Our Mission Statement

PVRW is organized for the purpose of uniting women to promote Education, Communication, Legislative Action, Candidate Recruitment, Fundraising and Leadership Development. 


President's Message

Dear Palo Verde Republican Women members and friends,

Today was a beautiful day in AZ.  Enjoy these days because soon it will be 100 degrees+ in April.  (Let’s hope for May). 

The Palo Verde Republican Women made it a great day by coming together under Jan Dubauskas, our Community Outreach VP, and picked up trash on Scottsdale Road. We collected 13 bags of trash. We made a difference. Everyone can choose something they are physically able to do, to make a difference. Give it some thought. Every kind gesture you make sends ripples out to the world.  I firmly believe that. 

Enjoy the newsletter. We have so many talented women on our board, and they all have amazing contributions to share with you. 

Happy Easter to everyone.  Let it be a time of renewal, hope and beauty no matter what religion you follow.  

Stay safe and God Bless the Blue Line.  

Cindy Hill, M.Ed.

PVRW Board Updates

Michal Joyner: 1st VP, Programs

We had an amazing March luncheon. It was wonderful to hear from our new AZFRW President, Pat Lorenzen. She is committed to more information sharing, and I believe everyone has seen a wonderful improvement in communication.


In addition, we heard from Jerry Sheridan, candidate for Sheriff, Mike Crawford, candidate for Sheriff, and Michelle Ugenti Rita, candidate for Board of Supervisors, District 2.

I think it’s important to explain that we have a huge number of candidates to consider between now and the primary. As I previously mentioned, I will schedule National, State and County candidates but not until they have submitted their mandatory signatures. Due to the need to present as many qualified candidates as possible, please plan on our meetings lasting until 1:30. We will go back to 1:00 after the primary. If your schedule requires you to leave early, we totally understand.


For April, we will hear from Carine Werner, LD 4 Senate candidate and Pamela Carter, LD 4 House candidate. Their bios will appear in the luncheon announcement on April 1st.


We will be featuring Dirk Van Leenen, a Holocaust survivor. Now why would I feature this topic during an election season. One might ask how the Germans overtook the Jews. They took away their freedom of speech, their guns, their property rights, our religious beliefs, and got them to turn on one another. Does this sound familiar to you? It does to me. Please come and hear his story. 

Michal Joyner

1st Vice President, Programs



Briana Khalaf: 2nd VP, Membership

Thank you to all the wonderful ladies who renewed or joined our club this past luncheon. We currently have 222 members, let’s keep up the pace!

There are still many who have not yet renewed their membership— we will be making more reminder calls and emails in the coming weeks. You can easily renew online HERE.

If you have any questions on how to do so, please feel free to contact me via phone (480) 284-9505 or email brianaleighj@gmail.com and I would be happy to help.

Let's continue our legacy as one of the largest groups in the state! 

Briana Khalaf

2nd Vice President, Membership



Jan Dubauskas: 3rd VP, Caring for America

PVRW Keeps Scottsdale Beautiful!

On Saturday, March 24, we picked up 13 big and heavy bags of trash along Scottsdale Road. Thank you to each of these women and men for joining us and making a HUGE impact on our community! 

We are supporting mothers in need with our annual Mother's Day drive to collect purses and additional items (see below) for Shoebox Ministry at our next lunch meeting on April 17th at McCormick Ranch Pavillion. If you want to drop something off because you aren’t attending the lunch, contact me, Cindy Hill or Jan Stephenson and we will connect with you ahead of time.

Thank You!

Jan Dubauskas

3rd Vice President, Caring for America


M. Stephens & J. Alford: Political Legislative and Campaign Team

A huge thanks to all of you who sent notes to Governor Hobbs requesting she veto HB2570 (Arizona Starter Homes Act) which would override local zoning laws and result in overdevelopment. Hobbs did veto the bill. 

Now we must work to stop 3 more bills moving through the final stages of the state legislature:  HB2297 (commercial buildings can be turned into apartments without city approval); HB2720 (allows guest houses to be built on any single-family lot and allows them to be rented out) and HB2721 (allows duplexes; triplexes and fourplexes to be built on any single-family lot). All three of these bills override city zoning. These bills will now go to the Senate Floor (no date yet) and, if passed, they will go to Gov Hobbs who has indicated she may sign.  Once we know when the Senate is set to vote on them, we will send out an urgent request to contact Senators requesting they vote NO March 23rd was the last day for bills to be heard in the Arizona House and Senate.  

Please don't forget to help our legislative candidates and sign their petitions before the April 1st deadline. Go to Voter Authentication - E-Qual Online Petitions (azsos.gov) 

Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Political Legislative and Campaign Team

Michele Stephens


Jamie Alford


Jan Stephenson: Education Committee

Please be aware of what is happening in your School District!

Cave Creek USD

  • Focus groups are looking for solutions to declining enrollment.


Paradise Valley USD

  • School Governing Board voted to close 3 schools.
  • Superintendent is resigning.
  • 3 seats are open for the School Board Election.


