Cook’s United Methodist Church

March 2024

We exist to make followers of

Jesus Christ who love God and others.

Many of us are making our way through the Lenten season, courageously exploring C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters through bifocals: the lens of Jesus’ own temptation in the wilderness (not the only time he was tempted, but certainly an intense account) and the lens of our own tangles with temptation. And, because the tangle is a spiritual battle, we must consider the power at work that leads to our stumbles and sins.


Our “journey” through the Lenten season could be focused in a gazillion different ways – our temptations, our trust in God or lack thereof, our selfishness, and on and on – but the path is the same: with Jesus (our Redeemer) toward the cross (obedience in action no matter what because of trust) examining every step of ours with great honesty. Your honesty, my honesty is crucial because each step is a sure decision we make alone, and each step impacts the next.


I am not going to re-tell Lewis’ satirical story of Uncle Screwtape and his nephew, Wormwood and the work they are doing on us. Whether those are their names, or their tactics have remained the same or shifted may be arguable, but I don’t believe the fact of their influence is in question at all. John the Apostle reminds us that “[we] are already victorious because the Spirit who lives in [us] is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” 1 John 4:4.  I do feel compelled to visit why this should not be new news for any of us who have ever dared to fall in footstep with Jesus … to the end, that we are encouraged, invigorated, and empowered to persevere in this walk of obedience to God, carrying our own crosses toward the reality of victory!


“Screwtape’s Boss” is an early introduction in the Biblical story and, in light of the color and sound and joy and vibrancy of all of Creation, the intro is quite a subtle one. Compared to other creatures, we learn that the serpent was ‘crafty,’ meaning cautious, sensible, subtle but in the very worst ways: deceptive and sneaky. The Enemy is the supreme Gaslighter. We meet him in Genesis 3:1 and he meets the woman with a question … “Did God really say …?”  All the Enemy must do is get God’s own creation to entertain doubt of God and self. If we were in her place – oh, and we are! – the questions flood us:


  • Now, what was it exactly that God said?
  • Did I hear God correctly?
  • Is it even possible for me to understand what God says to me?
  • Maybe “Adam” (or whoever) told me wrong! What if I’m just being gullible?

The doubt we entertain cuts to the core of our belief in God’s trustworthiness, God’s purpose and care; our self-doubt calls into question our own capacity to discern God’s presence, God’s promise, God’s will and God’s word for us.


The Supreme Gaslighter, the Father of Lies as he’s known in Scripture (John 8:44), does not care about you, does not care about any of God’s children. His heart is set only on separating you from God (his enemy, by his own choice for that matter). He shows us here with “Eve” how he will also come to us; his M.O. is to sneak up on us, so there is no need to anticipate stark, ugly devilish temptations, but subtle, enticing, even attractive ones. Even then we can know the voice of God, have confidence in the promises and instructions of God, and find hope in what God alone can (and will!) do for us.

As YOU continue this journey toward the cross of Christ while discerning what is your cross to carry on the way, we pray that you know deep confidence in God’s love, grace, and mercy for you!


Samaritan Fund                 

The dollars in this fund are used to help those in our community with immediate needs. The money used to fund this account comes from donations left on the altar rail during communion.

Communion Sunday

We will be celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, March 3. If you will be worshipping/celebrating with us from home, please gather bread (or tortillas or crackers, etc.) and juice (if you don't have grape, any juice or liquid will suffice) enough for everyone in your household. We look forward to celebrating God's grace in this very special way.

Scouts BSA Troop 246

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

Saturday, March 2, 2024 5-7pm

$5.00 a person

Spaghetti, Bread, Salad & Dessert


Door Prizes

Silent Auction

Dear Cook’s Family, if everyone knew how wonderful it is to have a church family like ours church buildings would be bursting at the seams. Thank you so much for the prayer shawl and for the caring and prayers it represents. Thanks also to the skillful hands that made it. It not only is lovely to look at but also warm and cuddly to snuggle into, and it is now my constant companion. I can’t wait to get back, but until I do your love and prayers are helping me heal. Much love, Shari Adair

Fellowship Donuts

Volunteers needed to bring donuts for our fellowship time (between first service and Sunday School). There is a sign-up sheet on the wall next to the donut table across from the coffee pots by friendship hall4-5 dozen needed each Sunday and must be here by 9:15am. Keep your receipt to be reimbursed by the office. Tax exempt forms available in the office.

