Volume 68, Issue 3 March, 2024

March 2024 Community Center Calendar

17| Mill Valley Philharmonic - St. Patrick's Day Musical Celebration

28| Local Artist Series - Carol Jacobsen - Closing Artist Talk

On-Going 2024 Community Center Calendar

Saturdays: AA Mtg 10:00 a.m.

1st/3rd Wednesday: Tam Design Review Board Mtg 7:00 p.m.

2nd Tuesday: Homestead Valley Land Trust Board Mtg 7:30 p.m.

3rd Tuesday: Homestead Valley Community Association Board Mtg 7:00 p.m.

4th Tuesday: Sanitary District Board Mtg 7:30 p.m.

CSA #14 Board Meeting

CSA #14 Board Meeting Update

Homestead Valley residents passed a Bond Measure in 1973 to purchase over 80 acres of undeveloped land abutting GGNRA and a residence on Montford for a new community space. Community Service Area (CSA) #14 became the entity through which these purchases were funded. Today, CSA#14 funds the operating expenses of HVCA and the HVLT. Twice a year the CSA #14 Board, made of up of community, HVLT, HVCA and County representatives, meets to request and approve funds from the CSA #14 budget to maintain and improve HVLT and HVCA property/facilities.

There are two primary sources of CSA #14 revenue:

Ad Valorem Taxes

·       Based on the assessed value of your property

Measure A Tax (2009)

·       $125 per improved parcel for Community Center repair and renovation and open space fire hazard reduction

·       2 percent annual increase

At the February 2024 meeting, the following requests were approved:

  • $85,800 for HVCC and Meadow repairs /renovation 
  • $200,000 for HVLT to cover Pixie slide insurance deductibles

CSA#14 meetings are open to the public. The next meeting is Sept 19, 2024 5:00 PM, HVCC.

Local Artist Series Continues

Carol Jacobsen

Closing Artist Talk

Thursday, March 28th, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

(Talk at 7:00 p.m.)


Carol Jacobsen has been drawing and painting since childhood. Her art education started at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and continued at the College of Marin when she moved to the Bay Area in 1979. Jacobsen had a career in the tech industry before she became a full time artist in 2012. Since 2020 she has painted over 100 portraits in her Women of Color and Accomplishment series. The series is colorful portraits of African American women who have overcome obstacles of race and gender to achieve their dreams. This show contains 17 of these portraits painted between 2022 and 2023. Having these portraits in this wonderful space allows people the time to absorb the stories of these overlooked women.

Jacobsen has lived in Homestead Valley for 40 years. She has also published five books, two about the Women of Color and Accomplishment series.

Homestead Valley Safety Committee Update

HV Safety


Emergency Preparedness

Semi-Annual Time Change Drill

Sunday, March 10th


Twice a year, on the Daylight Savings, Time-Change weekend, we encourage our community to focus on our readiness for a significant emergency.


Communication Drill: On Sunday, March 10th from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, the HV Safety Committee will be conducting a communications drill. The purpose of the drill is to practice our skills, and assess our communications capabilities in the event of a local and/or regional emergency. The Homestead network of walkie talkie operators will initiate communications with HV Command (the Community Center); the HV Command will relay communications to MV Net Command at the Mill Valley Public Safety Center (1 Hamilton Drive); MV Net Command will relay necessary communications to the Marin County Emergency Operation Center in San Rafael.


Ready 94941 - Emergency Preparedness Fair:  On Sunday, March 10, from 11am to 2pm, join the afternoon of fun at the Mill Valley Community Center. Learn what you can do to prepare your family and pets for disasters, win prizes, practice with fire extinguishers, and much more!


How Can You Prepare?: Watch for an email from the HV Safety Committee with suggestions as to ways in which you can participate in the Time Change Drill, and what you can do to develop your emergency preparedness. 

Mill Valley Philharmonic

You’re invited to a special musical celebration benefiting your local orchestra on St. Patrick’s Day!

Enjoy Irish coffee, wine and beer while listening to MVP musicians perform lively chamber music in a cozy and intimate setting. Meet our musicians and Board members and mingle with your fellow music lovers. Show your support for MVP by joining us -- and be sure to wear green!

Tickets are $50 and include unlimited drinks and goodies! Seating is limited, so get your ticket today!

Sunday, March 17, 2024

4:00 – 6:00 p.m.


