On the heels of my biggest news, I now have


Marji’s Yarncrafts is going to continue on under new ownership! The new owner’s name is Jeanne, and Marji’s Yarncrafts will open in a lovely space in Simsburytown Shops, hopefully in May. You can expect to find many of the same yarns and classes, but Jeanne will introduce you to many more lovely things, as she makes it her own.

Simsburytown Shops is where I started out in 1988, what a wonderful coincidence!

I’m so excited and happy to be able to see this business continue!

I hope that you will “stay tuned” to this new adventure in yarn! As we get closer to the end of this location and the beginning of the next, we will update you with more dates and details. If you are on this mailing list, you will automatically get all the “goods” on the new location!


What’s going on in the shop now??

There is still enough yarn for your projects! My back room is starting to look a bit empty, but out on the floor, there is a wide selection!


I am still organizing/cleaning/prepping for my sale of models, display items and shelving. There’s a lot to plow through. So, hopefully, in the next few weeks, I’ll announce that sale starting.


Starting now, I will mark down some of the yarns with a deeper discount. Some of the lines that Jeanne will carry will remain at 20% discount and will not be marked down further.


I will be open 10-3 through March 30. After that I will let you know!


Anything else you want to know about? Send me an email or call the shop – I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m able.

march classes

Sock Workshop:

with Cassandra & Wendy

Bring a sock, start a sock, or get that second sock started!

This is a knitting group for everything socks - come join some other sock knitters for fun, help, and encouragement! Come when you can!

FIRST SATURDAYS 11-12:30: March 2 $5 fee

THIRD SATURDAYS 11-12:30: March 16 $5 fee


for March

Knit & Chat classes are $10 per class

Tuesdays 6:30-8p

with Marlene

March 5, 13, 19, 26

Wednesdays 12:30-2p

with Marji

March 6, 13, 20, 27

Thursdays 10:30a-noon

with Wendy

March 7, 14, 21, 28

Fridays 2-3:30p

with Marlene

March 1, 8, 22, 29

Saturdays 9-10:30a

with Cassandra

March 2, 9, 23, 30

marji's yarncrafts | www.marjisyarncrafts.com
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