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Peace Center

Our Fellowship meets every Sunday (September - May) at 10:00 am at the

Headwaters Peace Center 

1826 Mikrantip Rd SW

Bemidji, MN 56601 

For more information contact: 

Join us by zoom using the link above or following this sign-in information:

Meeting ID: 960 3461 6935 Call in number: 1 (312) 626 6799

Click here for Google directions

Each year HUUF spends a month thinking about the stewardship of our building and our HUUF Community. We come together as a fellowship to consider all the ways we can support that with the time, talents and financial gifts we have to offer. Join us this year as we kick off our month of Stewardship on March 10th with a special service and a unique opportunity to give input into what HUUF means to us and where we want to take HUUF in the future.

March 3, 2024

Growing Our Future

speaker - Bridget Westrum

coordinator - Maranda Stauffacher

Bridget is the founder of Growing Our Future, a community program based in Bemidji, Minnesota that supplies free seasonal gardening kits to local youth. Bridget established this nonprofit when she was a junior in high school, and will share what inspired her to invest her time and resources in to this initiative. Following the service, please stay for Plant Bingo! Proceeds support Bridget's goal to supply free gardening kits to youth.  

March 10, 2024

Stewardship Sunday

We Are Each Other’s Magnitude and Bond

speaker - Rev. Victoria Safford

service coordinator - Tricia Andrews

Coordinators - Your Stewardship Team

Nancy Mason, Brent McWithey and Susanne Rabel

This Sunday, we celebrate our beloved congregation by recommitting to its

thriving. Every week, this fellowship of kindred spirits helps us to reclaim

what we value most in a fractured, fractious world. This community

“restores our souls,” in the words of an old psalm; we come to restore our

hope and our gratitude for the gifts of life. Perhaps most importantly, HUUF

invites us each to reimagine our own lives, and be co-creators of a world

of justice, peace and liberation.

A graduate of Vassar College and Yale Divinity School, Rev. Victoria

Safford served as lead minister at White Bear Unitarian Universalist Church

in Mahtomedi, MN. for 22 years, following a ten-year ministry in

Northampton, MA. She lives on St. Paul’s west side.

March 17, 2024

Notable UU Women in History

    speaker and coordinator - Tricia Andrews

 March is Women’s History Month, a time to reflect on the incredible and often overlooked contributions women have made throughout history. Many Unitarian, Universalist, and UU women have not only shaped and led the UU faith, but they’ve also left an impact on history in general. During this special service you will "meet" notable UU women portrayed by our very own HUUF members.

March 24. 2024

Transformation Through Liberating Love

speaker and coordinator -Candy Roberts-Salter

and the Huuf Board of Directors


The Unitarian Universalist Association proposes that a core value of our shared UU tradition is transformation and that we are “never complete and never perfect”. As a result, the UUA has undertaken a revision of the principles and purposes that guide us as UU’s. Liberating love is at the center of our shared values. These proposed values (that would replace our current seven principles ) are Interdependence, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Generosity, and Justice,

Join us for service and meaningful discussion as the Board of Directors will share the proposed revised principles and purposes.

March 31, 2024


speaker - Pete McDonnell

coordinator - Sean Dunham

More to come closer to the date.

UUA Article II Study Commission

Final Proposed Revisions of the UUA Bylaws

After extensive engagement with UUs across our faith tradition, the Article II Study Commission have completed their Final Proposed Revision to Article II of the UUA Bylaws. At the UUA General Assembly 2024, UUA's will come together and vote on whether to adopt this revision as the new Article II of the UUA Bylaws.

Final Proposed Revision to Article II

March - Welcome to The Gifts of Transformation

We will explore what the word transformation means for children. The use of the word, “change,” is often more understood for children. We will do this by exploring some of the spring religious holidays through the lens of transformation. And the goal this month, is to not just teach our children how other religions think about transformation, but to also make clear how our faith guides our children and families to bring positive transformation to their lives and to others.

Sunday March 3 - Transformation - Change Happens

We explore what transformation means for us as UU’s. We describe ourselves as a “living tradition” which means we expect changes as we learn and grow. Just like our bodies grow and change, so do our likes and our ideas. But we also acknowledge that change can be hard. We can celebrate change and also be gentle with each other during the difficulties that come about with change.

March 10 - Ramadan - Changing Our Attention

Transformation appears in the Muslim observance of Ramadan, which starts on March 10. This is a time when Muslims around the world fast from sunrise to sunset. While there are many aspects to Ramadan, our focus will be on how Ramadan calls Muslims to transform or change the focus of their attention, from everyday concerns to spiritual concerns, such as charity, empathy and Allah(God). There is a gift and invitation in this for us UUs. We, too, can benefit from being more intentional about where we focus our attention. And by thoughtfully changing our attention, we have the power to transform our outlook on our own lives.

March 17 - Spring Equinox - The Changing Seasons Grow New Things. So Can We!