Scottsdale USD

  • The American Pride Library reached their fundraising goal to purchase the complete "Tuttle Twins" series for the libraries in all 29 district schools. (If you don't know about the "Tuttle Twins", you need to look it up!)
  • 3 seats are open for the School Board Election


We are focusing on student needs in South Scottsdale schools.


Superintendent Tom Horne and the Arizona Education Department are partnering with Prager University Foundation (a conservative nonprofit that creates patriotic educational videos) to offer free supplemental resources to K-12 classrooms, partnering with Dr. Mehemet Oz's health Corps, to offer free optional health education programming in middle and high schools, and expanding "Project Momentum", a school improvement framework that fosters unprecedented student growth.

Our next Education Committee meeting will be held:

Friday, April 5th at 11:00 AM

Vito’s Pizza and Italian Ristorante

18221 N Pima Road, Scottsdale

All are Welcome!

Jan Stephenson 

Education Committee Chair



Deb Oberhamer: Learn and Lunch, Book Club

PVRW Learn and Lunch

(Formerly Discussion Group)

Vito’s Pizza and Italian Ristorante

18221 N Pima Road, Scottsdale

March 27th, 11:30 am

Please join us for our Learn and Lunch meeting. All three conservative candidates for Scottsdale Unified School District Board will speak and answer questions. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE to meet these outstanding people who are stepping up to represent us…Jeanne Beasley, Gretchen Jacobs, and Drew Hassler. On the ballot in November, these candidates will not be labeled Republican so you need to learn their names so you will be able to vote for candidates who align with your values and advocate in the best way for Scottsdale’s children and grandchildren. Present board member, Amy Carney, will also join us to give a board review. It is imperative that at least one conservative wins this November to join Amy Carney and Carine Werner so there will be a 3/5 majority on the board.

PLEASE RSVP IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY: deb.oberhamer@gmail.com

April 24th, 11:30 am

Please mark your calendar for our April Learn and Lunch featuring representatives from the Arizona Conservative Policy Alliance who have an amazing presentation with facts and figures about AZ Elections and what is needed for 2024.

PVRW Red Shoe Book Club

We are reading the classic book DONALD J. TRUMP: THE ART OF THE DEAL and will meet to discuss it on Thursday April 11th at Noon at Vito's. In the meantime, if you want to get started on the next book, we will be reading the hit new book BLOOD MONEY by Peter Schweizer.

Thursday, April 11th, 12 NOON

Vito’s Pizza and Italian Ristorante

18221 N Pima Road, Scottsdale

Please RSVP for all events at deb.oberhamer@gmail.com. We hope you can join us!

Deb Oberhamer

Learn and Lunch & Red Shoe Book Club Chair


Joan Lang: Ways and Means

Much has been said about the importance of preserving our history. It’s suggested that “studying history enhances critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to interpret complex information.”

Here are just a few quotes to illustrate the point:

  • "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana
  • “History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul.” Lord Acton
  • "The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future." Theodore Roosevelt

In 2023, over three million sponsored veterans’ wreaths were placed by volunteers on headstones at 4,225 participating locations worldwide. Wreaths Across America volunteers tirelessly work year-round to Remember, Honor, and Teach, with each name spoken out loud in grateful acknowledgment of the sacrifices made by our veterans for our freedoms.

This year’s theme, “Live with Purpose,” draws inspiration from the remarkable stories of these volunteers whose impactful work in their communities is a beacon of inspiration for all. The 2024 National Wreaths Across America Day is Saturday, December 14.

Palo Verde RW has participated in WAA for many years. We have set a goal of purchasing 1000 wreaths, which we lay on graves at our National Cemetery of Phoenix. Sadly, even with all the volunteer groups that support WAA here in Phoenix, only about one third of the 73,000 gravesites have had a wreath.

Will you please help us reach our 1000 wreath goal this year?

It's easy to purchase a wreath - by clicking on the link or using the QR Code below:

If each of us commits to purchasing a family pack of four wreaths, at a minimum, we should reach our goal.

Thank You!

Joan Lang

PVRW Ways and Means Chair


Almighty God as we enter into the spring season thank you for making all things new. Thank you for Your creative coloring of our world in nature. Thank you for renewing us as You do the earth, for refreshing our spirit in this hard world, for restoring our souls.

Lord, we pray for our members and their families. Give them strength for each day and may they put their trust in you. In the Lord's name we pray.


Mary Reitz PVRW Chaplain

Check our online calendar for future events: PVRW Calendar

Upcoming PVRW Luncheon

Watch for Registration Details - April 1st!

April 17th - 11AM to 1:30PM

Candidate Speakers:

Carine Werner, LD4 Senate Candidate

Pamela Carter, LD4 House Candidate

Feature Speaker: Dirk Van Leenan, Holocaust Survivor


The Pavilion at McCormick Ranch Golf Club

7505 McCormick Parkway, Scottsdale, AZ

June 13-15

AzFRW BOD Meeting and Membership Conference

Save the Date!

Reservation information will be communicated at a later date.

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Editor: Cherryl McDougall

Photographer: Sue Frandson
