

Pastor Matt’s Monday morning Faith and Fellowship class will not be meeting during the month of April. This class will resume on May 1st.  

Fresh Change - Help Pack a Bag!

On Sunday, April 16, we will be packing 50 backpacks to welcome newly arrived immigrants being released from Customs and Border Protection custody. We are partnering with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and other Lutheran congregations with a goal of 1000 backpacks. In order to pack our backpacks, we need your help!!

Each bag must have:

  • a new sweatpants
  • new sweatshirt
  • new pair of crew socks
  • new pair of underwear
  • and for women a new sports bra.

There are sign-up sheets for these items on the bulletin board downstairs at the bottom of the stairs. All items need to be here by Sunday morning April 16.

If you would prefer to give a donation toward the purchase of items, please make your check out to St. Mark’s with a designation to Fresh Change and place it in the offering plate or send it to the church.

Questions? Contact Cindy Lauster

New Faith Formation Class

Sunday, March 19-April 2

The current Faith Formation class is bringing awareness to the MMIW epidemic (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women). The good news is there is an important bill called Savanna's Act that was passed into law in 2020. The bad news is that nothing has been done with it. Our Indigenous brothers and sisters need our voices added to theirs so that Savanna's Act will be funded and put into action. Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women deserve justice and their families deserve closure.

Please consider learning more here and filling out the simple form that will put pressure on elected officials to do the right thing. Then share that link with everyone you know!

If you would like to learn more please join our third (and last) Faith Formation

class this Sunday at 9:45am in the library. 

In the News

Lutheran Services Carolinas

WLOS worked with LSC to spotlight one of their families. Read and listen to Oleks and Svetlana talk about their experience in fleeing their country with their children and discuss how Gloria Sainio, an employment specialist with LSC, has helped them transition to their new home here.

Ongoing 100th Celebration Information

As St. Mark's centennial celebration kicks off, we will keep you updated on upcoming events and announcements to help you celebrate 100 years of loving Christ, growing in faith, and serving all people!

View the 100th Anniversary 1st Quarter Newsletter here

Celebrate with a T-shirt

100th Anniversary T-Shirts will be available starting January 1st ! Pick yours up from the clothing rack in the Commons and wear it to 100th Anniversary events, doing Acts of Service, or just to the grocery store. Sizes Youth Medium to Adult 3X available. Shirts are $10 each, and cash or money can be designated “T-Shirts” and placed in the offering plate or given to Danielle in the church office.

Acts of Service

During our 100th Anniversary year, we are striving to accomplish 1923 Acts of Service. You can complete an online form and we will make sure your Act of Service gets displayed, or you can fill out both sides of a card found in the pews and place it in the offering plate sharing how you served in the name of the Lord.

Complete Online Acts of Service Card Here

Weekly Schedule Click here to see the full St. Mark's Calendar 

Monday, April 3rd - Executive Team @ 5:45m Zoom Link, Password: stmarks

Weekly Schedule

Wednesday, March 29th

9am - Property Day

6pm - Soup Supper

7pm - Holden Evening Prayer

Thursday, March 30th

5:30pm - Handbell Rehearsal

7pm - Choir Rehearsal

Sunday, April 2nd - Palm Sunday

8:30am - Worship

9:45am - Faith Formation

9:45am - LandMARKs

11am - Worship

Monday, April 3rd

10am - Faith and Fellowship (CANCELLED)

5:45pm - Executive Mtg (Zoom)

6:30pm - CAT Mtg

Tuesday, April 4th

9am - Quilters

10am - Staff Meeting

Wednesday, April 5th

9am - Property Day

5:30pm - Handbell Rehearsal

7pm - Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, April 6th - Maundy Thursday

6:30pm - Worship Service

Friday, April 7th - Good Friday

12pm - Stations of the Cross @ St. Mary's

8pm - Worship Service

Sunday, April 9th - Easter Sunday

8:30am - Worship

9:45am - Easter Potluck Breakfast

10am -Easter Egg Hunt

11am - Worship

Sunday, April 2nd


Zechariah 9:9-12; Philippians 2:5-11; Matthew 21:1-17


8:30am-Dan and Mary Dudde;11am-Bob Mihara, Alice Silver


8:30am -Amy Zellers, Julia Volk; 11am-Scott Baumann, Anne Blackwell

Altar Guild:

8:30am-Ken Clark; 11am-Bonnie Morris


8:30am-George Hahn; 11am- Eileen Cram


11am- Christian Wikoff

Assisting Minister:

8:30am-Mary Brady; 11am-Bonnie Richards


8:30am-Bonnie Wheeler; 11am- Donna Turnbaugh

Communion Assistant:

8:30am-Linda Kinsinger; 11am-Bonnie Morris

8:30am Live Stream:

Chris Miller

Maundy Thursday

Greeters: Eric and Susan Van Tassel

Ushers: Nancy Dodenhoff, Dan Dudde

Communion Assistant: Mary Anne Allwein

Assisting Minister: Natalie Haynes

Altar Guild: Bonnie Morris, Sharon Herrmann

Reader: Barbara Ulrichs

Live Stream: Bob Mihara

Good Friday

Greeters: Bob Mihara, Bonnie Wheeler

Usher: Nancy Dodenhoff

*Easter Sunday Worship Assistant Schedule in progress!*

Contact Information

Parish Administrator

Our Mission:

Making disciples by loving Christ,

growing in faith, serving all people

Our Vision:

Experiencing and sharing God's grace as an inclusive, intergenerational congregation through Worship, Outreach, Learning and Fellowship  