Spring Equinox, also called “Ostara” in neo-pagan practice, heralds a change of seasons, and welcomes in Spring. Just as children's bodies grow up and plants start growing, so do children’s likes and ideas. When seeds used to lay dormant in the winter earth, now they transform into seedlings. When children used to play with DUPLOS, now they play with LEGOs. When children used to think that fairy tales were real, now they have changed to understand that fairy tales may not be “true on the outside” but can be “true on the inside”.

March 24 - Holi - Changing Ignorance into Knowledge

Holi is the Hindu spring festival that is widely celebrated in India and other parts of the world. It is known as the festival of colors. While Holi is a multi-faceted holiday, this section focuses on how it connects to transformation. In the simplest explanation of Holi, it is a celebration of the victory of good over evil. But there are many layers, including the transformation of negativity into positivity, and ignorance into knowledge. For this session, we will concentrate on the aspect of transforming ignorance into knowledge.

March 31 -

Susanne Rabel

Phone 218-209-7155


Meet the Member: Mary Mitchell

Hello! I'm Mary Mitchell and I am pleased to share some things about myself and my UU journey.

I have lived in Bemidji since 2014, but most of my adult life was spent in North Dakota around the Bismarck-Mandan area. My two adult children grew up there - a son, Bill (now in Iowa), and a daughter Anna (now in the Twin Cities area). 

When I moved to Bemidji in 2014, it was actually for the second time. I had lived here in the mid-1990s to attend BSU and went to HUUF during the year I was here. Over the years I would return to visit friends in Bemidji and it always felt like home.

I consider my permanent move to Bemidji the best I've ever made. I love the people, the area, and the sense of community. The opportunities to get involved are endless, and I enjoy many outdoor activities including picking wild mushrooms and berries, biking, x-country skiing, and hiking.

I came to HUUF originally in the mid-90s because we were members of the Bismarck-Mandan UU Fellowship in North Dakota for many years, and I wanted to stay connected to the UU Community while I was away from home. I made lasting friendships then, and am blessed to have been able to reconnect since moving back to the area. I am so proud our our new building and the many ways our fellowship has grown and I look forward to getting to know more of you in the coming months.

Please take note: There are now pronoun stickers that can be placed on your Huuf nametag. You can find them on the table right beneath the nametag stand. We're hoping this proves to be a casual way to let folks know which pronouns you use.

If you have an interest in learning more about HUUF and Unitarian Universalism please join us after the service on March 24th for a UU101 class. In this class you will learn the history of Unitarian Universalism, the history of our fellowship and the principles that guide us. 

We will also share ways that you can take an active role and become a member. If you have any questions please contact Paula Peters,

Camp Unistar

Would you like to go to adult summer camp? A place where you can do all the things you would expect at a northern Minnesota camp – swimming, kayaking, sailing, hiking, or simply spending quiet time on a large front porch - there is even a happy hour! 

Camp Unistar is a Unitarian Universalist camp located on Star Island in Cass Lake. It is a non-profit, volunteer-managed camp for people of all ages. Families and individuals come seeking personal growth, community, and friendship as well as a deeper connection to nature. They leave with changed lives, new friends, and lifelong memories of a magical place.

Jennifer, Barron, and I spent a week at Camp Unistar a couple summers ago and very much enjoyed the experience. The 2024 schedule is available. I’ll be leading a program on the natural and cultural history of Star Island and the surrounding area the week of July 20th. Other programs include nature walks, dance and yoga, restorative justice and other themes. There are also daily activities for kids!

You can learn more about Camp Unistar at this link:

Jen and I are happy to answer questions and share our experience too!  

Sean Dunham,

The facilities committee is planning to meet on March 18, 2024 at 4:00 pm at the Peace Center. Come on down and say hello. We are working on a wish list of projects and needs with Canvas Sunday on the horizon. A couple needs will be help with window washing in the spring, washing linens, and help with patching chairs. We'll also be looking for help with outdoor plant watering once it greens up. Let us know if you are interested!

Sean Dunham

Drumming Circle

Join us for another drumming circle with Pete McDonnell on March 21st at 6 pm at the Peace Center. 

Feel free to bring the whole family. Drums and instruments will be available, but if you have your own bring those too.  No experience necessary.  

 Contact Pete McDonnell with questions.

HUUF Committee Links

HUUF Board

Social Justice



Peace Center

Board Members

Candy Roberts-Salter - President

Laura Dropps - Treasurer

Nancy Mason - Secretary

Deedee Buetner- Trustee

Allison Cease- Trustee

Mike Bjerk - Trustee

Amy Hartwell- Trustee

Jennifer Dunham - Trustee

Committee Chairs

Sunday Sacred Service- Maggie Carlson and Tricia Andrews

Newsletter- Nancy Mason


Membership- Paula Peters

    Caring Team- Nancy Benson and Deedee Buettner

Canvass- Brent McWithey

Facilities - Sean Dunham

Facilities Rental - Candy Roberts-Salter

Religious Growth and Learning- Susanne Rabel

Social Justice- Sarah Baker and Mike Bjerk

Finance- Brent McWithey

Technology - Fred Foresman

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