DWC Newsletter March 2024

In This Issue:

President's Message

Monday March 18 Program

National Women's History Alliance

Kennedy-King Dinner Reminder

Words Matter

PAC Report and Strong Schools Update

Rally April 14 - Worcester Schools

Postcard SesssionsThrough March

Fundraiser at Poncho & Lefty's

Biden Wins

Rally April 6 in Salisbury - Abortion Rights

Calendar of Events

Recap of February Meeting

Message From DWC President Debra-Fisher Reynolds:

We're celebrating Women's History Month!

Who is your favorite strong, impactful woman?

We will be hearing this month about our past, our teachers, mothers, scientists, women leading by example, about the FREEDOMS we are in danger of losing, and continuing to build together our hopes for the future.

I asked some of our postcard writers for some of their favorites throughout history -- and while they all had a handful, the consensus list was: Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Barbara Jordan, Barbara Mikulsky, Queen Elizabeth I, Abigail Adams, Eleanor Roosevelt, Maya Wiley, Harriett Tubman, Frances Perkins, Susan B. Anthony, Gloria Steinem, Juliet Lowe, Margaret Sanger....and more.

Here are two of my favorite reads I'd like to share with you as we celebrate Women's History Month. Hope to see you at our special presentation at Monday's meeting (March 18). Join us for some social time at 9:30 a.m. (please bring your own beverage) and enjoy the program at 10 a.m., followed by our business meeting. And, thank you for being strong Democratic Women!

Our Program has changed for Monday, March 18 -- DWC Members will present a special program for Women's History Month. Join Us!

Celebrate Women's Strength and History This National Women's History Month and Beyond!

In 1977, when the women who would establish the National Women's History Alliance began planning a women's history week, March 8, International Women's Day, was chosen as a focal date. The selection was based on wanting to ensure that the celebration of women's history would include a multicultural perspective, an international connection between and among all women, and the recognition of women as significant in the workforce.

At that time, there were no school districts in the country teaching women's history. The goal, although it most often seemed a dream, was to first impact the local schools, then the nation, and finally the world. It is a dream that is finally becoming a reality. In 1981, the week that included March 8 became National Women's History Week, and in 1987 that week officially became National Women's History Month. The expansion from local to national and from week to month was the result of a lobbying effort that included hundreds of individuals and dozens of women's, educational, and historical organizations. It was an effort mobilized and spearheaded by the National Women's History Alliance.

National Women's History Month is now recognized throughout the world.

The National Women's History Month theme for 2024 celebrates "Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion." The theme recognizes women throughout the country who understand that, for a positive future, we need to eliminate bias and discrimination entirely from our lives and institutions. Today, equity, diversity and inclusion are powerful driving forces that are having a wide-ranging impact on our country.

It takes courage for women to advocate for practical goals like these when established forces aim to misinterpret, exploit or discredit them. Throughout 2024, the National Women's History Alliance will present valuable information to honor women from the past and present who have taken the lead to show the importance of change and to establish firmer safeguards, practices and legislation reflecting these values. Go to the Alliance's website at https://www.nationalwomenshistoryalliance.org to learn more.

Each year, hundreds of National Women's History Month posters are now distributed to military bases and Department of Defense schools throughout the world for special programs and events that celebrate and recognize women's accomplishments.

Kennedy-King Dinner April 11

Just a reminder that we will have raffle tickets available for the last time at the March 18 meeting ($5 each).

The raffle drawing for the prize of TWO tickets to the April 11 dinner will be held at the conclusion of Monday's meeting.

Tickets for the dinner are available until March 28.


In case you missed it, here is another Letter to the Editor written by our PAC Chair Joan Roache that recently appeared in the Bayside Gazette:


As a community member and education advocate, I have been attending County Commissioner meetings and Board of Education meetings. What I see happening is very disturbing.

The Board of Education has worked diligently to share with the County Commissioners the budget information they requested. However, the commissioners wanting the school system to totally rewrite their budget in a new form that does not meet the state requirements for school budgeting is totally unreasonable. In addition, it seems like the funding cuts a Maintenance of Effort (MOE) budget necessitate were punishment not needed. The commissioners might want to remember when they do this, they are not punishing the adults but the students of Worcester County. This fight appears to be continuing this year with more cuts threatened by the commissioners. Is this good for our students? Is this good for our community? No.

