This March, we celebrate Women's History Month and International Women's Day. We at PILI want to honor the changemakers who paved the way and the women shaping tomorrow's world.
Spring is also here, and PILI has so many exciting opportunities and events coming up to help the Illinois legal community be empowered to advocate!
We're less than one month away from our annual Young Professionals Board fundraiser, Arcade for Legal Aid. Join us on Wednesday, April 10th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Hi-Point Game Lounge in Chicago. Tickets are available and we hope you will join us for this fun event and to support the work of PILI.
We are also planning CLE programs and pro bono clinics in the coming months. Details are below and you can always find a list of upcoming events on our website. We hope to see you over the next month!
The Staff at PILI