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St Mark's UMC News Update
March 21, 2024
6422 Santa Fe Drive, Overland Park KS 66202
913 722 2310
Office Hours: Mon – Thurs
8:30 am – 1:30 pm

Pastor Harun and Janet Carter
are available outside the office hours.
St Mark’s website:

The link to this Sunday's livestreamed worship is
Record your online worship attendance HERE 

Services are uploaded to the church website on Monday morning
for viewing outside of worship hours. Past services are also available.

In-person Worship:
Saturdays at 4 pm in the Chapel and Sundays at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary
Please pray for:
Please pray for Sylvia Wright’s brother Don and his family. Don’s wife, Ginger, died last week. Pray for Charlotte Davis who begins a new set of treatments this week.
Pray for Paul Lee and Marj Childress who are both having surgery this week.

We are thankful that Allison Leever’s husband, Chad is beginning to improve, and that Royce Parman is home and doing better. June Bartley sends thanks for cards and messages of support – please continue to pray for her.

Please continue to pray for Susan Masih’s father, and husband, Richard; Anne Hunt's friend, Tim; and Jane Doerflinger, Judi Howen, Debi Spangler, Ashley Richards, and Harry and Mary Quick.

John D. Beach Memorial Scholarship
for high school seniors and current college students!
John Beach was a much-loved member of the St Mark's congregation and deeply involved in the life of the church. A scholarship was established in his memory and each year one scholarship is awarded to a student who is a member of St Mark's UMC.

The John D. Beach Memorial Scholarship
will be $1,500.00 for the 2024-2025 academic year.
This amount is given in two equal installments
which are paid directly to the winner's institution.

Students who will attend college, university, or seminary in the 2024-2025 academic year, and are members of St Mark's UMC, are eligible to apply. Application papers are available on the small table by the office door. There is one application set for those currently in high school, and a different application set for those currently in college or seminary. Applications must be returned to the church office by April 15, 2024.

Vintage Clothing Presentation
This event has been postponed.
It will be rescheduled at a time and date to be determined.
Small Group for Lent
Pastor Harun's last study group
at 7 pm on Thursday March 21 on Zoom

Pastor Harun is using Adam Hamilton's book,
"Wrestling with Doubt, Finding Faith"
(Call the office to order a ($10) book. Book not required)
Palm Sunday: March 24

Good Friday: March 29 - Worship at 7 pm with choir and bells

Easter Sunday: March 31 - Worship at 9:30 am
with choir and bells
Easter Egg Hunt after worship!
Chris Cakes Pancakes at 8:30 am and 10:45 am
March 21-30

Carson Miller - March 22
Laura Barrett - March 27
Kristal Spurlock - March 27
Marjorie Childress - March 28
Donna Collins - March 30

NEW 5-week Small Group
Starts Tuesday, April 2
at 10:30 am in Flint 107
*Watch an Adan Hamilton video series together. *Topic TBD. *Listen and learn. *Talk or don't! *Pray or don't! *Come to some or all sessions.
Led by Janet Carter
Disaster Response Ministry!
Are you looking to grow in your discipleship and make a difference in someone else’s life at the same time? The Great Plains Disaster Response Ministry is for you!

Our ministry is based on making disciples by showing compassion and care to all people affected by a disaster. If you are 18 years and older, we need you! Volunteers are crucial and serve as the “hands and feet” of Christ. Without an abundance of willing volunteers, the work does not get done for those who cannot afford insurance or have limited insurance.

You are needed to make a difference! You are needed to make disciples! Contact Rev. Hollie Tapley, for more information and to sign up.

UMC General Conference
Pastor Harun will be a translator at the United Methodist General Conference which runs from April 23 to May 3 in Charlotte, NC. Pastor Harun's wife, Ann, is one of the Great Plains UMC delegates to this international conference.

The last General Conference was cancelled because of the Covid pandemic, and it is more than 7 years since this conference met.
One of the issues that will be voted on is regionalization of the world-wide UMC.

Regionalization, if adopted, would allow different decisions to be made in the UMC in different parts of the world. In this way the decisions can better respond to changing social contexts around the world.

"The United Methodist Church has no pope. But it does have a General Conference — the only body that can set official policy and speak for the international denomination.

General Conference brings together lay and clergy delegates from four continents whose decisions will affect how millions of United Methodists do church for years to come.
Think of the two-week gathering as a combination of a United Nations General Assembly, a U.S. congressional session and a time of rousing Christian worship."

Click one of the links above to learn more.

General Conference = An international event for UMC that usually happens very 4 years
Annual Conference = The annual meetings held in each UMC area of the US.
We are part of the Great Plains Annual Conference.
Can you help the pantry?
These items are in short supply and your assistance would be appreciated. Please bring items to the church anytime.

Peanut butter; Canned meals with pop-top lids such as spaghetti and ravioli; Canned fruit of all kinds - eg: pineapple, apricots, peaches, mixed fruit