Then we come to what our law enforcement community is doing to try to undermine community confidence in the schools. The Board of Education has been working with law enforcement to address safety concerns over the past year. Whey then did the sheriff and the state's attorney publicly share suspect data on school safety? This release of specific incidents seems inappropriate since we are talking about juveniles. Our students are children and all of them deserve to be supported to meet success - not to be treated like criminals.

What is the real agenda of the commissioners, the sheriff, and the state's attorney? Our schools have had an excellent reputation with student success for decades. Why are county officials now trying to undermine this success?

Joan Roache, Ocean City

Strong Schools Worcester County Team Leader


Political Action Committee (PAC) Report and

Strong Schools Worcester County Update

Monthly PAC Meetings are held via Zoom. Join this active group and bring us our ideas and your help.

NOTE: Our next meeting will be Monday, April 8 at 2 p.m. Watch your email for action alerts and information on how to join the meeting.

At our March meeting, we continued our work on voter registration outreach planning from now until the election. One of the larger events is being planned for Wor-Wic Community College on April 17. We need volunteers for this and other events. Contact Joan Roache if you can spare some time.

Some PAC members are working on our social media plan, which will include a blog, emails to politicians and communications to local newspapers and other media. We are developing a form/template that we will share with the membership soon.

Strong Schools Worcester

As we have said since January, 2024 is a critical year for Worcester County Public Schools. We will need to help fight for full funding of the BOE budget (see Joan Roache's latest letter to the editor above). The schools cannot sustain cuts again this year. The big County Commissioners hearing on the budget is in May -- we will be working up until then to make sure our schools get the funding they need this year.

Worcester United has asked us to show our support for fully funding the Worcester County School Budget by helping with postcards, support for the Buckingham Elementary School re-build, and some yard signs they are hoping to print and distribute. We got word this week that Worcester United has now started an important petition to collect signatures around the county supporting fully funding the schools. We hope to have the paper form of the petition at the DWC meeting. Here is the link online:


And, we need to help support the incumbent school board members in the upcoming election. There will be candidates who want to ban books, cut support services and curtail important areas of the curriculum. We will provide you with information on the candidates running in the districts as we learn of them. The Democratic Club of Worcester County is working to put a candidates' forum together soon after the May 14 primary. More details on that as we get them.

A group of us continue to regularly attend school board meetings and certain County Commissioners' meetings during the year. Join us! The next school board meeting is Tuesday, March 19, at 5:30 p.m. in Newark, Md.

For more information on all these activities, and to get on the email list for PAC meetings and reminders, please contact PAC Chair Joan Roache at beachyogi@me.com

Postcard Sessions Continue through March

We will gather at the Ocean Pines Community Center

East Room Thursday March 21 and Thursday March 28 at 2 p.m. to write postcards for various local issues.


What a Great Fundraiser!

Thanks to everyone who came out for the recent DWC fundraiser at Poncho & Lefty's in West Ocean City. What a great night.

We had a lot of people there, having a good time, and we raised a lot of $$$ for the club.

Thanks especially to our DWC Treasurer, Maggie Miller (seen here with her helpers) for suggesting the venue and the special 50/50 tickets (an arm's length...for $10). Many thanks to Poncho & Lefty's for hosting our group.


March 2024

Monday, March 18, 10 a.m. (social time, 9:30 a.m.)

Democratic Women's Club of Worcester County Meeting

Ocean Pines Community Center, Assateague Room

Special presentation by DWC members for Women's History Month,

plus a special appearance by Former County Commissioner Josh Nordstrom, who

will be telling us about a special new project he is spearheading - and how we

can help! Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, March 19, 5:30 p.m. (note time change)

School Board Meeting

Board of Education Building, Newark, Md.

Thursdays, March 21 and 28, 2 p.m.

Postcard Sessions Return!

Ocean Pines Community Center, East Room

Join us for Postcard sessions to write in support of local issues

Contact Joan Roache beachyogi@me.com for details.

Thursday, March 28, 6 p.m.

Democratic Club of Worcester County Meeting

Ocean Pines Community Center

Speaker will be a representative from the Sierra Club of the Lower Eastern Shore

April 2024

Saturday, April 6, noon to 2 p.m.

Keep Abortion Safe and Legal RALLY

College Avenue and S. Salisbury Boulevard (near Salisbury University)

Bring signs! Sponsored by Indivisible Worcester County

Monday, April 8, 2 p.m.

