Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona

March 2024 Newsletter

Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day

Gina's Blog

From My Heart to Yours, Love, David’s Mom

Dear Sharing Families,

As I look back at all the people, I have come to know because of David I feel so grateful. I love them and I love their families. One of my favorite things over the years is to have been able to watch the impact a child with Down syndrome (or any disability) has on his or her parents and siblings. When a child grows up with a sibling who has special needs, something wonderful happens. They grow up to be amazing people who can view the world through a different lens. And they are typically the first to stand up for others when they see injustice... 

Continue reading more of Gina's blog! 

24th Annual Sharing Down Syndrome Walk Updates

The countdown is on!

In approximately 52 days is one of the most anticipated yearly Sharing events. This free event will feature food trucks, exhibitors, obstacle courses and slide inflatables, carnival-style games with prizes, entertainment including some movie characters, and our very beloved DJ Ron playing the music we love to dance to! Be sure to mark your calendars to join us at Tempe Diablo Stadium on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 8:30 am-12 pm for the half-mile walk in honor of our loved ones rockin' their extra chromosomes. Thank you to all who are fundraising to keep our programs and outreach to families alive!

Event Details

You can make a difference in supporting SDSA through this major fundraiser of the year!

1) Create your team or join an existing team and help them (or your team) become the Grand Marshal of the 24th Sharing Down Syndrome Walk.

Sharing Walk Registration

Our Current Fundraising Teams:

Team Thomas

Team Matias

Team Parker Baby

Team Elly Bell

Zinnia's Garden


Azaleas Team

DJ Hassell

Angelina's Angels

Friends of Sharing

Early Intervention

Team Jayrex

Lilyanna Glory

Team Liam

Mia's Monsters

2) Submit interest to be considered to be a sponsor and exhibitor. See your business or organization's name appear in all SDSA Walk promotions through social media, newsletters, and displays on signage and Tempe Diablo Stadium jumbotron. Sponsorships include the option to exhibit. All exhibitors will be provided with a 10' x 10' ft. shaded, tented area with one table, two chairs, and a white tablecloth.

Sharing Walk Sponsorships
Sharing Walk Exhibitor Request

3) Volunteer to help! Fill your heart by signing up to help in various aspects of making our Sharing Walk fun for the whole family. Thank you for donating your time - we truly value your act of kindness.

Sharing Walk Volunteer Opportunities

Parent Support Meeting with Speaker Jeff LaClair

Join us to hear Jeff LaClair from Phelps LaClair speak about estate planning, on March 14th, 2024 - 6:30 pm -8:30 pm. This meeting will be held at the Mesa Student Services Building 1025 N. Country Club Dr. Mesa 85201. Respite will be available. Please specify if you will use respite services when registering for the meeting.

Register for March Parent Support Meeting

SAECO Golf Tournament happens March 18 at Legacy Golf Course in Phoenix

SAECO is once again partnering with us for a golf tournament to benefit our organization. This is the 10th annual event. Register by March 8th. We will see you at the golf course!

Event Date: Monday, March 18, 2024

6:30am Registration and 7:30am Shotgun Start

Legacy Golf Course - 6808 S. 32nd Street, Phoenix Arizona 85042

This year's Golf Tournament is in honor of World Down Syndrome Day and is sponsored by Smith & Annala Engineering Co. (SAECO)

SDSA Golf Tournament Registration

World Down Syndrome Day 2024

On Thursday, March 21st, be sure to tag us with a photo of your loved one with Ds on Facebook & and Instagram in honor of WDSD 2024! Consider donating to one of our current fundraising teams on this special day.

Facebook  Instagram

Due to renovations happening at the Gilbert Water Tower, we will not be able to gather at the Water Tower this year. We look forward to you flooding our social media pages with photos and fun facts about your friend or family member who rocks that extra chromosome!

Registration is opening soon - attend the National Down Syndrome Congress Convention in Phoenix

Read More About the Convention

NDSC Convention Volunteers needed - You can be a part of making this convention a success!

2024 NDSC Volunteer Opportunities

Tax Credit Survey Results

For Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona

A Letter from Chairman of the Board

Curtis Johnson

Thank you to all who took our survey about the Arizona Tax Credit.   The results are as follows:

  1. 83% of you know about the Tax Credit
  2. 73% have donated to charities and received the Tax Credit
  3. 51% know that you can donate the full amount to both school activities and charities
  4. 39% know that you can donate in any amount from $1.00 to $841.00 per year to both charities and school activities
  5. 56% knew that you can donate until April 15th for the previous year
  6. 81% know that Sharing Down Syndrome is a Qualifying Charitable Organization

What does all this mean?   Since 1991, Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona (Sharing) has provided ongoing parent support to families.  All Sharing programs are FREE to families.  We have been able to do this because of thoughtful donors who recognize the good Sharing does for the community.  I believe the long-term answer to funding these worthwhile programs is to use the Arizona Tax Credit. This program allows individuals to donate to Sharing without costing that person a penny of their own money.

