Sacramento Republican Women Federated




President: Dottie Linden

1st Vice President: Roberta MacGlashan


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

North Ridge Country Club

7600 Madison Avenue, Fair Oaks, CA

Registration starts at 11:30 AM

Lunch & Meeting from 12 - 2 PM

To make a reservation, please leave a voicemail at (916) 453-0760

Social Time & Registration begins at 11:30 AM

Lunch & Meeting is from 12:00 - 2:00 PM


“New”: Farm to Fork Buffet


Grilled Salmon, Grilled Beef,

Hard Boiled Eggs, Feta Cheese, Roasted Nuts, Bacon Bits,

Angel Hair Bay Shrimp Salad,

Vegetarian Pasta Salad,

Roasted Chilled Vegetables,

Fresh Fruit Platter,

Rolls & Butter,

Limoncello Cake

$35, includes buffet, tea & coffee

Buffet includes Vegetarian and Gluten Free options.

Reservation Deadline:

5:00 PM, Thursday, February 29, 2024

In order to make a reservation, guests must:

RSVP at (916) 453-0760 or

Register for Luncheon Online. 

Guests may pay in person the day of the luncheon by cash or check.


Prepay online using the link below:

Pay Online via PayPal


A reservation made is a reservation paid unless canceled by 5:00 PM, Monday, February 26, 2024. 

To cancel your reservation, please call (916) 453-0760 on or before 5:00 PM, Monday, February 26, 2024. 

*Late Registration is available through 5:00 PM, Monday, February 5th for the regular buffet meal. All reservations made after 5:00 PM, Monday, March 4, 2024, are Final.

Our February topic is: “The Morning After – A Rundown on the March 5 Primary Results”

John McGinness retired after more than 31 years with the Sheriff's Department and has served in every service area of the Department. He is a highly decorated veteran with a background in many high-profile assignments.

McGinness served for many years as a member of the elite Sheriff's Motorcycle Detail where he was a training officer and team leader. He also served as a CSI investigator, homicide detective and department spokesman. McGinness was promoted through the ranks and ultimately commanded the Centralized Investigation Division until he was appointed under-sheriff in March of 2001. McGinness served as under-sheriff until elected sheriff in 2006.

John McGinness holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Public Administration and a Master of Science Degree in Emergency Services Administration from the California State University, Long Beach, and is a graduate of the prestigious West Point Leadership Institute.

John McGinness is an Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice, Communications, Leadership and Professional Studies with the California State University.

McGinness was appointed to the POST Commission by Governor Schwarzenegger in 2007.

John McGinness is now the president and CEO of McGinness Communication Solutions, Inc., a consulting and investigation firm. He also hosts a popular radio show on KFBK, Sacramento on AM 1530 and FM 93.1.

President Dottie Linden's Message

Speaking up and SHOWING UP!

We’ve heard the saying, “the world is run by those who show up” and that is definitely the case with elections.

The presenters at our last meeting described the changes in the voting process and how to take advantage of them including getting our vote counted early, not days and weeks after the election date.

We also have gotten to know the candidates who will best represent our interests and help restore integrity to our government at every level.

We even got the straight scoop (not the distorted verbiage the Attorney General often uses) on a key Proposition like the Protect California Kids Act. An involved citizen “Mom” who has become an activist because she was so concerned at what was happening decided to get involved and shared her reasons why each of us must do the same thing. She brought her passionate plea to us to understand what’s at stake so we could sign the petition to put it on the ballot in November and get others to do the same.

All that in one meeting while we enjoyed a delicious meal and wonderful time exchanging ideas with other Republicans who share our common beliefs and goals.

What a great way to become an informed and influential voter! Sharing our knowledge and helping others navigate the new voting process, and yes, even that YUUGE voter’s guide is our mission. We can’t afford to let uninformed voters make bad choices because they don’t have access to information. That’s been happening too often and look at the mess it’s created in California.

Worst example being Proposition 47 “sold” as the Safe Neighborhoods Act so people would vote for it, when in fact it has enabled more crime occurring and going unpunished in our state history.

