LWVOPRF March 27 Week in Preview
Drinks & Dialogue
This Thursday, our Drinks & Dialogue program will have presenter Ariel Groner, from the Jupiter Center, talking about youth LSBT issues.  Join us at Skrine Chops House, 7230 W. Madison, Forest Park,  from 5:30-7:00 pm. Free and open to the public. New members.....bring a friend!
News to Use
Criminal Justice Symposium - April 1, UIC, from 3:00-5:00pm. Read the flyer for more information.

Membership Committee Meeting - April 12, 7:00 pm - Recap the year, set goals for the future. New members welcome!  Contact Marilyn Cantisano with your attendance.

Did you miss the LWV IL March 4 Issues Briefing?  You can still read the PowerPoints and handouts here.
Advocacy Committee
Our Advocacy Committee met with Senator Harmon on March 21. Thanks to Diane Moses, Carolyn Skipper, Sandra Sokol, Mary Ann Mohranraj, Mary Rose Lambke, Fran Sampson, Beverly Graham, and Kathy Balk taking the time to meet with our legislators.  Read the recap of the meeting  here .   
Tax Exempt 101 continues
Contributions and member dues are deductible for donors and members of a 501(c)(3) organization, provided that the contributor/member does not receive anything of value in return and the contribution or dues are not specifically designated for use by the recipient for lobbying expenditures.  Neither contributions nor dues are deductible for donors and members of a 501(c)(4). Conversion to 501(c)(3) status provides a significant tax benefit for donors and members without imposing any practical restrictions or limitations on a League's typical operation.