Lenten Worship

Each week during the Lenten season, we will use the work of “The Delightful, Diabolical Daring of Lent” (based on C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters) and Lections for each Sunday. It’s not too late to grab a devotional book and a copy of the book’s pdf from the Church Office and follow along.


In addition, you are invited to share with us in the following special worship opportunities:

Sunday, March 24

Palm/Passion Sunday – Rachel Ward leads the Cook’s UMC Choir in presenting cantata “One Day “ (8:45 a.m., Sanctuary)


Thursday, March 28

Maundy Thursday – Eric Coomer leads the congregation in re-membering Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples as well as his arrest. (6:30 p.m. dinner and 7:00 p.m. service, Friendship Hall)


Friday, March 29

Good Friday observance of following (at our own pace) modern stations of the cross – a highlight of this holy season (7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Friendship Hall)


Sunday, March 31

Sonrise Worship – Eric Coomer and the Cook’s Praise Band lead us to greet Easter morning with joyful worship (6:30 a.m., Church Pavilion)


Sunday, March 31

Our United Methodist Men will provide a warm breakfast for the Easter people of Cook’s UMC, serving in the Youth Room (7:45 – 8:15 a.m., donations welcome)


Sunday, March 31

Easter Traditional Worship, Cook’s Sanctuary at 8:45 a.m.


Sunday, March 31

Sunday School for all ages, 10:00-10:50 a.m.

“It’s for your own good.” The five most dreaded words of our childhoods. When you heard them, you knew something bad was coming. 


I’m sometimes reminded of those words when I consider Romans 8:28 – my favorite verse in the Bible: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” The verse is comforting, but does raise serious questions – how is God working for good when a child dies, or a spouse is lost, or when an unexpected cancer diagnosis is received? How can these things be for my good? The answer is, of course, we don’t know. And even if God explained it to us, we likely wouldn’t understand His infinite workings with our finite minds. But if we believe in Him and trust His Word, we know that what He has told us is true.


While I don’t believe that God is the author of trouble and tragedy in our lives, I do know that He is with us every second to help us through those difficult times. He is never unaware of the pain we each go through in our lives and is always working to bring about good from it. So, what does “good” mean? I don’t think it means that He is going to solve every problem in a way that seems “good” to us at the time. We so often seek and expect temporal solutions, but God thinks about eternal solutions. I believe that He is working, in every situation, to bring about His ultimate good – to make us more like Jesus.


If we love and follow Him, that is His promise.

Mike Haughey, Vice-Chairperson

Cook’s Church Council

Cook’s UMC Chancel Choir Presents

8:45 AM

March 24, 2024

Cook’s United Methodist Church

7919 Lebanon Road

Mt. Juliet, Tennessee 37122

What is your favorite Lenten hymn? I have several, but one of my favorites is "Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord)?" Did you know that February is known as Black History Month in the United States? "Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord)?" is an African American spiritual that was first printed in 1899. It was likely composed by enslaved African Americans in the 19th century. This hymn makes us imagine what it would have been like if we were there when they crucified Jesus. As we continue this journey of Lent, may we be reminded of the love, sacrifice and grace of Jesus. He loves us so much that he was willing to die on the cross to save us from our sins. May we be grateful and know that we are loved and that nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus. Let’s prepare our hearts and share the love of Jesus with others!



Rachel Ward

Director of Traditional Music Ministry and Accompanist

A beginner's guide to General Conference


Hospitality is the gift of welcome and inclusion. As participants in Sunday School classes and small groups we are practiced at welcoming others into the life of our individual groups. New visitors in worship or at fellowship events get a quick and certain invitation to come, be a part. Let's also remember that our rooms may be long-time, familiar gathering places but they are not "ours." Many classroom settings here at Cook's UMC are used by other small groups and gatherings. Some of those groups are even in "our" spaces longer than we are! Hospitality is both responsibility and privilege and due all. Hospitality often looks like this:

  • please straighten furniture and move all personal items, papers, etc., from tables & chairs before leaving the facility
  • please take out garbage from and turn out lights in all spaces you have used in the Cook's facility
  • please do not attach anything to walls or doors without permission from Cook's Trustees 

Worship Service Opportunities

Are you looking for a creative way to serve your brothers and sisters at Cook’s? Have we got some ideas for you!! We are looking for volunteers in the following areas in number such that we can create a rotating schedule of helpers. If you’re interested, please contact Ms. Kathryn Kimball or Rev. Sandra for more details.

