Featured in the March 2024 Issue

  • Partner's Perspective: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Blog Highlights
  • Curiosities, Ruminations and Various Eccentricities of Firm Biz
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A. Hunter Faulkner - Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone in the Workplace

For many of us, ideal professional growth includes the continuous development and application of skills to make a positive impact on your current position and career pursuits. Often, folks in the workplace are under the impression that their skills will be honed simply with their normal day-to-day experience and creating consistent work habits. While there is merit to this method, many people often ignore another piece of the puzzle that can produce significant results: stepping out of your comfort zone. At Jimerson Birr, we emphasize and embrace coworkers taking steps out of their comfort zones to develop into a more well-rounded professional by pushing their boundaries or trying new things. While it's often easier said than done, embracing this principle can lead to transformative experiences and substantial benefits, especially within the context of the workplace. The ability to adapt, innovate, and thrive in uncertain environments is more critical than ever.

A primary example of how this method can be useful is in the manner that it fosters creativity and innovation in your practice. Comfort zones can inadvertently stifle creativity and innovation. By adhering to familiar routines and methodologies, people tend to overlook alternative approaches and innovative solutions. Stepping outside one's comfort zone encourages novel thinking and sparks creativity. It prompts individuals to experiment with different ideas and challenge conventional wisdom. For our office, this has meant embracing the capabilities of advances in technology to enhance our firm’s commitment to client service and the practice of law. The results have been undeniable and have led to disruptive strategies and fresh perspectives that have propelled our firm forward.

At the organizational level, we’ve found that an office culture that encourages our employees to step out of their comfort zones fosters agility, adaptability, and innovation. When individuals feel empowered to take risks, experiment with new ideas, and challenge the status quo, it fuels a culture of continuous improvement. In our office, this occurs throughout the year with firmwide activities developed by our firm’s Culture and Engagement Department that promote creativity through thought exercises and team building activities. We consistently prioritize employee growth and development while creating opportunities for cross-functional collaboration between different members of the firm. This has helped to embrace diverse perspectives that are better equipped to maintain a competitive edge during our day-to-day business at the firm.

Cross-collaboration also requires networking with other likeminded professionals. Successful people in any field will tell you that stepping outside of your comfort zone by networking with other likeminded professionals also lies at the heart of professional success. However, building meaningful connections often necessitates venturing beyond familiar circles. This involves engaging with individuals from diverse backgrounds or industries outside of your own. Whether it's attending networking events, participating in industry conferences, or joining professional associations, embracing new experiences fosters the expansion of one's professional network. Some of the most meaningful professional relationships I’ve made over the years are with nonlawyers. These connections not only offer valuable insights and opportunities but have also served as a source of support and mentorship along my career journey.

In sum, the benefits of stepping out of one's comfort zone in the workplace can be far-reaching and profound, and it’s okay to feel a bit uncomfortable at first. From fostering creativity and innovation to driving personal growth and organizational agility, embracing new experiences cultivates resilience, expands horizons, and unlocks untapped potential. It’s also fun once you’re able to embrace the discomfort and accept that you’re working towards something beneficial. So, dare to step outside the familiar, embrace new challenges, and embark on a journey of growth and transformation in your workplace. It will surely be worth your time.

A. Hunter Faulkner


Jimerson Birr Legal Blogs

Are you keeping up with the latest information in business and law? Jimerson Birr publishes weekly blog posts covering topics from construction law, real estate development, sales and leasing law, banking and financial services law, community association law, and everything in between. Click here to subscribe today and stay up-to-date on the latest legal news from the industries we serve:

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Banking & Financial Services Industry Legal Blog

The Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA) is a pro-consumer statute. Unlike the FDCPA, which only applies to debt collectors, the FCCPA applies to all persons or businesses collecting consumer debts. As such, all businesses need to be aware of the statute and the risk and potential liability associated with the statute.

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Construction Industry Legal Blogs

Florida construction projects may or may not be protected by payment bonds, depending on the type of project and what the contract documents require. Payment bonds serve to protect the real property from construction liens when persons and entities are not paid for their work on a construction project.

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The subcontractor agreement should clearly outline the payment schedule for the subcontractor. The subcontractor agreement should identify the amount, timing, and conditions under which payments will be made, including any payments dependent upon achieving certain milestones, submission of specific documents, or receipt of payment by the general contractor. 

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Hospitality Industry Legal Blog

Proactive monitoring of the developing employment legislation and regulations is beneficial for businesses to defray the potential costs of substantial, unprepared operational adjustments that may be required to obtain compliance with employment legislation after its passage. There’s no better way to get a pulse on proposed employment legislation than traveling to Tallahassee and talking about them, which occurred on February 1, 2024.

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Insurance Industry Legal Blogs

Owning a business has many perks but can also be very unpredictable. A common trait many successful business owners share is the ability to plan for the future. Business interruption insurance is one tool in the tool chest that can help business owners protect themselves from unforeseen circumstances that they could not have predicted and provide financial stability in the midst of uncertainty.

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Professional Services Industry Legal Blogs

Hiring more employees for a growing business can be exciting. However, adding additional employees can change the palette of employment regulations applicable to your company. In the intricate landscape of federal employment laws, understanding which regulations apply to your company is not always straightforward.

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Florida divorces will now look quite different due to the passage of Senate Bill 1416. With the passage of SB1416, certain forms of alimony are eliminated and the threshold for alternating alimony awards has changed. As alimony is often one of the most hotly contested issues in a divorce, understanding the types available, as well as the potential for changes to the award amount years down the road are crucial.

Click here to read the full blog post.

Real Estate Industry Legal Blogs

The Bert Harris Act was enacted in 1995 by the Florida Legislature in response to concerns that governmental regulations and actions could unfairly diminish the value of private property without providing just compensation to the property owners. See Section 70.001, Florida Statutes. The Act addresses situations that may not rise to the level of a “Taking” under the Florida Constitution or the U.S. Constitution.

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Firm News from March 2024

Curiosities, Ruminations and Various Eccentricities of Firm Biz

Whether it be the curbside wildflowers, fallen pollen, or stunning azalea bushes in full bloom, it’s obvious North Florida has had one thing to prove these last few weeks: spring has sprung. We’re bringing that energy inside too with the “Never Stop Growing” wall. Conceptualized by our Culture and Engagement Department, this breakroom addition has JB employees embracing their professional and personal goals by writing them on a flower and memorializing them by sharing them on the wall. Not only does this mural brighten our space, it also serves as a reminder to always seek new ways to bloom. 

Right in line with this quarter’s theme for growth and fulfillment, we came together this month for our second firm meeting of the year. Employees were given a worksheet before the meeting and asked to discuss their passions and talents. Partner Brandon Meadows led an insightful discussion on how these talents and passions overlap to guide the forces that drive us.

In the spirit of the season, our Culture and Engagement Department has been busy hosting some fun events, including a four-leaf clover hunt, garnering excitement for St. Patrick’s Day, a leap day movie trivia, a March Madness bracket, and today, we will be embarking on an office-wide egg hunt.

Happy spring! We hope that you, too, are embracing this season of growth. 

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