Stand by, you’ll be hearing a lot more about what we can do to repeal that awful Proposition and correct that mistake. We have momentum and the wherewithal to make it happen!

Most importantly, we can’t let Republicans stay home because they think their vote doesn’t count. That’s how we got Governor Newsom, not because he was a great candidate everyone voted into office!

So make your reservation to “be in the know” and join us for our March meeting, and if you haven’t yet joined or renewed your Membership, for heaven’s sake do it now.

There’s no time to waste. We are not only “speaking up and showing up” but leading the way for better tomorrows in our community, state and nation!

Let’s ROLL!

Dottie Linden


Sacramento Republican Women Federated - “Informed – Engaged – Empowered!”

OPINION: PROP 1, Another Boondoggle for the Developers?  What does Prop 1 pay for? 6,800 treatment beds and “up to” 4,500 housing units. Is that a good use for your $9 Billion Dollars (after you pay your interest payments)? Prop 1 also destroys the County’s mental health treatment programs. 

February 17, 2024


Although Proposition 1 is advertised as a “transformational” solution to mental health care and homelessness, it is not. Under the Mental Health Services Act approved by voters in 2004, 95% of the revenue from a “millionaire’s tax”, has been used to fund county mental health programs and services.


Why hasn’t the original Mental Health Services Act of 2004, funded by a tax on millionaires, curbed our mental health and homelessness issues?


Could it be because of Prop 47 that voters approved? Prop 47 has resulted in massive increases in drug addiction, mental illness, and property crimes, including retail theft, committed by addicts to support their addiction. Meanwhile, at the same time, California has seen a dramatic decrease in mental health and drug treatment for homeless people due to reduced incentives to participate in treatment.


These Prop 1 projects are required to comply with Housing First, meaning no one can be required to participate in a sobriety or treatment program as a condition of receiving this housing. 

Expect to see endless advertising for Prop. 1 because Newsom’s Ballot Measure Committee has no limits on what can be donated to fund Prop. 1. Countless businesses and special interests have donated to that Committee and you have to ask yourself why. The Committee has gathered $14.2 million so far.

Prop. 1 puts $2 Billion into buying and renovating hotels. Who profits from that?


You already owe $80 Billion in bond debt. After interest payments, Prop 1 will add another $9 Billion to your debt.


What does Prop. 1 pay for? 6,800 treatment beds and “up to” 4,500 housing units. Prop 1 adds very little housing.

Currently, there are more than 170,000 individuals experiencing homelessness in California. Prop 1 is a drop in the bucket.


Why does California have so many homeless? One reason is because Prop. 47 allows them to steal $949 today, $949 tomorrow, and $949 every day. We need the law makers to deal with our serial theft crisis. Instead of robbing us of billions, why don't they pass a law that will make the homeless stop coming to California to steal from our stores. Our homeless problem has increased 51%, while other states have decreased 11%!

 Proposition 1 is huge, expensive and destructive. It would cost taxpayers more than $9 billion. It also redirects the spending of at least $30 billion in mental health services money in its first 10 years, cutting existing mental health services that are working. The human cost of this measure is incalculable.


Prop. 1 builds very little housing, despite being offered as a solution to homelessness. There are better solutions that do not require excessive borrowing or cutting local programs that work.

Please get the facts and vote no!


Dottie’s goal for 2024 Membership is 100 members. We now have 50!

Taking a past NFRW Program, I would like to implement our own version:


IF EACH ONE OF US BRINGS IN ONE NEW MEMBER, WE WILL REACH OUR 100 MEMBER GOAL! Reaching out to 2022 Members and bringing them back can also get us to our goal. If you want a copy of the 2022 Roster, just let me know! You can go through the 2022 Roster and pick a few names of members you know and give them a call. Reaching out and letting past members know we want them back can be a very effective way of growing our numbers.