We are looking for the following help:

  • Mobile Communion: Individuals or pairs are needed to take consecrated communion elements to home-centered members before evening on Communion Sunday.
  • Communion Steward(s): Individuals or pairs are needed to prepare for and clean up altar following Communion on designated Sunday.
  • Special Sunday Worship Arts – Individuals are needed to work with Worship Team in designing and creating altar-scapes (and/or other displays) in Sanctuary and Friendship Hall for the observance of special worship themes.

Sabbath Study

Recently, Rev. Sandra offered a class on "Sabbath". It was a most interesting learning for those of us who were able to attend. It was a 6-week study and heart opening to how we can spend our time more fully in learning and loving God. We will offer a couple of insights to some of the persons journey through the "Sabbath" and hope you might consider enjoying kerning, and growing with when it is offered again. (Discipleship Committee)


"I was curious about the Sabbath class as I just didn’t know much about Sabbath other than the commandment tells us to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy!


I thought I “remembered” the Sabbath! There was so much more to discover about “sabbath time” It is joyful, fulfilling, something to want more of instead of less. 


The 5-week sessions revolved around Stop, Rest, Delight, Worship. I thought I knew some about worship but again there was so much more to learn. It isn’t just going to church on Sunday. Sabbath even includes taking a nap and enjoying friends and family!


I found the time in these sessions rewarding and challenging. I hope you will consider joining in the next session." Kathryn


Thanks again, and blessings,


United Methodist Men's Club Breakfast

3rd Sunday of each month @ 7:45am

in the Cook's Youth Room

Everyone is encouraged to attend the breakfast

and stay for the meeting.

NEXT Breakfast Sunday, March 17 @ 7:45am


Easter Breakfast

Sunday, March 31 @ 7:45am

Cook’s Youth Room

Have questions? We have answers!

Here you can find responses to many of the questions asked

most often and a place to submit your question.

Ask The UMC seeks to provide clear answers to a wide variety of questions about United Methodism. Since we are now in the Season after Epiphany, this is a good time to shed light on what this means. Each season of the Christian year has a specific purpose. The Season after Epiphany has a specific role in the disciple-making work of the local church. The readings of the Revised Common Lectionary support each congregation in the kind of work it most needs to do during these weeks to get ready for the next phase of its work during Lent.

SALT (Serving at the Lord’s Table)


CANNED BEANS (northern, pinto, black, kidney, pork & beans)

TOILET PAPER (4-roll package)


BAR SOAP (individually wrapped)


All donations can be left in totes in back hall.

Just look at these numbers:

We delivered about 5,000 boxes to our seniors and disabled individuals last year!

We averaged delivering food boxes to 215 households twice monthly!

We packed about 70,000 pounds of food into those boxes!

We fed over 2,700 people who came to our Open and Mobile Pantries!


What a blessing you all are to our community!

Backpack Program

The Backpack program supports our neediest children. Students are supplied with food items to bridge the weekend gap during the school year. The Church at Pleasant Grove sponsors the Backpack Program for 5 schools in our area and they need help stocking their shelves. Items requested are: Instant Oatmeal Packages; Individual Mac & Cheese; Pudding Cups (non-refrigerated; Ravioli, Spaghetti-O's; Granola Bars; Fruit Cups; Applesauce; Juice Boxes (avoid those with lots of sugar). All donations can be left in the totes in back hallway.

Daylight Savings

Time Begins

Sunday, March 10 @ 2:00 a.m.

Caregivers Coffee Connection

A Caregivers Support Group meets the third Wednesday of the month at 1pm in Cook’s UMC Youth Room. This is to offer respite, support, and connection for those who are caregivers. Our purpose is to surround each other with support and friendship as we encourage the journey of a Caregiver. If you or someone you know would benefit from a loving time of encouragement or just a place to meet and have coffee, desert and conversation please know you are welcome to meet with us. If you have any questions, call Judy at 615-417-9002.

NEXT Meeting Wednesday, March 20 @ 1pm.