Political Action Committee (PAC) meeting via Zoom

April 11, 2024 - Annual Kennedy-King Dinner

Worcester Technical High School

Tickets are $100; table for 8 reserved, $750 (see flyer above)

Sunday, April 14, 2 p.m.

RALLY for Worcester County Public Schools

Meet at 2 p.m. on the Ocean City Boardwalk at Wicomico Street

Bring signs and banners supporting full public school funding

Organized by Worcester United (see flyer above)

April 17, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Wor-Wic Community College "Spirit Day" (on campus)

The DWC will have a table at this event, and will provide voter information

and registration materials. We need volunteers to staff this event!

Saturday, April 20, 3 to 7 p.m.

Ocean Pines 2024 Season Kickoff & Expo

White Horse Park, Ocean Pines

The DWC and DCWC will share a table at this event with handouts on our

organizations and information on how to join. We need volunteers to staff this event.

May 2024

Tuesday, May 7, 5 p.m. (time approximate)

Worcester County Commissioners Budget Hearing

Snow Hill

Speakers/Comments will be allowed

Look for more details in upcoming Action Alerts!

Monday, May 20, 10 a.m.

Democratic Women's Club Annual Volunteer Fair

Ocean Pines Community Center, Assateague Room

We will once again host a volunteer fair, where members and guests

can talk with representatives and learn about volunteer opportunities

from various groups and organizations.

Recap of Democratic Women's Club General Meeting February 19, 2024

Submitted by Dana Barney, Recording Secretary

DWC President Debra Fisher-Reynolds welcomed members. Vice President Susan Buyer introduced guest speaker Dr. Clara Small, professor emerita at Salisbury University, whose Black History Month talk featured "His-her-everyone's story," and discussed influential African-American women who fought to achieve equality in American society. She passed out an information sheet called "Delmarva - A Treasure Trove of African-American History" to each member attending. Her presentation included detailed stories of Mary Johnson, Elizabeth Freeman (Mom Bett), Harriett Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Ida B. Wells, Mary Church Terrell (author of A Colored Woman in a White World), Mary Fair Burks (who helped initiate the Montgomery bus boycott - also a UMES professor), Fannie Lou Hamer, Shriley Chisholm, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris, and Stacey Abrams. She also had an interesting display that included beautiful figures representing many of these and other historical African American women. Dr. Small said that only when we as people see each other as human beings and make a conscious decision ot work in peace and love our fellow man -- then, and only then, will some semblance of equality be achieved.

General Meeting

Linda Linzey read portions of Senator Ben Cardin's letter reassuring us of the U.S. commitment to Ukraine.

Debra announced that election judges and poll workers are greatly needed - information was made available to interested members.

Maggie Miller delivered the Treasurer's Report.

Committee Reports

Susan Buyer has speakers and programs lined up for our meetings for the next several months. The Volunteer Fair will be held in May.

ERA - Susan reported there was a rally being held today in Annapolis to reaffirm the ERA. She urged members to write to Andy Harris urging him to support the ERA. She has wording available for emails and letters.

PAC - Upcoming events were made available on a separate sheet. PAC meetings still being held the 2nd Monday of each month at 2 p.m. via Zoom.

Postcard parties continue at the Ocean Pines Community Center Thursdays, 2 p.m. through March.

Please sign up to help in upcoming Voter Registration events. Joan will have specific dates soon.

Debra reminded members to get their 2024 membership dues in; form is on the dwcmd.org site.

DCWC - Pat Tarr noted their speaker for the Feb. 22 meeting would be Christine Felix of Worcester county Family and Youth Counseling. The DCWC is working on a candidates' forum for school board after the primary. A social event, hopefully a beach bonfire combined clubs event, is being talked about for later in the season.

St. Patrick's Day Parade - March 16 - parade is at noon; meet at 10 a.m. around 60th Street. Contact Patty Lockett for information ocpat@icloud.com

Kennedy-King dinner April 11 reminder - Tickets are $100. Table of 8 for $750.

Upcoming Events were listed and a separate sheet of the events was made available at the meeting.

Reminder of Drinking Liberally March 7, 5 to 7 p.m. at the Marriott Residence Inn and the upcoming DWC fundraiser at Poncho and Lefty's Feb. 21, 5 to 9 p.m.

The DWC newsletter is published the week prior to the regular monthly DWC meeting Please submit articles, photos and other items by the 12th of the month to suechallis68@gmail.com

Thank you! Sue Challis, Editor

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