Our second Per Capita Report has been filed and February’s report reflected 11 Renewals, 9 New Members and 1 Associate. I want to give a big “Welcome Back” to Linda Blue, Char Booth, Linda Cooke, Marcia Hansen, Pam Herger, Clare MacLaughlin, Debbie Strance and Linn Tyer. A Warm Welcome to our New Member Lynn Lively! We’re also glad to have Carl Burton as an Honorary Associate!

Thank you for Renewing to: Kathleen Anderson, Patty Benkel, Janet Eagan, Carol Fogle, Olga Hermann, Chrissie Huff, Karen Klinger, Betsy Mahan, Mary Jo Marjama, Nancy Sharp and Maria Smith.

For your convenience, an SRWF membership form is included in this monthly newsletter. Forms and payment may be made by sending your check to Membership Chair, 11257 Crocker Grove Lane, Gold River, California 95670 or turned in at the March luncheon meeting. I’ll be the one wearing a goofy fascinator hat….this time St. Patrick’s Day Green! It is also possible to register online at!

To those that have not renewed yet, to make sure we have the most up to date Roster this year, please renew before the end of March so you will be included.

If you’re willing to make calls or help with Membership, please let me know. We will have a 2024 Membership Contest. The member that brings in the most members will get a very nice prize! Details next month. Janet: 916 539-0250 or

The "Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act”


The Initiative Signature Gathering has Commenced. This Initiative Will Make the Changes in the Law That the Legislature is Unable or Unwilling to Make. The Sacramento County Republican Party has the Initiative at our headquarters for you to sign.


Article by Board of Supervisor, Sue Frost


“I’m weary of news reports about criminals who prey on our citizens. I’m tired of having to console constituents who are the victims of theft, assault, and other crimes. We can’t wait for someone else to fix the problem - we need to act.


Our Sheriff and Deputies are doing heroic work and continue to have my support and appreciation. But they’re hamstrung by state politicians who care more about activists and criminals than the victims of crime.


As County Supervisor, I am proud to be part of a collaborative effort with District Attorney Thien Ho and Sheriff Jim Cooper in addressing the challenges of crime and lawlessness in our community. But I must admit that there are limits to what can be done at the local level. State actions to promote the extremist "decarceration" and "defund police" ideologies are tying the hands of local law enforcement and giving criminals the green light to prey on our businesses and families.


This isn’t a theory - we've witnessed the consequences of policies like Proposition 47, exemplified by the sideshow and smash-and-grab incidents at a business in Rio Linda. Small businesses, which are crucial to our economy, are enduring devastating losses due to crime. In some cases, these losses are so severe that businesses have had to shut down. In a recent community survey, nearly 25% of respondents reported falling victim to various crimes, including catalytic converter thefts, car break-ins, burglary, and assault. The urgency to act is clear!


The core of the problem lies in a system that removes accountability for criminal behavior. Felonies have been downgraded to misdemeanors, emboldening individuals to commit theft and other crimes without significant repercussions. Businesses are prohibited from defending their premises effectively and are burdened with additional costs for security and employee training. Despite numerous attempts to reform Proposition 47, these efforts have been consistently blocked by politicians in Legislature.


If the Legislature is unable to take action to keep our families and businesses safe, we need citizens to change the law.


The "Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act” will be gathering signatures to make the changes in the law that the Legislature is unable or unwilling to make. This measure will increase penalties for theft, provide resources to tackle root causes of homelessness, and crack down on drug dealers who are poisoning our neighborhoods.


Key components of this measure include:

  • Increase Drug and Mental Health Treatment to tackle the root cause of homelessness.
  • Enhanced Penalties for Armed Drug Possession to get violent drug dealers off the street.
  • Increasing penalties for trafficking hard drugs and allowing judges to sentence drug dealers to state prison.
  • Make drug dealers subject to murder charges if their activities lead to deaths.
  • Mandated treatment for repeat drug offenders.
  • Increasing penalties for repeat offenders and smash-and-grab gangs.

This Act will help us tackle the root causes of addiction and homelessness, which not only improves the security of our communities but also creates opportunities for individuals struggling with these issues to successfully reintegrate into society.