Trustees Team

Monday, March 4 @ 6pm

Youth Room

Missions Team

Wednesday, March 6 @ 6pm


Finance Committee

Thursday, March 7 @ 6pm

Seekers Room


Sunday, March 10 @ 3pm

Lamplighters Room

Church Council

Sunday, March 10 @ 4pm

Youth Room

Discipleship Committee

Thursday, March 14 @ 5pm


Worship Committee

Monday, March 18 @ 3pm


CareGivers Connection

Wednesday, March 20 @ 1pm

Youth Room

Congregational Care

Wednesday, March 27 @ 10am

Lamplighters Room

Calendar of Events

Kitchen & Friendship Hall Reserved Friday, March 1

Boy Scout Spaghetti Fundraiser Saturday, March 2 @ 5pm (Friendship Hall)

Trustees Team Monday, March 4 @ 6pm (Youth Room)

Lenten Study Wednesday, March 6 @ 11:45am (Seekers Room

Lenten Study Wednesday, March 6 @ 5:30pm (Youth Room)

Missions Team Wednesday, March 6 @ 6pm (Library)

Finance Team Thursday, March 7 @ 6pm (Lamplighters Room)

Finance Team Sunday, March 10 @ 3pm (Lamplighters Room)

Church Council Sunday, March 10 @ 4pm (Youth Room)

Lenten Study Wednesday, March 13 @ 11:45am (Seekers Room

Lenten Study Wednesday, March 13 @ 5:30pm (Youth Room)

Discipleship Team Thursday, March 14 @ 5pm (Library)

Men’s Club Breakfast Sunday, March 17 @ 7:45am (Youth Room)

Worship Team Monday, March 18 @ 3pm (Library)

Staff Meeting Tuesday, March 19 @ 10am-Noon (Library)

Lenten Study Wednesday, March 20 @ 11:45am (Seekers Room

CareGivers Connection Wednesday, March 20 @ 1pm (Youth Room)

Lenten Study Wednesday, March 20 @ 5:30pm (Youth Room)

Choir Practice Saturday, March 23 @ 10:00 am (Sanctuary & Seekers Room)

Easter Cantata Sunday, March 24 @ 8:45am (Sanctuary)

Congregational Care Wednesday, March 27 @ 10am (Lamplighters Room)

Maundy Thursday, March 28 Dinner @ 6:30pm & Service @ 7pm (Friendship Hall)

Stations of the Cross Friday, March 29 @ 7am – 7pm (Friendship Hall)

Sonrise Easter Service Sunday, March 31 @ 6:30am (Cook’s Pavilion)

Easter Breakfast Sunday, March 31 @ 7:45am (Youth Room)

Church Office Closed Monday, April 1 

Mondays @ 9:30am Bible Study (Youth Room)

Wednesdays @ 7:00pm Choir Practice (Seekers Room)

Thursdays @ 6:00pm Boy Scouts (Youth Room & Shine Room)

Tues. & Thurs. 9am-3pm Oliver Academy

Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays @ 6:00pm TKD (Friendship Hall)

Home Centered

Dot Creasman, Billie East,

Gladys Pennington,

Norman & Ruby Walker

Current Information

The most recent Newsletter, Financial Statement, 2024 Officers / Committee Members Listing, and approved Church Council minutes can be found in the literature rack in the back hallway (just outside the Friendship Hall).

Are You on Facebook?

You can help us spread Cook's news! It's easy: first, be sure to "Like" Cook's Facebook page ( Then keep your eye out for announcements, inspiration, and invitations to worship. When they show up in your FB feed, "Like" or "Share" the posts. The more who do, the more people see it, even if they're not yet members and/or don't “Like” the CUMC page. Have photos from a church event or something you want to promote on social media? Send info/photos to Alison Nash or to the church office.

In Person Giving

An offering plate is passed around during traditional worship service in the sanctuary and an offering basket is available at the back of the Friendship Hall during “The Well” worship service, or you can drop your offering off by the church office during regular business hours.

Online Giving

You can give online at or text cumc to 73256


Standard text message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text HELP to 73256 for help. Text STOP to 73256 to cancel.

Electronic Bank Draft

If you are interested in this easy and convenient way of giving, please contact the church office.

7919 Lebanon Road, Mt. Juliet TN 37122


Sunday Schedule

8:45am Traditional Worship (Sanctuary), Facebook Live & YouTube

10:00am Sunday School

11:00am “The Well” Worship Service (Friendship Hall), Facebook Live & YouTube