Friendly Reminder: Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 10, 2024 be sure to set your clocks forward by one hour at 2:00am.

Dear Friends,

It’s hard to believe that we have served together in the ministry of Jesus for 14 years. It both seems like just yesterday that I started here, and like I’ve been here forever. I remember that first month, as so busy with getting acquainted with you all while also navigating through the days of Lent. Later I would tell people, “If you can avoid it, I don’t recommend starting a new Call at the beginning of Lent.” Seriously though, I like the season of Lent, with its invitation to slow down a bit and more deeply contemplate Jesus’ journey, his death, his love for us, and his invitation to us all to join in his mission.

With Ash Wednesday on February 14, we are well into Lent in March…and even celebrate Easter this month! For me, this anticipated celebration of Easter feels a bit like a culmination of my time with you all. I hope that you will be able to join us at my favorite worship service, which is the Easter Vigil. This will be on Saturday, March 30 at 8 pm. It’s a beautiful service, with candles, and story through scripture, remembering our baptisms, and Holy Communion.

One of my favorite memories of this service is of an activity that I used to do alone just before the service. As you know, prayer requests are almost all verbal, and offered during the time of prayer. A few years ago, prayer requests were written on cards that were handed to me during the service. I never felt good about disposing of these prayer request cards in the trash, so they accumulated. Then, we added the Easter Vigil, a service that starts on the patio, with a new fire. With this fire, I discovered the perfect way to dispose of these cards in an honorable way. And so, just before everyone arrived, I prayed while I burned these cards. It was very moving for me.

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Nancy



Preschool & Kindergarten News

From the Preschool Director

Here comes March! With all this cold weather, it is hard to believe we are heading into spring! The next few weeks will be filled with many fun activities, we will have pictures days next week on February 26th, 27th & 28th, followed by an annual favorite of wearing our pajamas to school on February 29th & March 1st, in honor of Dr. Seuss’ birthday. The celebrations will include green eggs and ham, pancakes, popcorn and of course lots of Dr. Seuss stories! (Do you remember your favorite?) The following week we will begin with racing around the play yard with our rescheduled Trike - A -Thon Fundraiser on March 4th & 5th, and finish the week with Parent Teacher conferences on March 7th & 8th. And of course we will have a yummy spring fundraiser with See’s Candy February 26th – March 15th. Whew! I’m tired just typing it all out!


With all these fun activities let us not forget to embrace the Lenten season and Jesus’ unconditional love for us! May you and your family enjoy this time of renewal and have many blessings!


Happy Spring!

Mrs. Peggy Schreiber

To access our March Preschool & Kindergarten Newsletter, click on the button below.

March Newsletter
See's Candies Fundraiser

See's Candies Spring Fundraiser

March 1-15, 2024


We are offering See’s Candy products along with the convenience of having the candy delivered here at the church and school. No waiting in line for your Easter candy!


All orders and money need to be returned to school or church by March 15th. Your candy will be ready for pick-up the week of March 25th.

Checks should be made out to Our Redeemer Preschool.

To place an order, please contact the School Office at (805)983-0619 or

Contact Jackie for an order form.


Thank you in advance for your participation in this fundraiser!

You may also shop online and have candy shipped directly to you, click on the button below.

Shop Now
Church Council

The March council meeting will be held on

Monday, March 11, 2024, at 3 pm

March Birthdays

If you would like to be added to our birthday list, please let us know so that we can add you. You can let us know by replying to this e-mail or calling the church office at (805) 983-0612.