This Tax Credit program began in 1998 and became popular in 2009.  In 2020, more than 200,000 Arizona taxpayers donated $109 million through this program to the charities they cared about.   That is $109 million less in taxes owed to the state of Arizona and $109 million more for Arizona’s charities. 

The recent article from the Arizona Republic, “Proof that State Tax Credits Works,” states that it is amazing that our state encourages its citizens to use this tax credit program.  Their research estimates that up to 70% would be used by the state to administer grants and services for local nonprofits.  By contrast, 100% of the donation goes directly to the specific charity if the taxpayer selects where they would like their donation to go. 

The state of Arizona wants its citizens to decide for themselves which public charities deserve their support.

Sharing Down Syndrome is loved by all families who have been served by them. Sharing’s programs including New Parent Support, Monthly Educational Meetings, and Workshops provide the tools parents need to feel empowered as they become their child’s greatest advocate. Social events like their Christmas Party in the Park, World Down Syndrome Day Celebration, and Annual Sharing Down Syndrome Walk are among some of parent’s favorites.

 If everyone understood the benefits the Arizona Tax Credit provides and chose to donate to Sharing, this good work could go on forever.

You can donate from $1 up to $841 per couple or $441 per individual per year.

Two important reminders: 

  1. You can donate the full amount, up to $841.00 each, to your favorite charity (hopefully us 😊) AND to your favorite school program.  
  2. The deadline has been changed from Dec 31st to April 15th for contributing for the prior tax year.  This means, for example, that you can still donate for 2023 up until you file your tax returns by April 15th.

The tax form you will fill out is appropriately called “Form 321.” (Fitting since 3/21 is our World Down Syndrome Day.”)  You must enter the amount you wish to donate three times and be sure to add Sharing’s QCO code of 20543.

If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please use the donation button at the end of this letter.  Thank you in advance for considering using the Arizona Tax Credit to help Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona continue serving those in need.   You may wish to work with your accountant or tax advisor to do this, but it is easy to do.

Curtis Johnson - Chairman of the Board

Make a Tax Credit Donation

When I think back on all the events that Sharing Down Syndrome puts on, the shared memory between all of them is just thinking about how much I smiled. All my children (now 5) look forward to these events more than any other type of function that we may attend. There is such a unique and loving feeling at these events. Every time I attend one, I feel like I come home with not only a greater love for Ezra, but for all my children. Because that is what is at the heart of this organization; a group of people who are showing you how to love deeper than I ever thought possible.

~ Taylor Cotter, proud dad of Ezra

Please support our sponsors who have given to us so generously over the years. We are thankful for all of you!

Thank You To All Of Our Supporters

Diamond Sponsors

Blacker Orthodontics

The Colten Cowell Foundation

Providence Homes

The Saguaros (formerly The Scottsdale 20/30 Club)


No Missing Links Foundation (Gilbert, AZ)

Ak-Chin Indian Community

Johnson Larsen Family Dentistry

Platinum Sponsors

The Global Down Syndrome Foundation

Kerr Endodontics 

Albertsons, Safeway, and Vons – Southwest Division

National First Response Roofing

Mountain View Funeral Home & Cemetery

The Colton Cowell Foundation

Earnhardt Automotive Employees

Gold Sponsors

Farnsworth Ricks Management & Realty - Sylvia & Leon Ricks

Phelps LeClair Estate Law

All Aboard Services

Silver Sponsors

The Tempe Diablos

Valle Luna Mexican Food & Cantinas 

Save This Memory Photography & Videography

Salt River Project Employees

Upside Pest Control

Bell Bank – Jeremy King

Amazon PHX3

Bronze Sponsors

Foresight Chiropractic Wellness Center

Best Trophies and Awards 


Hope Group 

Brooks Orthodontics

Endeavor HCBS

Sharing the Good Life

Paul Kelly Maxillofacial

Friends of Sharing 

AZ Dept of Economic Security – Department of Developmental Disabilities

Susan Marks & Advocates

Raising Special Kids

Arizona State University Sensorimotor Research Lab

Fiesta Bowl Charities

KinectAbility Athletics

US Borne Books

Tyler's Place

AZ Premier Flag Football

...and the countless in-kind donors, families, individuals, volunteers, and organizations who give us so much strength and support. We are truly grateful.


You can select our organization as your charity of choice when you sign up for Fry's Rewards. Thank you to our loyal participants. Each month Fry's Food Stores sends a report of our earnings!

Sharing Down Syndrome Arizona is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and all contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. EIN: 86-0822557.

Our Arizona State Tax Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO Code) is 20543.

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