Homestead Valley Community Center

315 Montford Ave., Mill Valley, California

Spring Class Line Up

Music Class Continues this Spring

In Harmony offers family music and movement classes for children ages 0-8 and the grownups who love them! These group music classes, designed for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and big kids, are backed by a research-driven curriculum that will nurture your child's inner musician, but the emphasis is on FUN! You and your children will grow a strong bond through singing, dancing, clapping, bouncing, instrument playing and other rhythm activities! So much more than a music class, In Harmony Music fosters developmental benefits that will support all areas of learning.

Friday classes offered at Homestead Valley Community Center at 11:30 a.m. The winter session is under way and continues through March 15. The spring session starts April 12 and runs through June 14. Save $30 with coupon code HVCC. Additional indoor, outdoor and online classes available around Marin. Register now!

Homestead Valley Spring Walks

Homestead Spring Wildflowers

Sunday, March 3, 10:00 a.m. - noon, under 1 mile.

Meet in the parking area opposite the driveway for 361 Ridgewood. Due to narrow trails and sensitive habitat, walks are restricted to the first 10 people. Well-mannered dogs ok. Trails are narrow and uneven and can be muddy. Poles and boots recommended. All participants are self-responsible and join at their own risk.

More information: or

Quiet Workspace at the Community Center

Do you work from home? Homestead Valley Community Center will be available from 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays in March. If you need a quiet place to work with your laptop or a quiet place to read, we will be open upstairs for quiet work. We have free wi-fi, so take a break from your home office and come work from Homestead Valley Community Center. Please email to confirm.

"On Foot In Homestead...."

From the Land Trust

Everyone in Homestead Valley who walks the trails or roads regularly will find Matthew’s articles timeless. This column originally appeared in the Homestead Headlines in February 1988.

-Curt Oldenburg (HVLT)

Hinterland Hike

The last weekend of February the weather gods were kind to the people of Homestead Valley. Not only did the storm wait to strike after everybody got home from the annual dinner, but it was all over by the next morning, when the hinterland hike was happening.

The calendar may have said it was winter, but when you have warm sunshine, wild flowers all over the place, and plum petals blowing in the wind, you have to say it's spring. That was surely the feeling as we looked at mission bells, hounds tooth, milkmaids, trilliums, and shooting stars.

The fallen but living giant nutmeg is obscure in its ravine, and the mysterious windmill nearly impossible to see from the path. What makes that part of the country worth braving the poison oak is the great rock face. Approached from the bay woods below, you suddenly realize it's there, looming to the treetops above.

When you get to the top of the rock face, you don't want to leave very soon. First of all, each square foot is patterned with mosses and lichens, ferns and miniature flowers. At the edge star lilies shine before the sylvan shade beyond. And secondly, the view from within the banks of oak and laurel to the upper valley and Mt. Tamalpais invites you to be seated, breathe, and be for awhile.

The Eagle Trail has the feel it has always been there, a slender footpath etched in the meadow grasses and in the fallen leaves of the undisturbed forest. After crossing several wrinkles of the land, you descend through the redwoods to the revered Three Groves.

Carol Licht was on hand to guide us through her charge, to which she devotes three or four Sundays a month. Listening to her it becomes quite obvious that it is far more than just another garden job for her. That three acres of garden look so splendid with less than 30 hours a month care testifies to the energy and enthusiasm of Carol and the wisdom with which she applies herself. The garden is further blessed to have Chris and Sheila Nielsen living there with their appreciation and help. 

I'm sure many who came on the tour vowed to return to the groves to see the succession of blossoms as the spring progresses.

February 1988

(reprinted from "On Foot in Homestead A Hiker's Journal of a Coastal Valley," by Matthew Davis, 1988.) 

Homestead Valley Contact Information

Community Center Office

Jonnie Alper, General Manager


Community Association

Rachel Carlin, President

Jen Hochschild, Vice-President

Land Trust

Brian Spring, President



Steve Quarles

Sanitary District

Bonner Beuhler, Manager


Stolte Grove Rentals

Sheila Nielsen


Joint Marin Horizon School/Homestead Valley Committee

Leslie Dixon, Co-Chair


Bill Perrine, Co-Chair

415.388.8408 x225

E-mail HVCA Board, Center & Headlines

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Reflective Address Placard Order Form: 
Click Here


Did you know HVCA is on Instagram @homesteadvalley? Be sure to follow us to stay up to date on events, last minute announcements, and more.

Homestead Valley Community Association, 315 Montford Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941