It also sends a firm message to drug dealers: trafficking hard drugs, particularly when armed or causing harm or death, will result in severe consequences. The Act advocates for the use of state prisons over local jails for such offenders, ensuring a secure environment while also providing a chance for rehabilitation. This dual approach reflects our commitment to both public safety and the potential for positive change.


The "Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act" represents a significant stride towards reinforcing safety and justice within our community. By addressing the loophole that allows repeat offenders to exploit the current felony theft threshold and introducing measures such as the aggregation of stolen property values and heightened penalties for organized thefts, we're poised to deter and punish these crimes more effectively. This comprehensive approach not only rectifies the flaws in our current system but also emphasizes the protection and well-being of law-abiding citizens and businesses.”

From left to right: Corrin Rankin Ca GOP Vice Chair, Assemblyman Bill Essayli, Steve Hilton - Golden Together, Dottie Linden - Sac RWF President, Assemblyman Josh Hoover, Kyle Krogh - Sac RWF Financial Review Officer

Steve Hilton Fundraiser for the Sacramento County Republican Party

The Sacramento County Republican Party hosted Steve Hilton. Everyone had a good time at the fundraiser at the Milagro Centre.  The Sacramento Republican Women Federated filled 3 tables.

Steve is a broadcaster, author, and entrepreneur.

Kyle Krogh, Director of Ways and Means


Thank you to Zinfandel California Cuisine in Gold River for donating six $25 gift certificates to the Sacramento Republican Women Federated.

Special thanks to Mario Veske, the owner, for the generous contribution. The café restaurant serves a California-style, Mediterranean influenced menu with a superb wine selection. 


We hit the jackpot at the February meeting. Our “Split the Cash” drawing earned the winner $78 and the Club $78.   


The door prize was a Free Lunch for one of our upcoming luncheons donated by Dottie Linden. Join us in March for a chance to win a $40 membership to our club donated by Janice Price. 


To see the General Meeting MINUTES for January 2024, please contact our Secretary-ProTem Karen Juten at

To see the Treasurers Report for December 2023, please contact our Treasurer Carol Usmial at

From Our Chaplain Pam Herger

Dear Father in Heaven, we come before Thee as a body united to praise and thank Thee for our time together and ask that Thou wilt be in our midst as we lift up our leaders in our club, communities & nation to Thee. 

Please protect & heal our country from the divisions that challenges our ability to live our lives pleasing unto Thee.

We ask Thee to defend the vulnerable, voiceless, and those who are suffering injustices.

We ask Thee to bless Israel and our nation and all who face threats to the safety and security.

Please raise up righteous men and women who will fight for just causes.

Please inspire them and lead them.

We ask Thee to bless this luncheon and bless our speaker today.

We thank Thee for his service and example to all of us.

May we always remember Thee in all we do and say,

In Thy Son’s Holy name, Jesus Christ,


Will you be a member of our great club and help us accomplish excellent work?

SRWF Membership 2024 Fee $40

Contact Janet Gardner at 916-447-0609

or email at:

or mail at: Janet Gardner


11257 Crocker Grove Lane

Gold River, CA 95670

Calendar of Events

February 21 – Sacramento Republican Central Committee Meeting, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

February 24 – Saturday Phone Bank Calling and Training, Phone Voters who haven’t submitted their ballots, Sacramento County Republican Party Headquarters, 10AM – 1PM

February 26 – Monday Jay Martinez for Board of Education Fundraiser, 2377 Gold Meadow Way, Suite 100, Gold River, CA 95670, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM 


February 27 - Assemblyman Josh Hoover fundraiser at Fabian's Italian Bistro in Fair Oaks, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

February 29 - SRWF Board Zoom Meeting 3 PM

March 5 - CA Primary Election Day

March 6 - SRWF General Meeting, 11:30 am, North Ridge CC

Save the Date – April 26, 2024 Sierra Pregnancy & Health 25th Anniversary Gala

Save the date - May 17 - May 19 - CAGOP 2024 Spring Convention, Hyatt Regency SFO Burlingame

Save the Date -September 12, 2024 - Sacramento Republican Women Federated Special Event